The Water Dam Kingdom (part 2).

As shan catch a masked person,

and take of mask,

what? what are you doing here? as shan ask,

Lilly, I am asking you,

as she is quiet,

Do you know her? as Maria ask,

Yes, she is my childhood friend,

what? then why you feel dangerous when you notice her,

as Lilly see to shan face,

what? so you feel dangerous when you with me, as she said,

no, I just...

( damn Maria, why she need to tell her,

that's why, I thought it is really nostalgic dangerous feeling,)

no, it just misunderstanding, someone is following us,

you can notice them right,

as Lilly focus on surrounding,

Yes, it's four,

let's go somewhere else shan,

Yes, I also need to ask you why and what are you doing here with mask on face,

as shan signal maria,

let's go from here,

as Lilly take smoke ball and use it to run,

as shadows react,

ohhh so they think, they can run from us,

as all four shadows disappears in air,

on some room,

Now Lilly tell me,

what are you doing here?

huh, why I need to tell you?

I can go where I want,


OK OK don't worry, I will tell you everything so first relax and seat,

as shan and Maria seat on chairs of room,

shan, she need to go outside, as Lilly said,

what? why? as Maria asked,

I can't tell you,


because you are knight,

un huh, now I Will not go outside because it can be related kingdom and it's people,

as Lilly stand up and try to rise her fist,

as Maria also take her sword,

stop it, both of you, as shan stand up and said,

as they both seat on chair,

don't worry Lilly, I will take responsibility for Maria, she is nice,

OK, shan if you said,

as shan seat on his chair, now tell,

Shan, as you know that, we god choose our planet to rise,


I choose my planet in wonder way of Colise God, that's my biggest mistake of my life,

what do you mean?

as you know that Colise is the top of universe guard force, he maintain not only rule of his wonder way, but also other wonder way,

he use universe guard force to catch criminal,

but that not all,

shan you remember that when you said that you don't work under any god, and I said it's impossible to live in universe without seven wonder god help, it was wrong,

he,,he,,he... take my planet and killed me,


more specifically, he thought that I am death that's why I am alive now,

he's power is real shan,

my planet, my family, and my friend which I make, he take all of them and kill also some of them,

as she is crying and in very sad,

I don't know that seven wonder god can do that,

they are really scum,

no, not all of them is like Colise,

one of the seven god help me to escape from there and now I am here,

what? who help you?

he is....

as she is try to saying... shadow's come from window and attack on shan and Lilly and

as shan stop their attack and counter them,

who the hell they are?

as Maria said,

so, you are the One who following us, as shan said,

oh, so you notice,

of course you notice, because we want you to come as far as from city,

as you can see we are shadows, we work secretly and quietly,

what do you want from us?

oh nothing, we just order to torture you,


who the hell give you that order?

you don't need to know, because from now, you will become our slave and we will enjoy your torture Full heartily,

as said this all 4 attack,

two on shan and two on Lilly as

see this Maria come and help shan,

are you OK?

Yes, Maria go and help Lilly,

I can handle this two,

as she see on Lilly,

she is in problem to face two at once,

as maria go and help her,

don't think I will thank you, as Lilly said to Maria,

of course, knight don't help for thanks,

as said this, both start to fight shadow,

on shan side,

shan go outside for more space and two shadow follow him,

as one come in front of shan,

you can't run from us,

heh, who say I am running?

you will be running in some second,

as said this, shan attack on first shadow with punch, but shadow easily Dodge it and second shadow attack on shan from back with magic as shan see attack, he dodged it and next moment, some bullet from come side this time first shadow attack it and shan don't have time to dodge it, as he use divine flow in his hand and counter bullet,

as shan come on surface and think,

what is that attack?

is that the attack human and other race use for fighting, I heard about them in class but don't know more about it,

as Maria and Lilly also struggling with other two shadows, and as see that he said to Maria,

we can retreat if you are struggling?

