[Smut] Completely Unprofessional

Leon looked down, and just scoffed. "Don't look at it. Let's just open the box and get out of here."

He went to continue opening the box, and took out all the bunch of bubble wrap and packing peanuts. There was a lot, so the object inside must be fragile, or they didn't want it to be easily detected.....

He found a fancy wooden box inside, and opened it.

There was no fetus or dried baby inside or anything fleshy at all. Instead, the content was glassy.

It was a porcelain doll. Not in its full form, but separated in limbs, head, abdomen and torso, and there where joints to place them all together.

"Now that's really weird." Wolfe said behind him, talking too closely and breathing on his ear. "And here I was expecting something more like a child's heart or organs."

"I'm still taking this. Still not something that should be found in a restaurant's storage room." He said, and placed the small wooden box on the knapsack he was wearing.

He went out of the door, checked if there was anyone else watching, and walked forward, Wolfe pulled on his sleeves.

"You're going with a tent on your pants? You truly are crazy, Leon Mo." Wolfe chided.

"I can cover it with my knapsack. It will go down eventually." He said, looking very annoyed.

Wolfe smiled at this. "I can't believe you just got a boner from my little act earlier.... Or was it the fact that you were grinding against me and 'fucking me against the door as my boss'?"

"Shut your mouth, Wolfe Fang." Leon grumbled, then went a turn for the men's bathroom.

Wolfe followed after him with that smug grin that makes one want to either punch him or kiss him. Leon was thoroughly confused with it and hated it a lot.

He washed his face to cool down, doing breathing exercises to make his cucumber go back to being limp.

But it continues to stay up, as stubborn as this annoying theater actor that follows him everywhere.

"Grrr...." Leon was thoroughly frustrated, and went inside a stall.

When Wolfe tried to follow after him, he grabbed his collar once more. "What are you up to now, Wolfe Fang? I told you, if you start shit up again, I'll make you regret it---"

"Let me take care of it. I mean, the faster we get out of here, the better, right?" Wolfe said. "And it's technically my fault, I guess I'm just too hot even for a straight man like Officer Mo."

"Leave me the fuck alone." Leon said, and let him go.

He went inside the stall, but Wolfe still moved inside, wearing that dumb grin.

"I am seriously going to kill you if you don't go the fuck out, Wolfe Fang---"

He went quiet when footsteps came, along with a whistling sound. It must be a customer going to pee.

Wolfe grinned wide at this, whispering mischievously. "You were saying?"

"Shut up." Leon mouthed to him.

"Hmm? But I thought you wanted me to go out. Maybe I should get out now and let them see two guys coming out of the same stall---"

Leon covered his mouth, and Wolfe just grinned even wider.

Then, his sneaky hands moved to touch Leon's frustrated little brother, livening it up again.

Leon gave him a deadly glare, and he just returned it with a grin. He waited for the person to finish.

However, a new person came, and entered a stall to probably do some business. More and more people just kept on coming, and Leon lost hope.

As he waited, Wolfe just continued stroking him, already pulling the thing out. It was hopeless to keep this up, and so he just let this actor do as he likes.

Let him have fun playing with him. He'll get tired of it eventually.

That's how he sees this whole thing about Wolfe Fang following after him and trying to annoy him all the time. He learned Leon's 'weakness' and as revenge for all those girls that he stole from him, he's pulling this shit and messing with him.

Wolfe reached out to kiss him, and Leon just let him, not responding and completely still like a rock. He's not drunk this time and won't be easily affected, let him do as he pleased.

The more Leon's breathing became unstable from these small actions, the more Wolfe seemed to enjoy this little game. He became more excitable, going as far as squatting lower and lower, until his face was right up the policeman's crotch.

Leon continued to glare at him, and he just smiled again, making a sign with a wink. This made his glare turn into a look of horror.

That sign was the 'let me blow you' sign.

Leon thought he was bluffing at first, but Wolfe was already talking a hold of the poor red, throbbing cock that he was playing with for so long already. He stuck his tongue out.....

Lick! Lick!

Leon felt some kind of electric force upon contact with that tongue, and immediately grabbed Wolfe's hair to pull him away.

But Wolfe just smirked like some pervert and wrapped his mouth around the tip, swirling his tongue while its inside his warm mouth.

It took all Leon's power not to make a sound and maintain a neutral expression. Wolfe seemed to be able to see through his facade though, as he sucked more and more, bobbing his head up and down.

