The Chase

A horrifying monster that was shaped like a dinosaur and was over five meters tall stared at Xu Fei with glowing eyes. The beast looks like it came straight out of a Lovecraftian horror that is made to scare even the manliest of men. She felt her soul leaving her body as she pissed herself.

But, she still tried to gather her courage. She must get the hell away from this thing no matter what!

'S-System put every single s-stat points into agility a-and stamina...'

[ Randomly putting stat points into agility and stamina... ]

[ 7 stat points have been successfully distributed into agility! ]

[ 3 stat points have been successfully distributed into stamina! ]

Xu Fei felt a drastic change in her body. Her heartbeat and breath have gotten stronger, while her feet have gotten lighter. Though, she doesn't have time to care about these changes.

She must survive!


She jumped out of the pond and sprinted across the forest.

She saw massive trees, deep ponds, and many other beautiful spots around the forest that she had not seen before, but she kept on running. She looked back for a moment and noticed that hundreds of frightening beasts were now following behind her forming some sort of beast army.

The massive and sturdy trees that she saw immediately crumbled like legos in front of such a terrifying wave of beasts.

'Shit shit shit! The reason more followed me must've been because of the holy aura around my body! It seems as if they have found the most delicious food in their life!!'

Holy bodies have a holy aura around them that could cause all sorts of phenomena and blessings when they reach a certain level of cultivation. Right now she doesn't cause any phenomena to appear since she has not cultivated yet, but the faint aura was more than enough to attract strong beasts all around the forest.

"This accursed system reward!! AAAAAHHH!"

Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run.....

But unknown to her, she has in fact been running around in the deep part of the forest and it was the place where powerful beasts resides. But, it was still not fruitless as she saw countless precious herbs along the way. The trees in the deeper parts were much sturdier, and some of their trunks were also thorny. Thus, some of the beasts that chased her have given up.

Without any cultivation or strong armor, Xu Fei's flesh was scratched deeply as she winced in pain. But along the bushes, she found something unexpected.

It's a rare herb, and there's also a lot of them!

'I-I think I also have an inventory feature installed, right?' Xu Fei thought as she kept on running.


Immediately, one of the herbs she touched vanished as a message pops up.

[ Crimson Flame Flower has been stored ]

Seeing this, her face somewhat lights up.

'It works!'

'Store! Store! Store! Store!...'

Immediately, dozens of herbs were stored away in her inventory as she was chased by the beast army. Even Xu Fei herself doesn't know whether or not she was happy after being able to find this goldmine after being chased around.

This scene goes on for hours and hours until she finally made it out of the forest...











Somewhere just outside of the forbidden forest,

Song Qiang, an outer disciple of the Flowing Sword Sect was fighting a group of powerful assassins while heavily injured.

Everywhere around her was a scene filled with fire, destruction, and puddles of blood. The caravan that she was supposed to be protecting has long since been destroyed and the corpses of her friends were littered around the battlefield like they were some garbage bag.

Seeing such a thing, Song Qiang was drowned in fury and sadness. Her blue eyes were bloodshot and tears were constantly flowing out of them. Her once dignified long black hair has turned messy and her graceful body with fair skin is now riddled with countless wounds. She no longer looked as great as she was before this battle.

The conclusions are clear to her. She will not make it back alive.

"You damned assassins! Cowards! How could you do this to us!? We haven't even done anything wrong!!" she shouted with a sore voice filled with pain.

"Hahahaha... are those your last words?" A man in a black assassin outfit walked out of the group.

All of his features are hidden and his clothes are very simple. Song Qiang have no way to tell where they came from and what their purpose was.

"Ugh..." Song Qiang groaned as she felt her wound getting worse and worse.

Her senses started to become blurry and her limbs felt so weak to the point that she was even struggling to hold her sword. Her exhausted body pleaded with her to simply rest, to release the sword from her grip and bring an end to it all.