are you Idiot, I can easily beat them, but Lilly is struggling, as Maria said,

un hun, who said I am struggling I can beat that shadow in some minutes,

as both said while fighting,

OK then, beat them fast so we can catch Ben and save Rio and other,

as said this, shan also become serious and fight,

as first shadows use pistols again, but this time shan is aware of it and quickly fly to him and attack on his pistol and punch on his stomach and unconscious him, as second shadow come and use his magic of fire,

as shan see it and fire fried shan and smoke spread as shan feel hot and damaged,

ouccc, it is really hot,

amazing, magic and modern techniques,

it is amazing,

I will try to make magic and modern techniques on my planet also,

as said this, shan fly very speedily that even shadow who is known for their speed can't catch shan with eye,

as shan very speedily moving, as shadow also focus on his surrounding and try to feel shan attack, as shan come instantly and grab shadow stomach,

what? when did you come that close,?

heh, now,

or when,

as said this, shan try to fly in sky with shadow, but shadow quickly react to his grip and get out of shan hand,

ohh, it's really close,

I feel like if I take that attack then, it's finished, as shadow spoke,

Yes, you are right,

it is my best technique until now, as shan said,

oh so, it mean you don't have anything which work on me, again shadow spoke,

techhh, techhh, techhh,,,

as shan wave his first finger of hand and said,

it's until now I said,

this is perfect moment, to try my new technique, as it will hurt more than before, but I think you deserve this technique,

as said this with smile on his face,

shan move and shadow also move,

as they both fighting in air and Clashes like two sword, as they both using full power,

as shan finding opening in shadow, but can't find any then he kick on his butt as shadow see that,

where the hell you think attacking?

as he focus on his butt, shan vanished and,

as shadow see,

shit, he did that to distract me,

where is he, where is he?

as shadow moving his eye very speedly and try to find shan, and he see a sudden shadow,

find you,

as he attack on that and after that crashed on surface he see,

what? what are you doing here?

as he attack on his fellow shadow,

shit, where is he?

as he see that, shan is fighting with other shadow and beat them,

what the hell are you doing?


just beating them, I don't have time to waste here anymore, as they seem like weak compare to you,

so, I thought it best to beat them first,

you bastard, who the hell you think you are?


I am men who will rule this universe once and become supreme ruler,

hahhha hahhaha



did you think you can become that?

as shadow is laughing and saying,

no, I am not thinking,

I am on my way to become that,

as shan said,

shadow attack on shan in very frustrated and in that moment, sham smile and shadow think,

why he is smiling?

as shadow stop in air,

what? what is this? why I am not moving?

how can I stuck in air?

as shadow see on where shan is,

but he didn't see Shan,

shit, it's his technique,

how can he even stop me in mid air?,

from where he coming,

right or left or above or... below,

as shan didn't come in any direction,

hun un, did he run away from here?

hahaha what the loser,?

as shan voice come from,

where is he?

oh no, if he is not on,

left, right, above, below or even front,

then it's means,

correct, here I am...

as shan come from his back side, and said,

feel it,

The Disaster of Rolling Strom,

as said this,

shan hold shadow head and rolling it and rolling it and speed up rolling, as shadow is feel very uneasy,

stop it, stop it, as he said in very low voice,

what? I can't hear you?

as shan throw him on sky,

as shadow feel like he is save, if shan didn't throw him on ground, as thinking it,

his mind and stomach and whole body become numb and feeling like current is running, and omitting, as he flying in sky all of it become more effective and in the end,

shit, what the hell is this attack?

it's very dirty,

as he vanished in sky...

shan, why don't you finish him?

what if he come again? as Maria asked,

don't worry, now he will never come in front of me again?

as Maria think,( no need to be cool you just throw him and That's all, and as she see and other shadow,

OK, you defeated them also,)

as Lilly come and said,

OK, shan let's continue,

so, I am saying that,

the one who save me from seven wonder god Colise is another seven wonder god,

his name is.....