Difficulty Level: Hell

"OOOOhhh." Noah said. " What?" Randall questioned. "A notification popped up, did you get one?" Noah asked. "Yeah, but are we seeing things?" Evan said. "I don't know, look at everyone else, they aren't reacting at all." Noah Said. "It says to pick a difficulty mode, what is it for? What should we pick?" Evan recommended "Hard. It has good drops, and it is not too dangerous, unlike hell mode." Randall recommended. "Let me push it first." Evan said. "Ok." Noah said.

Right as Evan was picking, he was slapped on the back by Evan, and he accidentally hit hell mode. "Punch buggy!" Randall said after slapping Evan.

"What?" Evan said in confusion because he pressed the Hell difficulty button on accident. "Oops." Randall said. "Soo... Hell difficulty it is!" Noah exclaimed, furious at Randall.

"Sorry man." Randall said, as he pushed the Hell difficulty button. Then they got a notification saying, "The tutorial will start in 24 hours."

"Sooo, what should we do?" Noah asked the group. "Eat some Kfc!" Randall recommended. "Ok!" Noah and Evan exclaimed. They then went to Kfc to eat some fried chicken. Next, they decided to discuss how to prepare for the tutorial.

"Uhhhhhh... so we should buy weapons!" Evan said. "Ok, then let's gear up, and meet at Kfc at 22:00 sharp." Noah said. "Why use military time?" Randall asked. "Because yes." Aiden said.

Then, Noah got his pet dog, and encouraged his family to get in their groups, in case of danger.

Now, it is finally time for Noah to gear up. Noah bought knives, handguns, and even brought his dog, for protection of the tutorial. Randall, on the other hand, went to his dad's armory and stole a handgun, grenades, and even some car keys, essential for movement.

Evan, well, he got a tesla, because electricity is everywhere, and gas may be hard to find in the area they may go to. He also packs some food, water, and a big tent to help with the tutorial.

Then, at 21:30, They all meet up, 30 minutes ahead of schedule. Everyone says what they brought, and they realize that only Noah has a driver's License.

They then also realize that in hell mode, they could be separated.

So, then Evan calls his dad to get him one, so he can drive in the Tesla. At 22:30, Randall realizes that he forgot to get his cat, and Evan forgot his pet parakeet, so they drive to their houses to get them.

At 23:55, they have all of their belongings, so they go to Denny's to enjoy some processed food for the last time...Then they get a new pop up... saying, "Transferring to Hell mode."

Noah, Evan, and Randall then get sucked into a field, and they are seeing nothing there, but then the helper for the tutorial tells them how to play the game, called, "The Tower of Chance" where people are sucked into the game, each with a set system bar, so they decide to check it out, starting with Noah's stats.

[Noah Rivers]


XP: 0/100


Class: None Unallocated Stat Points: 0 Health: 115 Strength: 13 Stamina: 14

Constitution: 12 Luck: 9 Bond: 10 Familiar: Dog

Then they looked at Aiden's.

[Evan Teng]




Class: None Unallocated Stat Points: 0 Health: 100 Strength: 12 Stamina: 13

Constitution: 15 Luck: 13 Bond: 12 Familiar: Parakeet

Then, finally, at Brandon's stats.

[Randall Mosqueda]




Class: None Unallocated Stat Points: 0 Health: 110 Strength: 11 Stamina: 11

Constitution: 11 Luck: 10 Bond: 11 Familiar: Cat

Then the guide tells them how to use the system. "The unallocated points is to upgrade a stat, or to unlock a new stat." "Unlock a new stat? That almost never happens in games." Noah Said in confusion. "What new stats can be unlocked?" Brandon asked the guide. "Get to level 10 to unlock the option." The guide said. "Anyone down for a quest? "The guide said slickly. "Sh*t, what are we gonna do, huh? Make a barbie doll house?" Evan asked. "You have 10 minutes to make a house for resting points, so good luck!" Quest: Make a base for in-between quests and for resting. Time 10 minutes. "Start, now!"

"F9ck" Evan said,He then went to find wood, but as he was running and running to find wood, he found a egg. "Uhhhhhh, let's set up the tent first." Randall said.

Noah and Brandon started to set up a tent, and Aiden got some wood. "Let's build a house!... Wait, how do we build a house?" Evan said. "Watch a YouTube video!" Noah exclaimed. They then used the tesla's hotspot to watch a video on how to make a wooden cabin, and they eventually found out how in 3 minutes. "5 minutes left!" The guide said.

The trio then hurriedly made a crude, deformed cabin. "2 minutes left!" The guide reminded. "Make a defense with the barbed wire!"

Aiden shouted. The trio then fortified the base, and made a home looking like an abandoned house, and the guide called it "The Hobo's House." "Who the fu&k is the Hobo!?" "He's that guy from the Lorax, remember, the guy who killed all of the trees?" Randall said.

Then the guide said, " Now we shall start the Familiar upgrade."

They all suddenly got a Quest. Quest: Hunt Monsters for drops to upgrade your Animals! (Mandatory) ( 6% completion rate, scales off of luck)

"Sh#t." Aiden said. " Wow, you don't normally curse." Noah said. "Look at the bottom right." Evan said in fear and in joy. "Ok?" Randalln said when he saw it, the (Luck cannot be scaled in Hell mode)

(Increased chance of mythical beasts)

"So, we are screwed." Noah said with a blank face. "No, we still have our vehicles!" Randall said.

(All transferred materials go to safe until quest is over.)

"F6ck." Evan cursed. "Well, might as well start the quest!" Noah and Randall exclaimed.

"Starting quest" a popup said. 'Yay!" Noah exclaimed. They then suddenly went into the middle of the forest, with lush bushes and tall trees. "Let's split up, and we will see each other again on the other side!" Noah suggested.

Noah, Evan, and Randall all went their separate ways, and, meanwhile, the world is in panic, because 50% of the earth's population vanished overnight, with no reason. "Dude, this is just like the movie endgame." A random person said. "Let's tune back into the news" a random guy said.

The world is now underpopulated and can finally be made together in union. "We propose the World leader act, to elect a world president to keep order, Who's with me!?" "We are!" A crowd yelled.

"Let's get some sleep, I call first 3 hours of night watch!" Noah whispered to not attract monsters. "I will do second, and Evan can do third." Randall whispered. "Good night!" The trio told one another, and they all went to sleep except for Noah, who decided to hunt more monsters instead of staying watch.

"Congratulations, you are now level one." The guide whispered. "Yeah!!!" Noah shouted. He attracted more monsters, but he decided to pull up his stats before fighting, because of the one-minute leveling immunity, where, if you attack a monster, it goes away, but if you don't, you are immune to all attacks for one minute. Noah then checks out his stats.

(Noah Rivers)


XP: 0/200


Class: None Unallocated Stat Points: 3 Health: 85 (Regenerating) Strength: 13 Stamina: 14

Constitution: 12 Luck: 9 Bond: 10 Familiar: Dog (Updating)

He decided to raise his luck by 1, and his constitution by 2. These are his updated stats.

(Noah Rivers)




Class: None Unallocated Stat Points: 0 Health: 90 [Regenerating] Strength: 13 Stamina: 14

Constitution: 14 Luck: 10 Bond: 10 Familiar: Dog [Updating]

Noah is proud of his new stats, when, suddenly, two pairs of hands grab him and start to yell at him.