
Grand Master Zarel

The building is one that is plain in every sense of the word, designed in such a way that anyone who lays eyes on it will automatically dismiss it, regarding it as nothing special. That is probably for the best. As I place my hand on the door handle, I send a small stream of Uua into it. The door hums as it scans what I sent and then stops as hidden mechanisms within it move. I push the door open and walk in without meeting any resistance.

On the inside, the building is far larger than anyone could possibly guess by looking at its exterior. The exterior is nothing more than a medium-sized bungalow, but the interior is far larger than most mansions. And more heavily protected. Though it is not visible, just beneath the walls and floors of the building are thousand of noers, all working in concert to make sure nothing can get in or out of the building. Except for we Masters, of course.

I snap my fingers and the space around me warps, contorting until where I am standing is the origin of every place in the building. I scan the distorted space around me and find the room I am looking for. After taking a step forward, I release my spell and space returns to normal, but I am no longer at the entrance of the building, instead, I am now standing in the middle of a short hallway facing a worn wooden door.

Frowning, I activate second sight and the world around me changes. Examining the door in front of me, I am able to confirm my suspicions. He had been trying to get out. I tap on the door and all traces of age disappear, leaving it looking brand new. Satisfied, I walk into the room. The room is one that is lavishly furnished, with extravagant decorations, as though the owner couldn't bear letting anything in here seen cheap. Directly opposite the door is a lush king-sized bed, and sitting on it, besides a VR headset, is a man staring warily at me.

Ignoring his anxious gaze, I scan the device at his side, absolutely sure that it hadn't been here the last time I came. The noers on them are not hidden, and they look suspiciously familiar… Miran. The name pops into my head a second later. He must have brought it here, probably to prevent the man from running mad.

I shake my head and then turn to face the criminal. Bran. He had been a widely popular Elder of the Laen Order until a few years ago when he had betrayed us, choosing to work for the one who calls himself the Master, and in the process triggering a war that would have led to a catastrophe for the world had the Eldest not returned from his trip and put an end to everything.

"What do you want, Zarel?"

"Grand Master Zarel."

He pauses, a slightly scared expression on his face, then he finds the courage to retort. "I am no longer a member of the Order."

With each passing second the contempt I feel for him grows. That a once honored Elder, someone so brave, powerful, and charismatic be reduced to this… thing, that had to build up the courage just to retort me. It would have been sad, if not for the fact that the only emotion I felt toward him was hate. Anytime I see or think of him, what follows are memories of the bodies, the ones who died as a result of his actions.

"I know. Which is why I will not tolerate any disrespect toward myself."

He is quiet for a few seconds, then he nods. "Grand Master Zarel. What do you want from me? I thought I was left to die here?"

"You were. But times have changed, and unfortunately for you, that is not possible anymore." I bring out a small inconspicuous-looking stone from my pocket, making sure he gets a clear look at it.

His pupils dilate, his heartbeat and breathing simultaneously increasing as he recognizes the object in my hand. His expression suddenly turns suspicious. "Humans cannot enter there."

I scoff. "Did I say I was here to send you there? I have something else in mind. You are to keep this safe-"

"No no no. I want nothing to do with that. No. No!" He shakes his head vigorously as his expression turns to a fearful one.

"Are you perhaps under the illusion that your will matters in this scenario? Because it doesn't. It's quite funny, really. A few years ago you were willing to do whatever it took to get your hands on this, now I hand it over to you and you refuse to accept it."

His expression turns resolute, and his voice firm. "I am not taking it. Leave me alone. I would rather die than take it!"

This time, I don't bother replying, using telekinesis to guide the stone to him. He swings his arm and an opposing force flings the stone away. With barely a thought, I stop the stone from smashing into a wall. Then anger bubbles up within me.


"Get out! Get out!" Bran screams, rousing his Uua. A second later his third eye opens and a wave of telekinesis gushes out from him as he attempts to push me out of the room.

At that point, I almost lose it, and it takes almost all of my self-control to calm down and avoid killing him immediately. With a flick of my hand, the telekinetic force scatters, shattering everything in the room. He then begins to turn all the Eani in the room into his Uua as he refuses to give up his futile struggle.

A glowing orb rises up behind me and I connect to it, tapping into the incredible power it holds. I clench my hand and forcefully reduce his domain until it is no larger than a centimeter beyond his skin. He unleashes all the Uua he has gathered up till that point but neutralizing the resulting explosion is nothing hard. A few noers flash in my mind and then it is over, he is bound and brought to his knees. Though he is struggling frantically, there is nothing else he can do. Magically or physically. The orb behind me settles.

Looking at his pathetic struggles, I feel the need to remind him. "Remember your wife, Bran."

He pauses, looking at me with disbelieving eyes. "You wouldn't dare."

I chuckle. "Bran. The others might not dare, but I do. And you know it." I release him. He doesn't make any move. I nod, satisfied. The stone flies to him once more and with trembling hands, he reaches out to take it.

"They'll come after me," the fear in his voice is evident. "The Master's minions. If they find out I have it, they'll come after me."

"Then you better pray they don't find out you have it. Besides, you'll be safe here."

He takes a deep breath, attempting to calm himself. "What game are you playing? Why bring me back into this? Couldn't you just kill me and get this over with? Please, I don't want to be a part of all this anymore. Just let me die, please!"

I turn my back to him. "It's far too late for that. Pray that they don't find you, Bran. Oh, and may your day be as wretched as those you killed."

Done with my task, I leave the room.