Cerberus, Dragon, Matagot

"Noah, Noah!" Evan yelled as Noah woke upon looking at the screen. The other boys picked a Matagot and a Dragon, so they are content, and they decide to start learning about their new animals, which start out as a baby, per usual to hell mode. "Pick the Cerberus." Evan and Randall recommended because the Cerberus is like a god's pet, rare, and must be powerful to some extent. Noah then picks a cerberus, and got a small black puppy with 3 heads, and it is a baby.


Now you can see what happened when Noah was knocked out

"What the fu4k." Evan said, at the sight of having an option to pick a Pheonix or a Dragon, so he decided eventually and picked the dragon. He got an egg, so they then decide to make a nest for the two eggs. Randall got to pick between a Chimera or a Matagot, but after seeing that the Matagot can bring wealth, he instantly chose and got the Matagot and now he has a scrawny looking tall grey cat.


"So, since we now have our familiars, what should we do now?" Brandon asked the others. "Let's put our stat points in the new stat we unlocked." Noah said. They then upgraded their new stats by 3, and their new stats are:

[Noah Rivers]




Class: None Unallocated Stat Points: 0 Health: 130 Strength: 15 Stamina: 15

Constitution: 14 Potential: 3 Luck: 12 Bond: 11.3 Familiar: Cerberus

[Evan Teng]


XP: 10/500


Class: None Unallocated Stat Points: 0 Health: 130 Strength: 15 Stamina: 14

Constitution: 15 Reward Multiplier: .3 Luck: 15 Bond: 12 Familiar: Dragon [Egg]

[Randall Mosqueda]


XP: 10/500


Class: None Unallocated Stat Points: 0 Health: 120 Strength: 13 Stamina: 13

Constitution: 12 Gap:3 Luck: 13 Bond: 13 Familiar: Matagot

"Now you shall start a town, please make a name." The guide said. "How about, "Deez Nuts". Evan aid with a grin. "No, we need to make one to incorporate all of us, like, "Underworld City" or something." Randall said. "Ok, that name will do." The guide said. "No, wait, I was kidding!" " You now have a new status window for the town overall, like a mini map, and you will now make a town for your quest." The guide explained. "Another quest, you have to be joking! "Evan said unhappily. "Well, good luck!" The guide said. "So, can we buy items to build with?" Noah asked. "Yes, but you have to sell items to get materials." The guide explained.

"Ok, how much are the Mythril crystals worth?" Randall asked. "20 gold, 2,000 silver, or 200,000 bronze." The guide said. "We will sell one then, and keep the rest." Noah said. They sold the item, then bought 100 iron boards, a tier 2 shield barrier, and city level 1 blueprints. They then built the town over a course of three weeks, and in the meantime, they got a skill for their pets. They also built a HQ with some decoration, like a massive bed, because Mythical pet beds cost 300 gold each. "Well, it is at least a shelter, so now what?" Evan asked the guide. "Get Npc's. You can find them in the woods, or do a random spin for a Npc." The guide explained. "Well, let's use our money to spin one for each of us, and the rest we can find in the wild." Evan said."Ok." The others said. "Let's spin!" Noah said. They spun for Evan first, and got a rare ranked Cook. The next gave Randall a Uncommon ranked Butcher, qnd the last one gave a common ranked Hunter. "Well, sh8t!" Evan said. "Now, the game will start. Good luck!" The guide said. Then,they vanished, and went to the tower.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We're gonna continue the story, but after a quick side story, ok?

"Hey! What is this?" Jaden said. "Umm... I don't know." Jerry said. "Well, let's just complete the- a man was saying as he got killed by a vicious bug. "What the f9c- another man was saying as he too was killed by a flying bug. Jaden and Jerimiah were long gone, and they had hidden in a forest for safety. They were hiding, when they saw a giant snake and they killed it. It dropped an egg, but they didn't notice. They then finally saw the main trio building a town, but they still had to survive for a day. They leveled up once, but they eventually ended the quest, so they just went into the tower, 5 days after the trio did. They had a pet chicken and weasel, but they started the tower, and away they went into the tower. THIS WAS RECAPPED,AFTER 10 POWER STONES, I WILL MAKE A NEW CHAPER FOR THEIR FULL STORY.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~