As a big space ship flying in space, in that, all are sleeping very deeply and in certain room of spaceship shan is sleeping, as he dreaming that how bodyguard cut him with two big sword and his friends in danger but he can't do anything, as in panic he get up in high breathing and,
no,,, what happened to me? as he said,
as hear it Ben come and,
so, you get up shan, you are sleeping for four days, as he said,
what happened to everyone? as shan asked,
don't worry every one is ok, they are sleeping,
OK, how was we get out of that planet ? and what happened to that bodyguard person who had demon sword?
did you really not remember anything about your fight with him?
uh Yes, I remember that he attack on me with demon sword and cut me and a.. an..and I can't remember, as shan try to think in that moment his stomach growl and he fall on bed,
first eat something as Ben go and take food to shan bed, as shan is eating very fast and many, as finish food shan get up and go out of room to see other, as he see other are also sleeping,
where is rio? as he asked to Ben
and Maria and Lilly also?
rio is sleeping on other room and Maria was helped us to get this spaceship and Lilly,
what? Lilly is still on that planet, how can you left her, as shan asked to Ben,
she have to find something so she left,
I said to her that if you stay here then eventually knight palace, knights will find you, but she said,
I can't go, now I think, I can't get revenge on Colise god when I am so weak, so I am going to restore my planet and when I become strong enough to face him, I will revenge but for that I need to find a special material which is said to recover any destroyed planet core, in my way to here I find some information about it that, that material can be on this planet, so I am going to find, tell shan, next time when I meet him I will be pro God,
(A god who pass young god in training exam and enter in god career).
OK, so Lilly is also trying her best in her own way, I need to also quickly take shan to his grandfather and go to my planet to make it more awesome, as shan in full confidence and Ben see shan and think,
I think I don't need to tell him anything about that light power, I am also not sure what was that, after meet with rio grandfather and talk him to about it and asked what it is? I will tell him,
as shan going to his room, he see rio and rio run toward shan and hug him and say,
are you okay shan? as in crying he asked,
Yes, rio I am okay, sorry for making you worry,
no no, thank you for saving me and my clan member,
it's ok rio, now wipe this tears and let's go to sleep, it's still take one more day to enter wonder way of itzatani god, as both go to their room to sleep, as shan remember his talk with Ben when shan and Ben just finished talk about Lilly,
[ so shan after one day we will enter Wonder way of itzatani god and after that Bzee planet,
as you know shan that itzatani god is known for his strength and durability, it also say he can control universe threats when it occurred in his wonder way,
(universe threats is threats which can occur any place in universe but it mostly occur in area of Abondon'' in which shan planet is in)
as shan remember that, he try to control universe threats but for some reason he end up destroying it,
what do you think controlling or destroying universe threats, which is more difficult?, as shan asked to Ben,
as far as I know universe threats can destroy hundred of planet in one strike, so of course destroying it means very big thing, but even able control that is more terrifying, as Ben said,
un huh, you also think so, as shan said this in very slow voice,
as shan stop think about his conversion with Ben, ]
It's OK, I going to train myself until we can't land on Bzee planet, I don't know why I am feeling that something big is going to happened, so I need to become strong enough to face it, as said this shan and sleep,
on some random planet,
as all people are running from something and sacred of it, as a big typhoon is coming to them, as they try to go far from it, as it coming more close to them and in the end, they all end up in typhoon and die and as in typhoon one person come and,
ya ya ya...ya that's what happened when you don't follow the rule of itzatani god, he said this,
as all planet surface structure is mess and there is almost not even single flat surface, every ground crumble and destroyed and that person who come from in typhoon go in it and typhoon become more big and destroyed whole planet from it's core and eventually it destroyed planet and planet become just dust...
as that typhoon goes to space as saying,
ya ya ya...ya
ya ya ya...ya
ya ya ya...ya
ya ya ya...ya
as it also goes out of sight,
on shan spaceship,
as all get up and some are talking with each other, as shan also come out of room,
Good morning, as shan said to other, as other also said, Good morning to shan, as he come near Ben and said,
how many hours still to wonder way of itzatani god?
it's still four hours to enter wonder way after that we need to find location of Bzee planet also,
oh, don't worry about that I have a device which point to Bzee planet location,
oh, It's very nice, so now we only need to enter wonder way as soon as and go there, we need to be cautious about anything, we can't afford to let others know we are turtle God clan member or you will also be in danger shan,
as Ben said to shan,
OK, everyone breakfast is ready come and eat as one of Turtle God clan member said to everyone,
as all go to eat breakfast but Ben not, as see that shan asked,
let's go Ben to breakfast,
no, shan you all go and eat first, I will eat later because we need someone to keep eye on our way,
don't tell me Ben, that you are constantly keep eye on our way,
did you sleep well? as shan asked in tension,
as Ben said nothing, as he keeps his eye on way,
as Ben come and said,
go and eat first then sleep,
no, shan I am ok, you all go and eat something as Ben said and about to fall, but shan catch him and said no, you are not OK, go and eat and rest well, as Ben daughter Rena also come and said,
please, papa go and eat something and rest,
as Rena said and take Ben hand and force him to,
go Ben as shan said,
as Ben and Rena go,
OK, I will eat my breakfast later, so all of you go and eat now, as a sound come from shan stomach and everyone hear it and see to shan,
OK, I will take your breakfast here as one of the turtle God clan member said,
OK, thanks as shan said,
In some jail in which a person is tied with big chain of iron and he's leg are stucked to ground as he's face is still not clearly visible because of darkness there, he is completely injured like someone is torturing him for one or two week as he is completely in shower with blood and scratches and brush also visible slowly, slowly, as someone come and said,
Will you still not tell, huh?
as that prison person up his face and smile,