In the dark space, shan is flouting like a balloon,as he open his eye slowly and see a blur place, then suddenly a flash come on his eye, and he get up ''ohh, oh, ohh'' as he try to catch his breath, he see, that he is laying on bed in room and ceremony is completed long time ago, as thinking what was that dark blur space, his uncle come who was a person in charge of ceremony and said, 'are you ok,shan? as he see it with worried eye, Yes I am, thanks uncle for caring me to room, was not me, Lilly was one, ohh okay, then,,,
I think he not remember that he makes seven wonder angry, it will be right to not tell him now.
I am now going to make my world, let's go as in high spirit he say and go out of room, after some second, he come again and peek from door side, 'umm', well uncle, 'How can I go to my planet,'? hemm with a small smile his uncle said, ok come with me, as saying that they both go to his uncle office and his uncle give him a device and said, so shan follow it mark and you will make it to your planet but after that you need to make Life forms on your World, you know how to do it, right? "un" un-huh" Yes, with some weird face with tougue on his nose , OK, so you don't know as saying it, he go to near his office desk and after unlock some drawer and he take a orb on his hand, it see like orb is some type of rare gem as purple and light green shining come from it.
After see it, shan in happy and excitement say, is it for me uncle as a parting gift?,, as big big cry fall from his cheek, I will always keep it with me as locket as he said and he make locket of it and wear it on neck, no idiot it'not parting gift, Yes it is a gift but it will help you to build your World, what? in confused as shan see orb from all side, how can it help me to build my world?,,
After landing on your planet, create your first living being and attached that in his chest after that ,it will gain knowledge of how to build world and other relating information about it, so first make him and always listen his advice as it 100% accurate. ok shan, are you listening me, as shan looking orb with full focus, Yes Yes I am, this is really amazing...
ohh no, can he really make his world, as in more worries and tension he said. As shan said, OK then thank you uncle for every thing till now, when I will become superme ruler I will grant you any wise so think from now as he said, that in happy and excitement and confidence his uncle see him and think,
ohh he really become big,,, as he look on through window and outside sky, as said to shan to be well and always eat proper, and don't make problem for meee.... as he turn and see it, ohhh where is he go? again, he see through window as shan is flying in sky towards his new life, his uncle thinks that,
he is try to become The One Who No One Can...
In space, as shan flying towards his planet with help of his uncle Device and his some god's power and anyone can use, as this is world of god's, everyone is god..
After some time he make it to ''Area of Abondon'', as it name suggest all universe waste come here and shan don't know that as he see around his planet has only garbage and wastage of many things, now what I will do now?, as he think and see his locket oh Yes that's it...he remember that orb as knowledge so it can help him.. after that he dash forward to planet surface and land
so, now it's time....
let's start, ok so what to do now?
as think and think and thinking in deeply as he lean on backward slowly slowly umm it was something like drop blood, and what. let's first try it.
As, shan scratch his hand with other hand and drop some blood dip in soil and in that action his locket orb is drop top of blood and after contacting each both blast and shan flew away opposite side of it, shan sense that something exciting will,
what will happen,
what will happen,
what will happen,
as he said it really fast and in that moment, black cloud come and thunder Start appearing as like some big typhoon or Strom will come as shan push back from air force and he think it will come, my first strongest and amazing creation, 'oh ohhh oh' as raining start and thunder striking each other and Strom become more powerful than, a flash come from orb and blood and after it shan rub his eye to see his best creation,
unn un-huh what the hell is it?
A small girl with blue dress and light red hair come in it and say 'hello my supreme ruler' after hearing it, shan see like a man without life and he said, I don't want to become your supreme ruler,.,
Yes, I know you want become this world and its people supreme ruler...
hemm, how you know that, in anger and killing instant, he see her,
don't angry my ruler, I am your blood I know everything about you and your motive to become supreme ruler...
oh so, then never tell that to anyone, no matter what or who, this is my first order as your supreme ruler.
Yes, my ruler, I will obey you and you only.
OK now, let's start from creating my world after saying it in very proud and show off as he is looking up and she is on her kneel after some second, she said, umm, my ruler, let's start it,
he don't respond him, as shan face is sweating and become weird shape don't tell me my ruler that you don't know what to do from now on, right?
no,, I know it but I am thinking to give you chance to say it, OK OK in worried and confused, what will happen to this world which is not even born, ohh god help me,,,
oh yeah he is god, then don't help me as she look at him and said OK,
I will now give you a proper knowledge of how to build world listen it carefully, okay?
as shan is running surrounding and enjoying and saying this is my world as he rub his cheek on surface and kiss it after seeing it she thought, okay...I will do something...
(as this scene view goes up slowly slowly)
"This is a world of god's,
In this world, any God can have as many as life and power as want, all of it solely depend on his world" and, as shan create his world, as a first step towards become, to rule this universe...
He will become or not all of it's depend on his own destiny or his hardworking...
Yes, this is beginning of, to become a one, that no one can ,,,
Supreme Ruler of Supreme Era...