But despite that, she still held her sword up high. Even though her body was ruined and her emotions were very unstable, her willpower was still like that of a burning flame as she was ready to fight to the end.

The man smirked as he walked to her slowly while readying his sword.

"In the end, those from the Flowing Sword Sect are always the same... They always-"


Whether it be Song Qiang or the group of assassins, they felt the massive earthquake that suddenly erupted. At first, they seem to think it's just some natural disaster, but it gets more and more frequent... it gets faster and faster...


"Wait a minute, these are not earthquakes, these are the sound of footsteps!"

Then out of the forest, a girl leaped out.

She has long white hair that flowed all the way to her waist. Her sharp jade green eyes and pale white skin, along with her beauty made her look like a fairy that has descended from the heavens. Even Song Qiang who's also a girl felt charmed by her beauty.

It was Xu Fei!

There's one problem though, why is she naked?

"AAAAAAAAAAHHH! Help me! Save me!"

'Help me? Save me?' Song Qiang asked herself, confused.

However, those questions were immediately answered when all of a sudden, a massive wave of powerful beasts came out of the forest following behind her, while destroying trees and boulders like sand.

Her heart jolted and she immediately ran following behind Xu Fei. She no longer care about those assassins anymore, if she died by being trampled by those beasts, she doubt her corpse would even survive!

As for Xu Fei, she didn't even notice someone was also running behind her. She was so scared of death that she wouldn't dare to give attention to anything other than the path she was running to.

"Hey, you!" shouted Song Qiang.


"Yes, you! Follow me!"

Xu Fei was confused, since when was a beautiful girl also running with her? In any case, it seems like she knows what she's doing.

"Alright!" replied Xu Fei.

Song Qiang immediately dashed in front of Xu Fei and changed direction slightly to the left with Xu Fei following her. Song Qiang also took out a gray cloth from her space ring and threw it at Xu Fei as she was literally naked. Xu Fei immediately wore them by wrapping them around her private areas.

The run went on for hours until they both saw something in the distance. Xu Fei could see a shadow of a tall wall that stretched for dozens of miles and a giant gate that is guarded by hundreds of guards.

"That is the Flowing Sword Sect! Quick, we must make these beasts trigger the defensive array!"


They continued to run until they reached the gate. The guards stared at both of them with a questioning look before turning their attention to the massive beast wave.

"Senior brothers, I'm sorry..." Song Qiang apologized as she panted.

"Hmph, Song Qiang, you will be punished heavily for this!"

The guard then turned around to command the other guards.

"Everyone, ready your weapon and spells! Prepare for the beast attacks!

They then started shooting arrows and rained down dozens of spells that hit most of the beasts. The scenery around the walls immediately became dazzling as colorful lights of attacks came down like a waterfall.

Xu Fei and Song Qiang stared at the scene with wide eyes. It was like a war just broke out right in front of them.

But the attacks were still not enough to stop the beast waves. They are still pushing through as if the deep wounds that were inflicted upon them do not exist!

Just as the beasts were about to reach the gate, a massive dome of blue light appeared and blocked every single one of them. Even though the dome was not affected by their attacks in the slightest, the beasts were still mowing on the dome desperately.

Then all of a sudden, everyone's eyes widen.

A majestic middle-aged man suddenly appeared while floating in the sky. It was like seeing a deity that has descended from the heavens. His aura illuminated the surrounding area like a giant sun. His light blue robe and long hair were flowing with the wind as he raised his hand casually while aiming at the beasts.

A floating luminescent blue sword suddenly appeared out of thin air and flew at high speed towards the area the man's hand was facing.


Nobody on the scene can follow the speed of the luminescent blue sword. It descended quickly like a meteor and the ground below blew up, forming a giant crater that is dozens of meters deep.

None of the beasts survived as they were all reduced to meat paste. The other hundreds who were following behind also left quickly after sensing the powerful aura the man emanated.


