To Stop A Crime

The next day, I found out very quickly just how much work I had taken on. After school, I had gone to the Library in the Metorium to begin learning Glide: the movement skill Kane had ordered me to master. I rarely used the library, so I still wasn't exactly sure how exactly everything worked, thankfully I met a guy who quickly explained how things worked and I was finally able to get what I wanted, resources on learning Glide.

The Metorium's library is a trove of information housing books, smart devices (surprisingly), and some other types of information devices that are all very useful. I learned Glide from the latter devices. On the surface it looked like a book, but it worked like a smart phone and had a very cool feature. For a brief moment, it allowed me to feel what it was like to use Glide. And it allowed me to feel everything, how my body would move, how to utilize my Uua, how it would feel as I zipped through the air, everything.

So, after spending almost an hour making sure I knew all of its intricacies, variations, and workings, I decided to go to the Lands to actually put it into practice. That way, I could also seek Luoi's help if something went wrong.

In the Lands, I summoned Luoi and told him my simple request: Watch me while I train. In reply, he flicked one of his ears and gave me a nod. That settled, I began to train.

Around a quarter of an hour later, after falling to the ground for the umpteenth time, Luoi put a stop to things. "As much as I enjoy watching your suffering, I think you should stop for a moment."

Panting, I turn toward him. "You enjoy watching me suffer?"

Somehow, even through the mostly expressionless deer face I think I see a grin. "Of course. Or have you forgotten my nature? Either way, I think you're missing something here."

I sit down with a sigh. "Alright. What do you think I'm missing?"

"Before I do that, can you explain the skill in detail?"

"Alright." I begin.

* * * * * *


It took days of pestering for Ary to finally agree to having another lesson with me. Once I was done with school, I rushed home, dumped my stuff and went to the park before moving deeper to the edge of the woods behind it. There, I stayed till sunset training with Ary. I wasn't worried about discovery since Ary could tell when someone was coming our way, I also really didn't care about the fact that I was there so long. My mom never comes home early, and Ian usually just spends most of his time in his room these days, so I doubt he'll even notice that I'm not at home.

By the time it ends I am tired, sweaty, and happy. Ary lounges lazily on my shoulder as she lets out a deep sigh. "Are you happy now, you little wench?"

"Wench? Do you need help updating your vocabulary? Because, just in case you don't know, Wench isn't a word anymore."

Ary snorts but doesn't reply.

I start walking home, enjoying the feel of the cool evening breeze against my skin. After what felt like a rigorous exercise this is just what I needed. "Thanks, Ary, really."

In reply Ary decides to just yawn really loudly. I laugh, understanding what she's trying to tell me: 'I'm too tired to even reply to you.' I reach out to pet her head, then I remember she is intangible and drop my hand. But that gets me thinking, if she's intangible and I'm the only one that I can see her, then how can I guarantee that she's real? What if she's all in my head?

As I consider this problem I continue walking almost mechanically home. All of a sudden, Ary says. "Yum." That snaps me back to myself, and as I turn to her to ask what is so yum, I see it. A man pressed closely behind a woman as he whispers something into her ear. I stop. They are still a way in front of me, but something about the situation just doesn't seem right.

Maybe it's the woman's posture, the man's wary stance, or even the fact that the man's posture makes it seem like he is pressing something into her back, but some part of me is quite sure I am witnessing a crime in progress.

Thinking quickly, I take a look around me. I'm only halfway to my house, but I am still in a place with plenty of buildings. Right now, however, the place is deserted. Not wanting the man to suddenly notice and then target me, I move silently into the shadows of a nearby building and continue watching.

After speaking to the woman, she begins to search her purse and hand things to the man. Watching this, anger begins to flare up within me. People like this man are nothing but leeches, they do nothing and then go about forcing others to support their existence. It's sickening.

"I want to stop him," I tell Ary.

"He has a gun," Ary points out. Somehow, she has managed to find out what he's pressing into that woman's back.

"Okay. I can use the attract spell to snatch it from him, then…"

"Why bother? Just let them finish their little play. He robs her, she calls the police, he's taken to jail, the end."

"A play, Ary? A play? I thought you were better than this. That woman just had her world turned upside down by a lazy schmuck too lazy to work to get some cash and you call it a play?"

"Sorry," Ary apologizes but it doesn't sound sincere. "But that's what law enforcement is for, isn't it?"

I make my decision. "I'm going, regardless of what you say."

"What if he has another weapon hidden?"

"I have magic."

"Which you know next to nothing about. Besides, you don't even know how to fight."

I turn to look at her as I get an idea. "Then why don't you take over. With your knowledge of magic, he should be a piece of cake for you to handle." I see her freeze and shake my head. "Just how lazy are you, Ary? Whatever, I've told you my choice."

"Wait, wait, you're planning on using magic in public. That's a very bad idea. There's an Order who want to keep magic under wraps, and if they get you… it could end up badly."

I give her an expression that says: 'I'm not convinced.' In the end she just sighs and agree to help me before jumping into my body, I do not resist her taking control. I turn back to the scene of the crime, but the man is gone, leaving the woman all alone. I am not disappointed though, as long as she is determined Ary can and will track him down.