This angered Leon so much on how he thought he could just stay in charge and keep playing him like this, and his expression changed.

"You like doing this, huh?" He mouthed to him. "Eating another man's cock?"

Wolfe didn't answer, just giving him that irritating, blood-boiling look.

"Bon appetit, then." Leon said---

As he pushed Wolfe's head deeper into his crotch, causing him to choke!

There was a bit of reaction from the people outside, and Leon coughed to block the sounds.

But he continued to abuse Wolfe's mouth, forcing it all the way until it reaches the back of his throat.

Fuck, it felt so good though!

Leon could only cover his own mouth and hold his head back, as he continued fucking Wolfe's poor mouth and forcing him to deepthroat. The actor clutched onto his knees and tears fell from his eyes.

And somehow, those tears just riled up Leon even more.

There was no more people outside, and yet he continued this torture until Wolfe's face was completely red and he was practically begging Leon with those pitiful eyes to stop.

As Wolfe let go, his mouth was a completely mess of saliva. The drool reached down to his chin and the still-hard cock was glistening with it.

"Cough... cough... What the fuck is wrong with you, Leon Mo!??" Wolfe stood up---

And slapped him!

Leon just accepted the slap, and stayed quiet for a while, wearing a dry smirk.

"What the fuck is wrong with me? I should be the one asking you that."

He grabbed both of Wolfe's hands. "Why are you doing this to me? I seriously don't understand. I'm not some fun toy to play with, Wolfe Fang."

"What are you even talking about?" Wolfe frowned. "You were the one who suddenly decided that the best thing we can do to remain unnoticed was to pretend to be fucking, and then got hard at said fake-fucking. And yet, you claim to not have any suspicious feelings for me at all."

"Did I awaken something in you, Leon Mo? Something you have been long hiding perhaps?" He taunted with those sharp eyes. "Because a straight man wouldn't do the things you do, at least those who don't do it for money or something---"

"And the exact same thing can be said about you. So what are you getting at?" Leon growled. "You have nothing to gain from this."

"But I am trying to gain something from this." Wolfe said.

He went closer and blew on his ear. "I'm trying to trample over your very pride as a man, Leon. I'm getting back at you for all the times you screwed me over."

Leon's frown grew even deeper. He was right about Wolfe Fang.

Of course, he was right. His intuition was never wrong.

"Ah, so this is how you get back at me, huh?" Leon said. "Then let me tell you something, Wolfe Fang."

"I have bigger things to worry about. I won't get affected by something as silly as this. Doing so would be completely unprofessional, there are innocent civilians to be saved, crimes to be solved."

He pushed the actor's head back down, and Wolfe grumbled. "What are you doing?"

"Finishing this whole foolishness. You do what you want to do, and I'll just move forward. That's just how much I don't care about your stupid games, Wolfe Fang."

He pushed Wolfe's frowning face to his wet cock dripping in pre-cum ."Go on. You like 'getting back at me', right?"

Wolfe Fang was the type who likes to think he has control, so when proven wrong, it destroys his self-esteem instantly. Leon relished this, as hatred grew even hotter in his chest that he felt his heart would burn.

Wolfe glared at him, and continued where they left off. Leon pulled out a cigarette, now the smug one as he smoked and just let his most hated man to suck his dick.

This felt really good, euphoric even.

But Wolfe didn't want it to end this way, and so, he did his darndest to make Leon cum. He even grazed the dick with his teeth and faked biting several times.

But Leon was undeterred. He just pulled at his hair and said in a mocking tone. "Ah-ah. No teeth. You use teeth again and I'll shove even my balls inside that pretty little mouth."

Wolfe's brows were completely furrowed. His jaws ached, and he was thinking whether he should just bite this dick off as Leon was showing no signs of finishing at all---

"Let go now, that's enough." Leon said.

Wolfe's eyes widened, and then narrowed in evil delight.

"Let. Go. " Leon repeated with that tone again, pulling hard on his hair but Wolfe just clung to his legs to keep himself in place, not letting go of the dick.

"You little shit..... Nnngh..."

Leon cursed as he shot his load inside Wolfe's mouth. The liquid went all the way down his throat.

Wolfe made a triumphant grin as he let the dick go with a pop! and stood up, patting the sweating Leon's cheek.

He took the cigarette from his lips and smoked it, then placed it back.

"Hope you were satisfied by our humble restaurant's service, 'sir'. Come back again if you want some more."