A Grudge

This bonus chapter is dedicated to Kyoku_san. Thanks for the 5 star review!


They explained what just happened to Mickey Xing, and the psychopath mastermind just denied everything.

"Whoah, whoah! Someone took a dead corpse just to scare Wolfe Fang? That person must have quite a grudge, haha!"

"Tell the truth, Mickey Xing. Or I'll get it from you one way or another." Leon said. "I'll put a gun to your head if you're really involved with this."

"I'm not, I'm not! Goodness, I won't ever resolve to this cheap kind of trick! I'm far more sophisticated than that."

Wolfe Fang frowned, hugging his knees. "If not you.... Then who could it possibly be?"

"I don't know." Mickey answered with that sing-song tone, as if to mock him innocently. "But you are a celibrity after all."

"And if there's anyone whose life is messier than people involved in the mafia business, it's celebrities. And you happen to be both, haha!"

Mickey laughed hysterically. "After all, there's nothing more despicable than a stuck-up person that you always see on the screen. You have a lot of haters, from the side of the viewers to the people you're with in the stage yourself."

"Not to mention that from my research... You are just simply a person worthy of hate, Wolfe Fang."

"Shut up!" Wolfe yelled at his computer.

"Yes, I may be despicable. But I'm not as cruel or heartless as you! I don't deserve any of this!"

Mickey laughed even more. "Oh, I don't know about that. You break so many hearts, slept around like a pig. That deserves a bit of karma, don't you think, Shizi?"

"Someone who just comes to people's lives carelessly and destroys them. Not even aware of the damage they bring. Truly despicable, right?"

Leon gritted his teeth. "You're one to talk."

He ended the call right then and there.

"It's not Mickey Xing." He said, after inhaling deeply. "I could tell. But he is pretty happy about this."

"Yeah, I'm glad my life could serve as someone's personal comedy sitcom." Wolfe hugged his knees tighter. "Saying things like that like he knows me..."

Leon was quiet. Wolfe didn't like how quiet he was.

"You don't agree with all that... right? You think I deserve this kind of..... stupid, twisted prank?"

"No." He answered, but couldn't meet his eye.

Wolfe was infuriated. He grabbed Leon by the collar.

"Don't lie, Leon Mo. I know how much you hate me too. You can laugh like that bastard, you know. Say that I got what I deserved."

"I am not going to laugh at your expense." Leon said seriously. "I'm trying to help you here. I will find out who's responsible for whatever this is."

Wolfe looked at his eyes seriously. When he felt Leon was telling the truth....

He calmed down, and his furrowed brows relaxed.

He leaned in to kiss Leon.

Leon just stayed still like a statue, neither pushing him nor returning the kiss.

"Leon.... You're all I have now.... " He said in between his soft kisses. "You can keep hating me, but please don't leave me..... Don't leave me..."

This was when Leon pushed him back.

Wolfe still clung onto him and pleaded again and again with kisses, asking him not to leave. Leon grumbled, and grabbed him by the shoulders so he would stop pestering him.

"I won't leave you any time soon. We still have to get married, remember? And when you get that much money after divorce....."

"You won't have to worry about pranks like this. You could hire any detective you want, have any protection you want."

Wolfe shook his head, insisting on kissing him. "But I don't need any detective or protector. I already have you. I want y---"

"Yeah, for now, I'll act as your personal detective and bodyguard." Leon stopped him before he could complete that horrible sentence that could destroy him.

Wolfe was frowning, but Leon did not spare him a glance and left to pick up a pencil and notepad.

"Let's check all the possibilities." He went to scribble on it. "Mickey was right, whether you deserve it or not, you'll always get hate as a celebrity."

"We have the haters, of course. Leslie's greatest fanatics. Does any of them feel memorable to you?"

Wolfe thought about it. "Memorable how?"

"Like bothered you way too much, sent you dead animals and voodoo dolls, needed to have a restraining order..... that kind of thing?

He shook his head. "No, nothing like that. But there was this Twitter account that got banned. They're username was JusticeforLeslie."

"Wow, pretty on the nose." Leon wrote it down.

"I never found who owned that account. But this guy made an entire hashtag that trended, saying that Leslie deserved much more than being forgotten and replaced with a nobody."

"Alright. That's Suspect 1." Leon nodded. "Who else? It's actually more likely to be someone from the theater. It would be hard for just a Twitter hater to sneak in."

"Er... Taji and I were not close at first, actually. He said that he was not used to working with someone not on the same caliber as Leslie." Wolfe frowned. "Well, most of them are like that, actually. But Taji often makes jokes like that back then."

"Suspect 2: Everyone in the Red Riding Hood production. Subject of greatest interest, Taji Zahavi."

Leon set down his paper, and rubbed his forehead. "It's also likely this isn't just one person we're dealing with. After all, it would be difficult to steal a corpse, tie it up in a high bearing and even take it away within 10 minutes or so."

"I'll go have someone check Leslie's graveyard and the CCTVs." Leon took his phone.

"For now, you should rest. You'll be giving this person or persons what they want if you get affected by them. "

Wolfe grabbed his arm. "What if they did something to ruin the production? I can't have the Tour ruined because of..... me."

"It'll all be my fault. I know everyone must hate me and think of me as this heartless bastard...."

"But I don't want several people losing this great opportunity to give a good show to thousands of fans all around the world. "

Leon's expression softened at this. He patted his back.

"I won't let that happen. We'll catch these guys as soon as possible, I promise."

Wolfe smiled, kissing his cheek in a more awkward and flustered way.

"Thank you. I can always rely on you..... gege."

The way he did that pulled at Leon's heartstrings more than any of the kisses he received recently.

But he cleared his throat. "Don't call me that. Go to bed."

After making the call, he went back and saw that Wolfe was now fast a sleep.

He couldn't really blame him for sleeping so fast after all that psychological strain and tiredness from hacking into Mickey Xing and resulting to nothing but scathing remarks.

But Leon was also affected by those remarks.

"Someone just comes to people's lives carelessly and destroys them. Not even aware of the damage they bring. Truly despicable, right?"

It was true. Wolfe Fang was that kind of person.

And even now, he still despises him. For reasons that he may never know...

As Leon had no intention of telling him. Telling him the truth of how he came to New York and became an Interpol agent.