London: Arrival

It was back to wearing winter clothes again. Wolfe missed the winter weather, actually.

He told Leon while walking out of the airport.

"I prefer the summer." Leon said. "Oddly fitting, huh? You're a wolf and loves the cold while I'm a lion that loves the heat."

"Well, I also like summer because I get to wear thin clothes a lot and show off my summer bod." Wolfe chuckled.

They saw children playing in the snowman area outside the airport. Some also went for a snowball fight, laughing as they did.

"Ah, I want to try that too!" Wolfe exclaimed. "Let's go try it, Leon!"

"Wolfe, we're not kids anymore. It will look awkward for two grown men to suddenly come up and join a chidren's snowball fight."

"Party pooper." Wolfe blew raspberries at him. "Since when did you become so uptight and uncool, Leon? You used to be so relaxed and open for adventure!"

Leon snorted. "I'd hardly call playing in the snow an adventure. But fine."

He pinched Wolfe's cheek. "If you want to do it so badly, we'll find a park where there's nobody else and act like kids seeing snow for the first time, hm?"

Wolfe jumped up and down. "Hell yeah! There's so much we could try, like ice skating, snowboarding, hot sauna...."

Leon was pretty glad with how excited he was. It was really cute.

"We can try some of that while the snow's still here. London actually doesn't snow that often compared to Toronto. And spring is coming soon too."

Little John wagged his tail and barked at the sight of people enjoying the occasional snowfall.

"I think Little John would enjoy some snow sheenanigans. He also much prefers the winter wonderland than tropical summer."

Wolfe scoffed. "That's the only thing that he and I will ever have in common."

"Well, both of you are really cute and stubborn to the point of being a nuisance."

Wolfe reddened at being called cute, but made a face when he was called stubborn.

"Nah, he took after your stubbornness, not mine."

Leon chuckled. "You make him sound like our doggy love child now."

They went to a hotel to get a hot shower and change. Then, they went on to make plans on how to spend their first evening in London before going back to work.

"I could get a rental and just travel around, really." Leon offered. "It would be too chilly to walk around too much outside."

"Yeah, see the Big Ben, Stonehenge, Windsor Castle, London Eye........ There's so many places to explore!" Wolfe said excitedly.

Leon ruffled his hair. "Haven't you already visited all these before?"

"Yeah.... But I was too young back then. And it was with family. With a lo--- a friend, it's different."

"Okay." Leon rolled over his pamphlet. "We'll go wherever we like. Got a long night a head fo us."

He placed a windbreaker cap over Wolfe, and gave him a peck on the cheek. "You know you can say it, right?"

"Say what?" He asked, though he knows what it was.

Leon just smirked. "Nevermind. You should bring a tumbler with hot cocoa too."

Wolfe followed after him with his face a little red. They got a rental car and he tried to get to the passenger seat, but Leon opened the backseat.

"Someone has to watch over Little John while I'm driving. He moves around a lot."

Wolfe grumbled. "But I can give you road head if I sit next to you---"

"Wolfe. We're here to have childish fun, keep things PG-13."

He grumbled. "Fine, fine."

He sat in the backseat reluctanly. Little John was there with his tongue out, yapping at him.

He made a face at him. "Your dad is such a buzzkill, right?"

Little John responded in agreement by trying to bite his nose.

"Fuck this! Leon, pull over! I'll drive!"

In the end, they settled with having Wolfe sit on the passenger seat, but with Little John also acting as an Anti-Wolfe bodyguard between them.

They drove through to see the great sights, but the snow was also making it hard to see things clearly. The windshield had already been set to maximum, but everything's still blurry.

"Well, this isn't as romantic as planned." Leon muttered under his breath.

"What did you say?" Wolfe asked.

"Nothing. Oh, there's Big Ben. Fifth time I have seen it, actually."

Wolfe peered over to his side. "Ah, this is my 6th time."

"Want to pull over here?" He asked. "There's a pretty empty park nearby. We can do all those things you wanted earlier."

"Ok...." Wolfe said, following after him.

They went out and watched the large clock tolling, and Leon took some pictures for Wolfe's Instagram.

Wolfe pulled him over for a selfie. "Come on, why do you never like taking pictures together?"

"I do. I let you take a selfie, right?"

"But you don't like it." Wolfe frowned. "I won't post it if that's what makes you uncomfortable....."

"No. That's not it." Leon mumbled, and nothing else.

It's actually because pictures were memory preservers.

He wanted to have as much good memories with Wolfe Fang. But once they were over, they should just stay over.

In case they separated and are no longer fiancees..... He doesn't want any pictures as a reminder of all this time.

He walked over to the park bench with his hands on his pockets, just sitting beside Wolfe that sipped his cocoa.

"So..... what now?" Wolfe asked.

"Whatever you like. I'll just roll with it."

He frowned. "Leon..... I'm not going to enjoy this if you just keep being a yesman the whole evening."

"You can't perfectly schedule fun. It just happens."

"Well, let it happen. We don't actually have all evening, I checked my watch and it's already 8 pm." Leon said.

Wolfe rolled his eyes. "God, I hate it when you act like this. It's like the whole kissing a statue thing all over again."

He offered the cocoa. "What is it this time? Was it something I said?"

"No...... I just....... Nothing."

Wolfe set down his tumbler. "You say that one more time and I will lose it, Leon."

"It's really nothing. You can play around, I'll go wait in the car."

He stood up to leave, and then---


A bunch of balled-up snow went smack unto the back of his head!

"I hate you sometimes, you know that!?" Wolfe yelled, hitting him with another one.

"I just want to have some fun and then when you're suddenly not in the mood, you bottle it up and make me feel like shit!"

"Goddammit, Leon, you're not a mute! Use your voice and say what you want to me---"

Leon returned the favor and hit him with a snowball too.

"Well I want to have my space sometimes, alright!? It's hard to break down all my walls just for you!"

"Especially when I know that you won't be a permanent fixture in my life any time soon!"

Wolfe fired back with a large one. "Why do you keep assuming things!? Can't you just relax and live in the moment!?"

Leon also hit him back. "Because I am not like you, Wolfe! I'm not the one to fool myself with YOLO-ing and adventure, I need to keep track of reality too!"

"I'm not a fucking kid, alright!?"

The snowball hit him on the face this time.

Leon's eyes widened. He went over to him. "Fuck, I'm sorry, I just---"

Wolfe tackled him down to the snowy ground!

"I'm not a fucking kid either." He said, his face fully red from both that snowball and anger. "You think you're the only one that's scared?"

"I'm also scared to get attached to you in case you leave me, Leon. I'm really, really scared."