Christmas Eve

After he leaves the rest of my team turns to me. Bella takes the lead to ask, "So what do we do now?"

I don't answer immediately, instead taking some time to think a bit. "Well," I say in the end, "I guess we just do exactly what Kane said. Do whatever we can to prepare ourselves and then go home. So let's brainstorm first, what do you guys think we'll need to complete the mission."

Everyone is silent as they consider my question, but then Adelia breaks the silence. "There's no way we can know what we need, we don't even know what the mission is about!"

"That's right," Tobi agrees. "How are we to prepare when we don't even know what we'll need? Maybe he wanted us to train?"

I shoot down that suggestion. "I doubt it. At this point, no amount of training is going to give us any substantial boost to our strength. So… well, I guess there's nothing we can do really."

Bella begins to get worried. "Are we going to fail the mission? We don't even know how to prepare. Maybe we should call Kane or something and ask-"

"Stop." I interrupt her. "Alright listen, here is what we're going to do. We're going to go home and enjoy Christmas, and then on the day of the mission we're going to meet here as Kane said."


"No buts. Like you said there's really nothing we can do to prepare… at least physically. I mean, even if we know what the mission is about what are we going to do? It's not like we have tools to use or anything like that. So let's prepare mentally, by relaxing a bit for the next few days so that we'll be at our peak on the day of the mission. Besides, Kane and his team are most likely going to be with us so even if things go wrong we'll be safe. Also, this is our first mission so I doubt anyone expects us to be perfect. So, let's just go home and rest."

Noah nods, "I agree. There's not much we can do to prepare at this point. So why not just relax? I mean if it was something serious Kane probably wouldn't be so relaxed."

With Noah agreeing with me the rest quickly calm, and soon they all agree to go home. Before they leave however I give a quick reminder. "Remember to bring your Apprentice robes on the day of the mission."

"Why?" Adelia asks.

"Someone once told me they offered a certain level of protection so it wouldn't hurt to bring them."

With that, they leave, but I don't leave just yet, choosing instead to make my way to where Luoi usually is. I spend the rest of the day with him, not training or anything, just relaxing and enjoying the company of the deer. Just before night falls in the Lands I replace the Ultimate Roe I had used earlier in the day, when sparring with Adelia and then finally leave.

When I get home, I go straight to my room and open my wardrobe. At the very bottom, covered in some clothes, I unearth the gifts I had bought for my mother and sister. Ignoring my sister's presents, I open the box where I had kept my mother's and pull out the winning lottery ticket from my pockets. After a moment's deliberation, I place it at the bottom of the box before closing it back and hiding the presents once more.

Then, obeying the call of my body I flop down on my bed and drift off to sleep. Each of my Ultimate Roes is made from almost all my Uua, that's why they are so powerful. But, using almost my Uua to make one always leaves me feeling drained and so I usually rest after filling them up.

I let out a loud yawn before finally drifting off to sleep.

The next day I woke up very early, there is work to do after all. I clean up my room with the snap of my fingers and hurry up to finish the rest of my chores with magic before anybody wakes up. With that done I head to the bathroom to clean myself up. By the time I am done and have changed into new clothes, my mom has woken up and made her way to the kitchen.

"Good morning!" I say to her, hugging her from behind.

"Good morning," she says sounding a bit surprised. "Why are you so happy today?"

"Oh, nothing much," I say, unable to keep a smile from forming on my face as I think about her present. "I'm just feeling the Christmas spirit."

"Christmas spirit? The only things you've ever cared about during Christmas are presents and food. Food… ah, today is going to be a long day."

"But it'll all be worth it tomorrow."

We continue to make small talk as my mom boils water to make her usual cup of tea. When the water seems to be taking too long I decide to take matters into my hands. I move closer to the kettle and making sure she can't exactly see what I'm doing, I activate the heat absorbing noer, but following Justin's teachings I change some parts of it to ensure it only absorbs heat from the stove, I don't want to freeze my house after all. Once it absorbs enough heat I make a few more changes and direct it into the kettle where it released the heat it had stored. Almost immediately the water begins to boil.

"That was fast," my mother says as she turns off the stove.

"Good morning everybody," Emily bursts into the kitchen sounding unnaturally cheerful. "What a beautiful Christmas morning this is."

"Christmas is tomorrow," I point out. "Today is the day of work." Her expression promptly falls.

"Good morning dear," mom says. "Tea?"

Emily takes a deep breath. "No." Then she turns to me. "Alright, let's get to work brother. We have much to accomplish."

"Most of the decorations are done, only the thing is left the tree."

"For you. For me, the main work starts after. Cooking. Come on, let's get to work."

"You two go ahead, I'll start making breakfast and join you once I am done." My mom finishes her tea and drops the cup with a satisfied sigh. I nod and go to bring out the box containing the tree decorations, then Emily and I get to work.

"Cassandra is having a party," Emily mentions.

"When? Tomorrow?"

"No. New Year's Eve. She wants to spend tomorrow with her family. You're invited."

"Are you the one inviting me or is she the one?"

"Her, obviously. I'm just a humble messenger. To be honest, I'm even surprised she's holding another party, especially after what happened at the last one. I figured it would give her PTSD or something."

"Well, it seems you were wrong."

"Anyway, this time is going to be different. If any noob walks into that party thinking he can cause any sort of trouble he'll be met with crushing force."

"From who? You?"

"Of course. Who else? You? Sorry bro but you're nothing more than a slightly fire-resistant hero."

I shake my head not answering her. I would go to the party. This time if anyone attempts to crash it, I would take care of them myself. I am no longer as helpless as I was earlier this year.