[ The first prologue quest has been completed! ]

[ Distributing reward to the player... ]

[ Extreme Yin Elixir has been added to the inventory ]

[ Level Up! ]

[ Level Up! ]

[ Level Up! ]



'Oh, I completed the quest! Well, I guess they did it for me..."

Xu Fei beamed for a moment and decided to check her status again.



Title: Transmigrator

Cultivation: -

Stat Points: 15

Skill points: 5

Strength: 5

Agility: 12

Stamina: 9

Intelligence: 5

Charm: 30

Qi: -

Skills: -


"Holy crap, A whole five levels! That's not bad I guess? Also, it seems like every level ups give you three stat points and a skill point."

This discovery made Xu Fei very happy. Just having her agility boosted for a couple of points already feels like entering a new world for her, let alone with a couple more. This golden finger that she received from transmigration is truly overpowered!

She subconsciously grinned from ear to ear and it made Song Qiang who was sitting beside her feel really creeped out.

'Huh... even though this girl is so beautiful, it seems like has a problem with her brain...' Song Qiang thought while looking at Xu Fei.

In her point of view, Xu Fei was staring into nothingness, mumbling some complex words to herself while grinning from ear to ear. What else could it be other than a severe mental illness?

'Sigh, it seems like she has suffered a very painful trauma that has caused her to turn like this. She must have suffered even more than I have...' Song Qiang thought.

Meanwhile, Xu Fei was still focused on messing around with her system panel, not knowing the other was thinking something bad about her.

However, their train of thought was cut suddenly as the majestic middle-aged man looked at Song Qiang and Xu Fei and their heart jolted. They quickly bowed their head to their feet to express their guilt.

The man immediately flew down from the sky and spoke with a stern tone.

"Song Qiang, an outer disciple, huh?" his voice reverberated all around the area.

"Yes, elder..."

"You better explain things clearly."

He then glanced at Xu Fei for a while before his eyes widen. He then pointed at her with a shaky finger.

"This...It's a holy physique!"

Everyone, be it the guard or Song Qiang gasped as they looked at Xu Fei with shaky pupils.


"Y-Yes, elder!" Xu Fei straightens her pose instantly.

"Follow me, let us meet the sect leader."

"U-Uh, yes elder!

'W-What is happening...' Xu Fei thought as she was suddenly lifted off the ground by an invisible force and flew off to the center of the sect.

"W-Wait a minute, I haven't introduced myself to her ye-" Xu Fei tried to say something but it was quickly cut off by the elder.

"Silence, you impertinent brat. You will meet her again soon anyway."

She immediately felt her mouth sealed shut by an invisible force. She can't open her mouth nor move her body freely anymore. She could only stay limp while being carried by the elder and accept her fate.

'Sigh, I'm so unlucky...'

She stared off into the ground from the sky. She had just experienced a near-death situation, and now she was being carried around like a sandbag by this scary elder into an unknown sect. When the hell is she going to take a break?

Interestingly enough, the whole sect seemed to be way bigger than she thought it would be.

The whole sect seemed to be shaped like a circle that is about one hundred miles in diameter. It was split into three layers. The first layer is the most-outer circle where outer disciples roam around, the second layer is the middle circle where inner disciples roam around, and the last layer is the core area where core disciples, elders, and the sect leader stayed at.

Just by seeing the poor buildings in the outer layer and the luxurious buildings in the center area was enough to know that status plays a big role in this cultivation world as well.

Xu Fei frowned as she remembered unpleasant memories from her previous life.

Whenever she walk around her prestigious university, some students would always mock her for being poor from behind her back. Since it was a place where most rich people gather, someone like her would stick out like a sore thumb.

Most of the students were pretty subtle about it and tried to be polite to her, but some of them would just straight up bully her and it made her suffer a lot.

'I just want to live in peace...'

She continued to recall memories until she suddenly got very drowsy. Running around for hours has truly left her fatigued and the exhaustion has only settled in right now. Without any other thought, she quietly fell asleep...