Mage Bracelets

If I said that losing to Keldin didn't make me feel bitter, then I would be lying. Even if I had not said it out loud, I wanted to win as a way to prove, not just to everyone else, but to myself that the first time he won it was just because I hadn't known enough to beat him. I had still been a newbie then after all. But now, I couldn't say that. I lost purely due to my recklessness and blind faith in the fact that I had cornered him.

Before Gabe teleported us away from the stage, I congratulated Keldin for his win. It hurt when I did, but I forced myself to do so in the spirit of good sportsmanship. I expected Keldin to sneer at me, or mock me, or react in some annoying way, but he didn't. Instead, he just nodded at me.

With our fight settled, we waited a few minutes, and the first complete temporary ranking was released. Keldin came first, then me, followed by Roy, Bree, and then Noah.

After that, the free challenge section started, where anyone who wasn't satisfied with their ranking could challenge anyone they believed was weaker than them. Most people declined, but Bree did challenge Roy for the third position, and she won. I actually thought she would challenge Keldin, but she didn't, maybe she felt that since he could beat me, then he could also beat her.

With everything finalized, the Rankings were brought to an end. I, Keldin, and Bree were called to the stage to collect our prizes. Keldin, all smiles, collected the two packages, while Bree and I collected one each to the wild applause from the crowd. After that the entire event came to an end, but before we were allowed to leave we were told some vital information by a Teacher.

"For the next three days, this place will be open to everyone. During that time, you can visit the Trump stands outside and sign up with the Court you wish to join. You were previously given a month, so I believe that by now you should have made up your mind. Also, you are all expected to be here on the third day by one in the afternoon. Earth time. Have a nice day."

While everyone else began to leave the room, I stay behind to open the package I was given as a prize. They had also given me two grand as a cash prize, and while that excited me, the artifact I had received was what had my attention. Under the watchful eyes of Tobi, Han, and Bella, I open the package and pull out a pair of beads.

On both beads are ten transparent-looking pearls, with a soft golden glow coming from the center of each pearl. Looking hard, I see that the glow is coming from tiny noers floating in the center of each pearl.

"What does it do?" Bella asks.

I shake my head. "I have no idea. They didn't come with instructions."

For a moment I consider pouring my Uua into it and seeing what happens, but I quickly think better of it. I have no idea what it could do, for all I know activating it could lead to a terrible accident - though I doubt the Laen would give me something so dangerous.

In the end, I put them on both my wrist before asking Bella. "How do I look?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"Girls usually have great fashion sense," I reply.

She shrugs, looking a bit unsure. "It looks fine, I guess."

That sounds good enough to me. "Let's go check out the Trump stands before we leave. Have you guys decided on which court you're going to join?"

"I'm going for space," Tobi answers as we begin moving. "It isn't a major Trump yet, but it's going to get there pretty soon."

Says Han, "I'm picking the Super Trump." He turns to Bella. "You?"

"I don't know yet. Can't make up my mind. I'm just going to visit all the stands before I pick one. We still have three days right, so there's still enough time. What about you, Ian?"

"I still can't make up my mind, but the choice is definitely between True Body, and Arcane. Though I am leaning a bit towards Arcane at the moment. That's why I want to visit the stands, maybe I'll find something that'll break the tie."

We continue making small talk as we leave the building. Outside, I spot Drew and his team waiting for me. Lathia quickly spots me and waves me over. I am about to start going to them when I pause, then I turn back to Tobi and the rest. "Hey, hey don't you guys follow me? I'll introduce you to them." I still haven't forgotten what Bella told me about them having it harder since there is no senior helping them out.

They refuse quickly, giving the explanation that they would feel uncomfortable being around us since we're all older. I hesitate, but I accept their excuse. That doesn't mean I have given up though, I will still find a way to formally introduce them in the future.

"You see," Lathia says as I come close, "you had no reason to worry about the Rankings. You even came second."

"He would have come first if only his single brain cell could comprehend that Keldin's barrier might not have extended into the earth," David remarks.

I am not going to take that sitting down, however. "Well, at least I have a full brain cell. I'm still in a better position than you and your brother who are sharing half a brain cell."

Lathia laughs. "That's actually pretty accurate."

At this point, Drew intervenes, "Okay. Enough with the insults. Is the artifact they gave you?"

"Yeah," I say, taking one of them off and handing it over to him. "Do you know what it is?"

He scans it quickly, before nodding to himself. "Mage bracelets. Probably the latest ones. Not bad for your first artifact."

"What do they do?" I ask as I collect the beads back from him.

"Each bead can store a spell, and then release it while boosting its power by fifty percent. Also, each bracelet can boost spells you cast by fifty percent, so long as you activate them beforehand. All in all, it's pretty good for a first artifact."

"Oh," I say.

"You sound disappointed," Drew points out.

"I guess I was expecting something more."

"Translation, he was expecting something fancier," Lathia says. "Drew's right though, the Mage bracelets are pretty good. It seems bland at first until you realize that each bracelet can increase your power by fifty percent. There are two of them. That basically just doubles your attack power. Plus, you can store Ultimates in there, and it'll also boost their power by fifty percent."

Says Drew, "And before you ask, Ultimates are your most powerful spells. They're usually Uua intensive, but with the Mage bracelets you can store them ahead of time and use them in a battle for no Uua cost, plus their power is increased by fifty percent. Trust me, you'll be using these for a very long time."