A New Way Of Doing Things

"What do you mean?" Hugo asks with a frown. I quickly explain the appearance of the masked man to him. At the end of my tale, he gives Kane a small nod. "Thanks for taking care of them."

Kane shrugs carelessly. "Well, it's my job so you don't have to thank me. Without that guy there, the mission would have gone pretty smoothly for them. They're pretty strong for Pre-protectors."

Hugo nods again. "Give me a detailed description of this 'masked man'. I'll put a hit on him, someone with so little regard for human life shouldn't be left roaming around."

Kane obliges and describes the masked man to the best of his ability, then he gives me a strange look. "He seemed to know Ian though."

Hugo turns to me and I nod. "I've met him once, he was trying to kill some Erhaz kids and I interfered. He said the next time he sees me would be the last, and it almost was."

Hugo lets out a sigh. "Lunatics everywhere. Alright, I'll take care of the rest. Consider that bastard gone. Ian, prepare a report on how the mission went, Kane will show you how to do it. When you're done submit it to me. Now, you all can leave, I have to turn the glasses in."

We say our goodbyes and head to our respective homes. Exhausted, I face-plant on my bed and immediately fall asleep.

* * * * *

Grand Master Zarel

"...And that's why I think my proposal is a good one. I know something like this has never been done before, but currently, we're in a situation we haven't ever been in before either. So, it's either we make radical moves that could change things for the better, or we stick to the old ways and get lost in the process."

I look at Miran in silence, considering his proposal. Most of the younger generation probably wouldn't like it, after all, it would effectively put a stop to how relaxed things are currently while also putting them under a lot of stress, but I know for a fact that they can handle that stress and that in the end, it will be all worth it. If it works, they could all have their strengths greatly increased in a very short period of time. Still, should it be done… too much pressure may not bring about the results we want, but at the same time it may bring it and more if it succeeds.

A slow knock on the door breaks my considerations. "Come in," I say.

Less than a second later a refined middle-aged man walks into the room. He is wearing a light-green robe, but instead of the usual black noers, his robes are inscribed with gold ones, marking him as a Grand Elder of the Order. Even without trying to, I can sense several artifacts on his person, not surprising given that he makes them for fun.

"Grand Elder Rick, welcome." I motion for him to take a seat. He nods, greeting me first, before greeting Miran.

"You called for me?" He asks, looking at me with a strangely intense gaze.

I nod. "Yes. This came in earlier, I believe it belongs to you." I pass him a case.

A strange glint appears in his eyes as stares pointedly at the case for some seconds, then he reaches out to take it. He opens it to reveal a pair of glasses, the Eyes of Deceit. He doesn't touch them, choosing instead to stare at them for an unreasonably long amount of time. Then he turns to look at me, the glint in his eyes disappearing.

"It's a good copy. Where did you make it?" Says Rick.

"A copy?"

"Yes. The person copied the noers really well, but he missed a few key things. Still, it's not bad, it should be able to do half the things mine can."

Miran raises an eyebrow. "Only half?"

Rick glares at him, or at least gives him a look that looks like a glare. "Obfuscation. That's the only real way we artisans have to protect our works from unwanted copying. Most of the noers on this thing are useless, and if you don't understand the principles I used to build them, even if you copied all the noers right, it still won't have the same power as the original. Still, with a bit of work, I can make this even stronger than the original, I just need to first get rid of some of the noers preventing this thing from working properly, then I could add something to protect the user from Illusions, I didn't add that to the original so it's like a glass cannon, also-"

I raise a hand bringing an end to his tirade. "You're sure it's a copy?"

Rick lets out a deep breath. "Yes, I am. On the original, a lot of the noers used to make it were not activated, but I made it look as though they were to prevent copycats. This has every noer activated, that's why it's so weak. It's not mine. I heard some Pre-protectors went on a mission to find a Laen artifact, was it meant to be to retrieve the Eyes?"

I nod. "Yes. But it seems like we were tricked."

Rick gives a knowing nod. "Tough. Can I have this? Was there any Illusionist on the team that retrieved it?"

"You can have it. And yes, there was an Illusionist on the team, Noah Stoll, I believe."

"Stoll? That family?"

I nod. "Yeah. The Unseen. Why are you asking?"

"Well, I want to use this copy to recreate an upgraded version of the Eyes. When it's done, I won't have any need for this low-effort crap so I figured I might as well give it to someone who can put it to good use."

"You want to give such a powerful artifact to a kid?" Miran asks in a disapproving tone.

"Yeah. Is there a problem with that? Look, it's not as though this is as powerful as the original, so what's there to be worried about? Besides, those kids are going to handle powerful artifacts sooner or later, why not sooner?"

"You realize," says Miran, "that the Eyes of Deceit isn't a simple artifact? Even if this is just a copy, it's far too dangerous to give to a kid."

