Noah (2)

As he is dragged toward me, I feel something oppose the telekinesis I have surrounding him. I immediately reinforce it, but it is too late, he managed to slip away. I repeat my previous actions and manage to catch him again since he hasn't moved too far, but once again he creates an opportunity to escape. I repeat my actions once more but this time I get nothing.

Apart from anger, frustration also begins to fill me. I am currently blind, and now that he has escaped my grasp, if I don't manage to pinpoint his location then I can do nothing to him. I stop moving and listen. Apart from increasing things like strength, the enhancement noer in D-three also increased the sensitivity of my senses like smell, and hearing.

I hear something move in the air toward me and quickly block it with Hilla's barrier. I keep on listening, but apart from a few attacks, Noah is careful not to make any more noise. My frustration rises. I need to get him somehow.

Thinking quickly, I raise my hands as I use my telekinesis to form two large blades, pointing in opposite directions from me. Then I cause them to begin to spin. Faster, and faster, and faster. Soon, I am at the center of a very large vortex of air. It is draining my Uua quickly, but at this point I don't really care, I just want to get my hands on him. For some seconds nothing happens, then I hear his feet drag along the ground.

I react fast, directing far more telekinesis than I had used before at his position. Once again, I manage to get him, but he quickly escapes. At this point, frustrated that nothing seems to be working, I change tactics. I release a large number of Roes, causing them to target random positions all around me. Then, before the Uua they were composed of dissipated, I activated the sensitivity noer Luoi had taught me, boosting my ability to sense and use Uua and Eani. Then, I create the noers for Lode - a move I had finished developing in the Lands during my training session with Drew. Lode causes two things containing the opposing noers to be attracted to each other. My plan is simple, release the first of the two noers randomly around the stage, then create the second one on the ground at my feet.

Since the ground is basically immovable, the noers will drag whatever has the first set toward me. I randomly release the noers, then I activate the one at my feet. It works. Somehow, some of them had managed to land on Noah. I can tell by the sound of his feet dragging against the ground as he tries to resist being dragged toward me.

Knowing that if I don't act fast, he'll be able to break free quickly, I release a wave of telekinesis in his direction until I get him, then I pull him toward me. The combined strength of Lode and telekinesis renders him unable to resist, and he is dragged rapidly toward me.

Once he is close to me, I create Hilla's barrier. Not around myself, but around him. And it shows to be a wise choice when I feel something slam into the barrier the exact moment I create it. He let himself be dragged toward me and tried to use that to launch an attack against me. If it weren't for the fact that I created the barrier to prevent him from escaping once again, that attack might have ended this fight, since blind as I am, I probably wouldn't be able to dodge it.

My anger rises again, and I begin to shrink the barrier. In response, he creates one around himself, but it only stops the advance of my barrier for now. No matter what he is going to run out of Uua first. Even if he focuses solely on attacking the barrier, the difference between our Uua will ensure that I will have the last laugh.

"I surrender," he says, resolutely, realizing the same thing I know. I don't release him. He made me blind. Does he think that surrendering is enough to put an end to things? That is not happening until I make him feel some pain.

A hand touches my shoulder. "The fight is over, Ian," Gabe voice says.

For a moment I consider pushing forward. But in the end, rationality wins. Subduing my anger, I let Noah go. Then I raise my hand to touch my eyes. Even now, not a trace of my vision has returned.

A slightly fragrant hand grabs mine and brings it down. "Relax," a female voice says, "I'll treat your eyes now."

"Two minutes should be enough," Gabe tells her. The fragrant hand touches my eyes and warm energy flows into them. The energy moves around, somehow making my eyes feel relieved. Then it leaves my face. I open my eyes, and this time I see.

Relief fills me, and just like that my rage disappears. I blink rapidly and take a good look around me. The girl who just treating me is a Wranth - judging by her red robes - who looks like she's in her early twenties. She has a nice, slightly round face and really long braided hair. She waves a hand in front of my face and then turns to face Gabe. "He's all good."

Gabe nods, and then announces me as the winner. As he does so I notice the state the stage is in, it looks like a fearsome battle just took place, which probably isn't too far from the truth. But now that my anger has disappeared, and I can see the results of my actions, I can't help but feel guilty about my behavior after I lost my sight. Yes, he made me blind, but could I really blame him for it, like me he just wanted to win.

We are teleported back to our seats, and before I have a chance to say or do anything Tobi, Han and Bella begin gushing on about the fight. I partially listen to them while I connect to the World Pool once more to gain my Uua back. My last series of attacks against Noah had drained me really bad.

All of a sudden, Tobi and the rest go quiet, and I am immediately alerted to the presence of someone beside me. I turn to see Noah. He smiles, "Hey Ian, can I sit here?" He nods to an empty seat beside me. After the fights for the rankings for those in the seventeenth to thirty-seventh position, some of them had left.

"Sure," I say, as the feeling of guilt comes back. I can't believe I wanted to hurt this guy that badly.

He sat down and start talking. "That was a good fight. But it's made me understand that you're a pretty scary guy. I mean you have crazy potential, and you know how to use it."

"Ah, sorry about that. I kind of lost my shit when you blinded me."

"Don't worry. It was a fair fight. I just wasn't expecting you to go crazy when I blinded you. When my brother taught me that move, he told me that it would make whoever I used it on unsure and nervous since they can't see anything, but instead it just made you mad."

I think about it. His brother isn't completely wrong. If I had gone blind during something like my fight with the Majin I would have been unsure and nervous. As for why I lost my shit when he did it, I'm not sure. Maybe some part of me knew I could beat him regardless.

"Your brother's right. If it had been any other fight, I might have been as he said."

He nods. "You know, I almost shat myself when you first grabbed me with telekinesis. Then I escaped and a second later you grabbed me again. Then you used that attractive noer on me and then shielded me with Hilla's barrier. Not gonna lie, I've never thought of using the barrier like that."

"Me neither, it just came to me as we fought."

He nods. "Anyway, if it's alright with you, I'd like to spar some other time. I think I could gain a lot fighting with you."

"Sure," I agree instantly. Training is all well and good, but sparring will do nothing but good.

"Alright, good luck with your other fights." He gives me a small wave and then leaves.