Wolfe Fang the Pretty Hunk

While Wolfe was preparing for their productions, Leon was now stuck on managing several papers and reports he had to make after his leave.

It was truly a hard day of work. Being in the office for 8 hours and just sitting was nothing like one would expect for an 'agent' to be like.

But that's life. After excitement, there's always boring, mundane days of making reports.

When he got in the car, he almost drove all the way to his flat and prepared to shake the tiredness off with some night clubbing, but then when he put his things at the trunk, he remembered something.

"Ah, right... Goddammit." He rubbed his forehead.

His trunk was full of things for moving in with Wolfe Fang.

He drove all the way to his address, knocked on the door of this fancy penthouse and found that no one's home yet. So he went out again to walk to the Broadway theater, maybe even buy some cigarettes at a convenience store in the way.

He found that Wolfe had finished his rehearsal for the tour right on time, going out of the building wih several people surrounding him. They must be his co-stars.

He had his hands over two beautiful people's shoulders, one gorgeous black man and one gorgeous redhead woman. They all look fabulous and dressed like they're going in a Fashion Week instead of just buying some coffee at Starbucks.

Leon just observed them while leaning on a lamp post, smoking, deep in thought.

He and Wolfe really were the type to be always surrounded with friends. They're both very sociable and charismatic in their own ways.

Though of course, Leon believed he was the more charismatic of the two. More objectively attractive too.

And yet.... Leon always had this sort of distance even when he's among friends.

He was more of just the type that vibes along with them, sometimes just staying quiet while nobody would notice, only interacting if you interact with him first.

Wolfe was the opposite of that. He was active in the friend group, always flapping that loud mouth.

Leon couldn't help but feel a dull ache somehow. Ah, how times have changed indeed.

Back when they were kids, they only had each other.

And now, if not for the sudden engagement, he would have been just a forgotten part of Wolfe Fang's large, large world. A tiny fish among the vast sea.

After getting their overpriced coffee, Wolfe suddenly turned to the side, as if sensing something.

As he turned, he looked directly at Leon Mo, and smiled.

Leon inhaled a little deeper after that cheeky smile.

"Well if it isn't the dashing Leon Mo!" He greeted, his friends still tagging along with him. "Came to pick me up, honey?"

"No way! This is your policeman boyfriend!?" The redhead exclaimed. "He looks more like someone from Hollywood!"

"That's flattering, but no. I'm not even a proper policeman, I'm just an average 9-5 office worker." Leon also flashed them a charming smile.

"Oh don't give us that bull, sir!" The black guy said, offering his hand. "Wolfe told us all about you, and how he had seen you shoot six guy's guns off their hand like Pow! Pow! Pow! I wasn't gonna believe it at first, but I can see it now just by looking at ya."

Leon shook his hand. "Ah, Wolfe's been making stories about me, then. Can't help it though, he admires me way too much."

Wolfe took away his hands from his two companions and elbowed Leon. "I'm not making any stories, I only give them an 'artistic flair' sometimes."

Another friend, a tall brunette lady took out her phone. "Aww, you both look so cute together like this! We really need to take a picture now so Wolfe can share the news on his 'gram story!"

"Sure." Both of them answered at the exact same time, and posed together on a picture under a street lamp at Times Square.

Another blonde guy was the one gesturing the timer to them, and said, "One more! You guys should get a little closer!"

Leon, wearing a khaki trenchcoat, noticed that Wolfe was pretty much freezing with just that tight floral polo shirt.

So he decided to take off part of his coat and place it around Wolfe while pulling him close by the waist!

"W-Whoah, wait, hon! What's this?" Wolfe suddenly went flustered, almost dropping his iced coffee.

"They said we should get closer, so....." Leon whispered. "Just think of this as doing fanservice for the 'gram."

His friends were very supportive and made squeals and hollers as they took this very intimate picture of them together and shared it to Wolfe for his Instagram story.

As the group left, Leon was still not taking off his cloak and walking the streets with his arm wrapped around Wolfe.

"You can let go now. Where's your car, by the way?" Wolfe said, trying to pry his hand. away.

But Leon wouldn't budge, going as far as to cover his head with the large coat. "It's in the penthouse. My things are already there."

Wolfe just let it be since he does feel cold and liked the warmth of Leon's body--- er, his trench coat. Yeah, the warmth of his coat.

"Ah, you're moving in now. Do you want to share beds or... because I also have a roll-over bed that you can use if you prefer....."

Leon chuckled at how flustered he sounded and acted. "So I'm your boyfriend now?"

"Huh?" Wolfe blinked. "Oh, that. Yeah, otherwise why would I be engaged with you? I can't tell them it's a contract to get billions of yuan."

"Mn. Teddy also pretty much spread the news in our office. Everyone's been congratulating me and offering to throw a bachelor's party."

Wolfe snorted. "They also offered me the same thing. They're pretty much surprised that I'd be settling down now after knowing how much of a high demand goods I am."

"I'm very high demand too, I'll have you know." Leon chuckled. "But they weren't surprised you'll be settling down with a man?"

"No. You know how chill Americans and theater kids are in general about the LGBTQ+ community." Wolfe said. "What about your office? No one gave any weird looks at all?"

" Yeah. And it's 2042 now, anyways. They just wondered if I'm into the 'pretty' type or the 'hunky' type."

"Hah. I'm the pretty hunk type." Wolfe said proudly that anyone would just burst out laughing.

But it was kind of true though. He was pretty, and have that sort of androgynous face due to his eye shape, V-shaped jawline and pink lips. Not to mention his great wavy hair that he had grown into a 'wolf' cut.

But he's not short or petite either. He was only about two inches shorter than Leon. He was not buff, but he could still pass as athletic in more of a swimmer type or an acrobat.

Teddy Han would have called him a 'twunk'. In between twink and hunk.

This thought eventually broke Leon into a light chortle, and Wolfe elbowed him again. "Hey, what's so funny? It's true, right? You can't disagree."

"Yeah, yeah. Well, pretty hunky boyfriend.... we're home." He said, pointing at the penthouse.

They went inside, and Leon also carried his things over. He left his coat with Wolfe while he unpacked his stuff. Then, he went to his bedroom to retrieve it----

And found Wolfe Fang in just his underwear and that trenchcoat, looking at himself in the mirror while wearing it, and sniffing it once in a while.

He doesn't know what exactly about that scene made him do it, but he wasn't able to stop himself before he----

Bite Wolfe's neck!