Chapter 3

"Ahhh" Aleister groaned in joy while almost fully submerged in the perfect temperature heat; and after a few minutes of bliss he started to think seriously about what he would do, especially in the next court session as if he doesn't handle the Thimble situation then things could go bad really easily, such as it planting distrust and disloyalty into the ministers, generals, and navy officers; after all who would want to serve under a leader who would prosecute someone willy nilly.

However, due to the bracelet which was correct on the military aspect, something his predecessor had taken part in commanding for over 100 years, he was fairly confident that the Economic tab was as correct, as the Military tab; Meaning when over a billion Stryminat a year for more than two years isn't included in the reports only mentioned as 'Unexpected delays in mining operations' meaning they simply couldn't produce enough to match what the bracelet had said, he got a little suspicious; and if it is true that Thimble is embezzling billions then a massive investigation into all officials would happen.

The first thing he really started to think about was the military side, what doctrine would he employ, would he make new ship designs, would he expand the Army or Navy, What about building more Shipyard bays, or even more drydocks planetside for ship repairs. One thing both Aleister and his predecessor believed in was that might makes right, and that the military should be placed first; that's not to say that they believed only the military should prosper and the economy and people should suffer but the military should have at least 65% of a leaders attention.

'Although the military is the most important part, going crazy like The Galactic Empire from star wars, with tens of thousands of inflexible, unwieldy star destroyers, with dozens of dreadnaughts, multiple superweapons like the death stars, the eclipse class dreadnought, the galaxy gun among others, while the people were in rebellion, and if you lived outside the core and mid-rim planets then you were basically a peasant comparatively' he thought 'as for the doctrine…. Quality over Quantity, highly specialized, extreme depth, what to call it, what to call it'.

"The Godfrey doctrine?".

Walking down the hall Aleister turned and entered a giant open room, bigger than he had ever seen, one of the walls was completely flat and flush, while the other 270°s of the room was at a slant and was filled with compartments filled with talking people, for Aleister even though some of them were dozens of meters away, he could see them all well enough as if they were only a dozen meters away; as soon as Aleister had entered the room all of them stopped talking and had stood up in attention. In Front of the throne was a man kneeling with his hands tied behind his back with two flanking guards behind him. The guards held a transparent blue shield and a staff with an electrified mace-like structure.

"At ease," he said while sitting down before continuing "Firstly we shall deal with this, Thimble Redmayne, you are found guilty of Treason and Embezzlement, along with Attempted Insurgency, and High Treason, you will rot in the deepest cell in shádsals till your death, Take him away".

"I would hope that all of you would have a larger portion of loyalty to me, not only would that benefit me the most but you would be rewarded appropriately, Head Of Finance Jam'eel Ja'ramillo".

"Y- Yes y- your majesty," He said while visibly shaking and sweating.

"You will find a Successor for your deputy, however, this time you will find it more imperative to check on them more often right?".

"O- Of Course your majesty" He quickly replied before sitting down.

"Now are there any problems that don't concern the military, be it navy or army, Production or storage".

"No your majesty" another voice sounded out from the speakers just like Jam'eel's did.

"Good, as this court session will be focused on the military," Aleister said while slightly relaxing in the very comfortable chair, and flipping through some notes on his lap "Starting with the Army, it will be completely reorganized as I find the 40+ Officer positions to be redundant and under efficient; there will be 11 for now, the ranks will be available on holograms to your left".

After a few minutes of waiting for everyone to read through the text on their holograms, he once again continued "Additionally the Navy will also be reorganized, A Captain will command a Ship, and the Admiral and His Vice Admiral will command the fleet, for now, this will work as we do not have that many ships, therefore once the navy is expanded on so too will its command structure".

"Dracraham Cullwarren, Griraf Kendraser, Gomezfang Mibiter, Crizabbion, Drisizius Vygyius, Mucceis Baktahreum, Zupa 'Zuzum, and finally Jitan 'Travamee previously you were thee most decorated Generals, therefore, you shall be the Eight Grand Generals, And Noldoz Dalneroz you will be the Fleet admiral for the First Royal Fleet, all Nine of you are exempt from all responsibilities including weekly court till further notice, find competent Generals, Marshall Commanders, Senior Commanders, Captains, and a Vice-admiral; show extreme prejudice in skill and skill alone as only the best will suffice in such important positions".

"Additionally funding for 12 new bays at Tolryke Drive Yards will be granted from the Royal treasury, The specifics will be discussed in person with the Royal Naval Architect and Head of Finance at the Palace later today".

"Lastly, due to the decrease of the different ranks in the army and navy The Measerry Naval Officer Academy, and The Odromine Army Officer Academy will have to change their structure as well, any funding needed will be given, simply go and report to the archtreasurer and you will have a reply by the end of the day".

"Are there any questions?".

"Your majesty, if I may ask, how will the qualified and decorated be efficiently and fairly re-stationed in the army?".

"If you are a skilled officer then you will be placed in a higher rank, and after Three months an officer can request to be reevaluated whether they don't believe they deserve a ranking or they believe they deserve a higher ranking, then their past achievements will be brought under scrutiny and they will be given the rank a board of qualified people agree on, although possibly inefficient; I believe that this shouldn't be rushed and should be put under extreme care. For those officers that aren't qualified for a position, I strongly suggest that you request to be put at a rank of your actual skill level".