Book 4 - Schemer of the Scalding Sands: Chapter 38; Scarabia Conclusion

The screen turns on as the next chapter title plays "Chapter 38; Scarabia Conclusion".

It starts in front of Scarabia the next day as Kalim tells all the students "All right. Jamil's back in the action, and we're done with our winter break assignments! You know what that means: let's all throw a grand holiday party!"

Jamil rolls his eyes as he rather sarcastically asks "Have you considered NOT throwing a party every other day?"

But Azul counters by rhetorically asking "Oh, what's the harm? What could be nicer than a little celebration to commemorate the season?"

Jade then informs them all "The camels are all loaded up with food and drinks." Floyd then adds on the comment "And I've got my swimsuit!~ Can't wait to dive right into that oasis!~" Kalim happily nods before exclaiming "Then it's time for a parade! Bring on the elephants and peacocks, too!" Grim also cheers "Yeah! To the oasis we go!"

There is then a small timeskip to when they're at the oasis. This time though the oasis is full of water and has multiple living vibrant plants around it.

Kalim tells everyone "Okay, that should take care of everything. Go on, everybody! Eat, dance, and sing the bad times away!"

Kalim then goes over to Jamil and says "Come on, Jamil. Let's dance!" Jamil tells him "I-I'm good, really…" But Kalim still ends up dragging him away to dance.

Jade then comments to Azul "They're both quite limber. Have you considered taking dancing lessons from them, Azul?" clearly poking a little fun at him. Azul doesn't take any offense as he pushes his glasses up and tells Jade in response "I think not. Some things are too tall of an order for merfolk." But just then Floyd goes and runs up to the Scarabia duo shouting "Let me in on the fun, guys!~" Ruining Azul's counter.

Everyone happily cheers and dances about.

Yuu smiled as she watched it all, and was about to get into the fun when she heard someone call out in a strangely familiar voice from the distance "...eeeyyy! Heyyy…!"

Grim also hears it so the two turn towards the direction of the yelling.

They see two unknown figures running towards them. Grim even asks "Who's that runnin' up from across the desert?"

But it is soon seen that the two figures are Deuce and Ace, of which the latter just so happens to be shouting at them "Heyyy! Yuu! Grim!"

Once within range Deuce shouts his question, very concerned yet still out of breath, "Are you two okay?!"

Grim puts his paws up and exclaims in surprise "Ace and Deuce?!"

Ace huffs as he tries to catch his breath before complaining "Sheesh, this place is HOT. Feels like summer over here!"

Yuu asks in confusion "What's wrong, I thought you went home for the holidays?"

Ace exclaims "Uh, I'M the one that should be asking that!"

Deuce then explains "We did. But we came rushing back when you sent that SOS. Your text said, 'Trapped in Scarabia!' Then we couldn't get through to you…"

Grim then nods in realization and says "Oh yeah. I guess I did tell you to contact them." He then starts to complain "I knew you guys wouldn't be much help, and here you are, showin' up after everything's already solved."

This makes Ace shout in frustration "What?! Look! The mirror gate wasn't open, so we couldn't warp back with magic! We had to take public transportation all the way back to campus!" Deuce then adds on "I'm kinda lost here. You guys seem like you're having a good time. I'm not seeing any emergencies."

Just then Kalim comes up, with Floyd following in tow, asking Yuu "Who's this? Friends of yours, Yuu?" Floyd then greets, mainly Ace, "Heya, Crabby~ Are you here to hang out?"

Deuce then asks confused "Crabby…?" Ace slightly explains "Yeah, I'm in the Basketball Club with Floyd. Jamil's in the same club as us too, actually."

Kalim then nods happily and tells them "Ooh! Well, then! Any friend of Jamil's is a friend of mine!" Jamil had come over too, although he only speaks up now, telling Kalim "Again, I am NOT your friend…" only to sigh and ask in exasperation "You're not listening, are you?"

Kalim then tells them "Anyways, you came all the way here, so by all means, join in the festivities!"

Just then Azul calls out from a set-up table "We have pizza and pasta over here." Jade is standing next to Azul and also asks them "What would you like to drink?"

Ace then shouts in surprise "Geh! The Octavinelle boys!" Deuce then whisper-shouts to Yuu and Grim, although mostly Yuu, "What are you doing with them?!"

Grim explains in a very up-turned fashion "We were in a whooole heap o' trouble while you guys were off schmoozing with your families, y'know. Sit down and I'll tell you all about the Great Grim's exploits!" Ace asks "What ARE you rambling about?"

Before quickly moving on and saying "Oh well. I guess as long as you're okay…" Deuce then shakes his head with slight laughter saying "Yeesh. It's one false alarm after another with you guys."

Yuu thought about teasing them but then thought about how it could cause them to not do something like this anymore so instead she told them "Thank you both for coming for us." Although it did warm her heart that they were worried for them.

Ace simply shrugs and tells her "Meh, no big deal. There wasn't much to do at home other than play video games anyway." Deuce then adds on "And it'd be a real jerk move to ignore you after we told you to message us if anything came up."

Grim then seems to pout as he puts his paws on his hips and shakes his head while rather exasperatedly asking them "You guys just gotta keep up that image, huh?"

Kalim is then heard calling out "Okay, back to partying! Bring on the food and crank up the music! This is going to be the best holiday ever!"

The students then all cheer out "YEAAAH!!!" before they all then go back to happily partying.

Jamil looks down and shakes his head as he seems to almost insult them "I am surrounded by simpletons." if it weren't for the almost fond smile that appeared after he said them.

Kalim is seen pulling Azul to dance, as well as a couple of others hanging out at the random during the party.

The screen then fades to black as "To be continued" plays before fully turning off.