Chapter 18

A few days later at The mer-peoples Kingdom Queen Asandra was hugging her brother, but he acted cold and distant and even Thea would not bother to met him.

Asandra was with Issy walking through the village checking on all the progress and when she came to the black Smith, Thea and Evelyn was there collecting the items he had finished with. Evelyn was marking down everything from him and adding it to their list, she also had him doing some special weapons with rare material that no one but them know what he's making.

: 356 floating mines

: 400 land mines

: 200 bow guns

:14,000 small arrows for the bow gun

: 30,000 regular arrows

: 1200 cannon balls

" Thea here you'll keep it with the rest, another shipment should arrive from the demon king." Evelyn said smiling at Asandra then at Thea.

" D-Do you think Lillian will show up, I mean I've never gotten to meet her" Asandra said with a shy smile while Issy was trying to hold her laughter, then Thea smacked the back of her head with a smile mile on her face.

Yasek wasnt happy seeing this fox demon here basically running his kingdom, Thea looked at the face he was making and had a bitter taste in her mouth just by looking at him.

(' I know the man I was made to marry had an affair with my sister, but I was happy he left me alone. Only years later did I want children and I swear this bastard is his offspring, my sister only had an affair with me so he would not pressure me. That was the deal until she passed away, but we found the husbands body and not hers.') Thea thought to herself while Asandra was hearing a story about Lillian that caused her head to be smacked only four words into the story. Evelyn's face was blood red, when Issy said something about screaming and thumping noise through out the castle.

" Now I see why Lillian smacks you so much" Evelyn said while shaking her head in disappointment.

" well at least she does it with her tail, hey wait you have six tails why aren't you doing that instead" Issy said with a pouting face, while Evelyn rolled her eyes, Issy was certain that those fluffy tails wouldn't hurt as much as Lillian's tail plus these women's hands.

" Ok let's go check out the catapults" Evelyn said with a bright smile.

" sister why is this fox running our kingdom" Yasek said with a smug face that made Evelyn's smile to disappear and Asandras was now blood red with anger at how he has disrespected someone who is now a friend and one of her allies.

" you will watch your tone brother, Evelyn is one of my Generals who out ranks everyone but me and she even has authority over you in this kingdom" Asandra said with a domineering voice that made everyone bow down to her. Thea placed a hand on Asandras shoulder making her snap out of her anger, Asandra wraps her arm around Evelyn's as they walk down to the shore. Both women feel attachment to this fox demon right away, not that she's their mate which they hope to meet one day and with Evelyn it's a different connection.

Yasek stood there with anger flashing across his face, he stared at the three women's back and didn't know that Issy stayed there with the black smith to look over a design that she wanted to try.

Issy watched the young mans aura change black and made her whole body shudder with fear, the worker came over with the blue print of Issys idea about a machine powered by mana that will launch large spears through anything in its path.

" will have it done by tonight to test out, but with those kind of gems will only have enough for maybe 12 of em" one of the older men said while showing her the length of one of the spears, Issy walks toward the direction that the other women went and ended up on the side of piles of stones.

The others were walking in front looking at the catapults, from the corner of her eye she seen a shadow of someone.

(' that is the queens brother, W-What is he doing') Issy thought while he placed his arms against the piles of rocks pushing them to tumble down, Issy seen the girls in front of the rocks.

"MOVE WATCH OUT!!!!" Issy screamed while flailing her arms, Evelyn casted a protective barrier around the women as the pile of rock bounced off or around them. Issy ran down to them hooking her arms around each of them and kept pointing over to where Yasek was standing.

" where did--He was standing right th---" Issy stopped when her eyes shot toward Yasek, she quit speaking and had furious eyes staring at the young man. Asandra caught onto Issys behavior and a cold chill pass over her body when Yasek hugged her.

(' he is not the same, sure he even has different shaped eyes.... No he is my brother but something about him is not right')

Asandra thought to herself as Thea and her met each others eyes, she trusted Thea more than anyone else and even Thea is acting different towards Yasek.

Issy pulls Evelyn over into a concealment formation and looks back at Yasek with hate in her eyes.

" Evelyn you must watch him, he made those rocks fall on you three and I think he wants to harm all of us." Issy said with a fearful face and glances back at Asandra then drops the formation.

" let's go have dinner, my treat or I could cook you a meal" Evelyn said while they pull Asandra and Thea back up to the village, leaving Yasek by himself.

" Thea may I speak to you" a blonde headed woman said while a tiny blush went across her cheeks, Thea smiles and excused herself from the rest.

" Thea will wait at the kebab place for you so don't forget" Issy said while they sit down at a table, the woman pulls Thea in between two buildings placing a soft kiss on her lips then leans into her ear.

" Yasek pushed the rocks, he is also meeting with people from the mainland and they are humans" the woman said handing over a smokey clear stone to Thea, they kiss again passionately and then seperate going in opposite directions.

That woman is These personal guard also lover at times but they are not in love, also if they find their mates it'll be fine with the two of them.

Thea returned to the others to eat dinner, Asandra knew the woman was Theas ex who always brought her information. Last time this happened her uncle betrayed her and now she has a bad feeling about her brother.

Evelyn puts up a concealment formation around them even blocking the view from anyone wanting to try and read their lips.

" have you told your brother about your uncle's death and everything that has happened here" Evelyn said while biting into her chicken and taking a drink of ale, Thea looks at Asandra waiting for her answer.

" not everything I promised Thea we would do it after the battle and I just dont get the big change in him" Asandra said watching Thea drop a stone on the table showing a hologram of Yasek meeting with a group of twenty soldiers on the mainland and then him shoving the rocks over earlier.

" That bastard!" Thea said while Asandra was shaking with anger, Evelyn stored the stone in her ring then looks at Asandra.

" when are the villagers from his friends coming?" Evelyn asked as she slammed down her pint raising up from the chair, Asandra caught onto what Evelyn's thinking.

" he's going to sneak in the humans army with the other villagers" Asandra said

They all raise from their chairs dropping the formation and head back to the castle having the captain round up all the men who came from magic academy.