A Familiar Outfit To Master

Third day arrived and for some reason Ethel is wearing an unusual outfit. And it's morning so I headed outside to sweep the front of the bar. Master gave Ethel an odd look... Somewhat he looks surprised from the looks of it.

"Hey Erik did you miss this outfit of mine?" Said Ethel.

"That looks a bit revealing in my opinion. I mean look how short your skirt is Ethel, aren't you a bit embarrassed at least a bit concerned?" Said Miss Katie.

"No, I'm not actually embarrassed since this was my outfit when we were adventuring. Also its how Erik loves it." Said Ethel.

"Hey, I was young okay." Said Mr. Erik.

Ethel shows around her outfit with a skimpy short skirt, suspended with suspenders and a crop top to finish the top with holsters for knives and small weapons from the looks of it with her weapon behind her back with ease of unsheathing due to a quick release system.