"If it bothers you that much then I can make it safer. Lock some of its more advanced functions until he's 'ready'." Rick turns to face me. "Is that all?"

I nod, and after giving me a small nod, he leaves the room. I sink back into my thoughts. A copy. It was just a copy. Meaning the real one is still out there, somewhere. The fact that such a dangerous artifact is still at large gives me pause, we would have to be careful with how we handle things from now on. A traitor could deal some serious damage if we aren't careful.

"Miran, let's try things your way."

Miran nods before getting to his feet. "Good. I'll give the orders."

* * * * * *

The Masked Man

I walk into the house and silently shut the door behind me. My encounter with those Laen kids is still fresh in my mind, especially that boy - Kane. I hadn't expected to come across someone that strong when I tried to intercept them. I put my hand on my chest as I feel a sharp twinge of pain, it's not real though, I wasn't hurt by that kid or I would be close to death by now.

The last few moments of the fight had been dangerous, but the moment I got my hands on the Eyes, the fight was over. I had wasted no time in putting it on before I began to weave a reality that even they would believe. Kane hadn't actually hit my chest, though he believes he did. That girl never got her hands on the Eyes, what she got instead was a decoy that the Boss had decided to let them have so as to get them off our backs. Everything went perfectly. Except that bastard boy had survived.

After my familiar attacked him, I thought he was done for sure. I had promised to end him the next time we met and I thought that attack would finish him off, but then that girl interfered. Ian, at least now I know his name. I'm not a petty person, but I always make sure to keep my word. Since I promised him death, he'll get it soon.

I close my eyes and focus inward, and it doesn't take much effort before I feel Idna resting within me. I open my eyes back, enjoying the sense of safety that comes with knowing she is with me.

Walking into the living room, I turn on the lights before sinking into the couch. After the battle, I contacted the boss and handed the Eyes of Deceit over to him. I have no idea what he wants it for, but I feel comforted knowing that something so powerful didn't fall into the hands of the Laen today.

"Feeling cozy?"

My eyes snap open as I jump to my feet, instantly alert. Within me, I can sense Idna's shock. Someone had managed to get inside the house without alerting either of us. In front of me is a young man dressed in all black, a quick glance at his hand reveals a black glove and helps me to understand his identity. A member of the Ascendant Union, like me.

Narrowing my eyes I look at his face. It seems familiar and with Idna's help, I am able to know why. "Tahku. What do you want? Why did you break into my house?"

"Oh, so you recognize me. That's good."

"You haven't answered my questions."

"You'll find out what I want soon enough. As for breaking into your house, well, your door was open so I let myself in. Listen, I have something to tell you."

Something in his tone set off alarm bells in my head. Whatever he came here for, it's definitely not something good. Idna slips out of my body, placing itself between me and him. It seems I will have to feed her really well soon.

A loud booming laugh comes out from Tahku, but I can clearly see that it is not Tahku that is laughing. A second later I see the perpetrator as a hulking beast walks out of him, half man, half bull. A minotaur. As I sense the aura of the Fasuru my blood runs cold. This is not a normal Fasuru. The Fasuru shifts to one side, allowing me to see Tahku clearly.

"Listen," says Tahku. "Twice, you have attacked someone who I'm supposed to be protecting. His name is Ian Walker, and as you already know, he is a Laen."

"So you fraternize with the Laen?"

"Don't interrupt me. I do not fraternize with the Laen, I just have an interest in the kid, and you have tried to kill him twice. I came to tell you this, there will be no third attempt."

"You can't make me do anything?"

He raises an eyebrow. "Oh. I can't?"

The next moment the Minotaur moves, grabbing Idna by the head. I try to run to his rescue but my muscles suddenly lock in place. I can do nothing but watch as it raises Idna and slams its other hand into its belly. Then Idna begins to scream and thrash, but no matter what it does it is unable to escape. Its screams rise in pitch until it feels as though my eardrums are about to burst, then there is a bright light. Then there is silence.

I blink rapidly to get rid of the afterimages, and when I am finally able to see again, Idna is gone, and in the Minotaur's hand, there is nothing but a small wisp of light. Even in that form, I can still recognize Idna.

Idna floats gently to the ground as the Minotaur lets go of him and walks back to its master, meanwhile, the lock on my muscles is finally released. I move forward, catching what is left of Idna in my hands. After about a second, she slowly seeps into me.

I turn to face Tahku as fear and anger battle for dominance within me. "I will report you to the Union."

Tahku gives me a small smile. "You won't." And with that, he leaves.

For some minutes, I stand there in silence, struggling to take in all that has just happened. In the end, I am consumed by anger. So he thinks he can just walk in here, injure my Fasuru just to make a point, and walk away scot-free? And all that because he wants to protect that bastard of a boy? Well, he's got another thing coming. I can't hurt him, but that sure as hell isn't the same for the boy.