Chapter 18

"Your majesty" Aldon and Draven both said and bowed, while the other directors simply bowed in respect. "Where are the other directors?" Aleister asked

"We are humiliated, but there were multiple accidents that required the oversight of a director," one of the directors said in an ashamed voice, to which Aleister simply glanced to Aldon who was slightly shaking his head in denial.

"I understand, this is a dangerous planet where many… accidents can happen" Aleister nodded "but it's not the time to discuss the unfortunate parts of life, instead it's time to talk about machines of war and death"

"Of course your majesty!"

Walking into a room with a circular ring-like desk around a holo projector all of the people took a seat opposite to Aleister while two black-armored guards stood behind the king.

"Two new shuttles, a new heavy cruiser, a new military freighter, a new medical transport, two new corvettes, a new siege walker, and a new armored troop transport. We have much to discuss today"

"Your majesty, if I may, where will the funding for the new factories for these machines come from," One of the directors asked

"Director Stoslies, in the next court session funds, will be allocated until then you may start construction of any facilities required in the production of the topics discussed today"

"Now if there are no other questions then we can begin" Aleister voiced

"Alright starting with the shuttles, one Vip transport, and one command shuttle" Aleister began while reading a stack of notes on the desk, the holo projector lit up with two different shuttles "Beginning with the transport, it shall be called the delta class shuttle with a length of 20 meters, a width 13 meters, and a height of 13 meters the maximum speed should be around 1000 km per hour right?"

"Depending on the armaments, armor, and cargo that sounds correct" Director Aldon replied

"Alright, it will have two small flak guns and two small energy guns, a important aspect of the ship is the Hyper Telecommunications array which must be the most advanced and powerful one that we can make. Along with a medic among the crew, it should hold 25 passengers with at least one month of supplies" Aleister finished "Any suggestions? Or questions"

"Your majesty, I suggest the number of passengers be lowered for a more comfortable experience, as the half a dozen crew members will also have to have somewhere to sleep," Draven said

"And what do you think it should be lowered to?" Aleister questioned "well your majesty, I suggest 12 along with the crew"

"If that is what the expert suggests then so it shall be" Aleister declared before pressing a button that changed the hologram to the next ship "now onto the command shuttle, at a length of 25 meters and a width of 20 it should be big enough for a commander and their staff to plan and command a battlefield, it will have a heavy shield array and two communications arrays, one main and one redundant. Lastly, for guns, two simple heavy energy cannons should suffice. Any questions or suggestions?"

"Your majesty If I may, why must we build these when we can use a command station?"

"Well it's simple, a commander must move with the battlefield; if retreat is demanded of the army then so must the commander, if advancement is required then the commander can do it and it would be a waste of resources to reuse them or use another stationary base"

"Your majesty I suggest that instead of heavy energy cannons, lighter energy cannons are used so energy can be used in the more vital communications and shielding if needed" the bald director piped up

"How about we compromise and add guns that can adjust the firepower" Draven added making the director scowl a tiny bit "an excellent suggestion my head architect we shall go with that, are there any more suggestions or questions? No ok let us continue"

"Now that the shuttles are done let's get to one of the reasons all of you are here" Aleister pointed to the directors of the military complex "The siege walker, I find it ludicrous that a fortified position can only be breached with long assaults or air support such as a bomber as seen in the assaults on the mining holes on Uranza held by royal sympathizers"

"The siege walker should fix these problems, the Sephia class siege walker at a height of 40 meters, 35 meters long, and 12 meters wide. Two twin anti-personnel guns on the maneuverable cockpit and for the siege gun a single Etherian class energy cannon meant for a navy ship, to accommodate such large energy requirements there will be two reactors one for the siege gun and one for the walker overall. I don't think I have to tell you this, but it should be heavily armored with speed being reasonable"

"Additionally the cabins should be able to pressurize themselves and magnetize its feet to a surface for space usage, for example on a shipyard or on a station"

"Your majesty I personally think a ship-grade gun is completely overkill and can be supplemented with a large tank gun, also the large build even with heavily armored legs it should be easy for an enemy fighter to bring it down" once again did the bald director suggest something weaker before getting elbowed by the lanky one next to him.

"This is a siege walker director, one does not siege a fortification that would require this siege walker unless there is air superiority, if air superiority isn't ours then they would be hard-pressed to find one. As for the gun, fortifications such as small shielding would pose a big problem to a 'large tank gun' therefore it will stay the ship gun"

"Your majesty, if the ship gun is final then I suggest bracing on the front legs to help the walker balance"

"Next is the Jagannath class heavy troop transport, at 55 meters long, 25 meters wide, and 20 meters tall it should be able to transport a half battalion with 15 days of supplies. Because general military strategy dictates that troop transports are in a formation of tanks and walkers, armaments for this don't have to be numerous. Still, it can't be defenseless therefore four retractable missile launchers, two anti-personal and two anti-vehicle launchers, along with two anti-personnel energy cannons below the cockpit should suffice. Any questions?"

"What will the mode of transportation be?"

"Wheels, big enough to raise the vehicle high enough to eliminate most damage from a mine but not so big that the troops can effectively dismount from it".

"What will the budget be for this transport and the other vehicles?"

"I will announce the budget for these items at the end, if there are no other questions then let's get to the next thing a medical transport"