Chapter 20

On one of the cliffs was a small forest with several different waterfalls branching out running off the cliff, different Phoenixs of all the Elements could be seen. The drak element Phoenixs was a purple and black color, while the fire was orange/red, Earth element was green with traces of brown throughout.

Then the water element was a soft blue with white on the outside of the feathers and then a majestic white and gold bird which was of the light magic kind.

Kae took out a small stone while Rae took out her flute playing a beautiful song that had all of the Phoenixs flying through the air while twisting and swooning in happiness. Rae nodded toward the group and Lillian muttered the binding contract sending out thousands of the golden chains from her chest. The princess fell to one knee after the toll of doing so many familiars hit her hard, she coughed out blood causing Carra to run to her doing healing spells that wasnt helping right now.

" Lillian why isn't this working " Carra said while pulling Her over on top of her lap wiping the blood away from her mouth.

" Mal come we will transfer some over to you all " Lillian said weakly sitting back up taking her dagger out, she put 2 sets of each element Phoenix in contract with Mal and the same with the other girls.

The men she chose what element would be best for the user and gave them one each, she still don't know where they'll be located at and at least she can make them stronger to help with the mess that'll happen.

A dark element Phoenix started walking beside the group screeching at the group causing everyone to back away from Lillian, Carra held tightly onto her and could of swore the bird rolled her eyes at her.

"Scoff, did you see him" Carra said pointing at the bird, the bird made a cackling noise then sat next to Lillian laying its head on her lap.The other Phoenixs started flying above them in circles releasing tears tha fell down on the whole group, Lillian started feeling better than normal.

Mal sat down pulling out the map to see if they could find any others near this location that they'd be able to get before leaving.

" Lillian follow me" Kae said while going underneath one of the water falls where a bright gold moss was growing.

" Oh Carra would love to see this" Lillian said as Kae closes the distance between them, with sad eyes.

" well I was going to show Carra, since we'll have to take it to grow for the birds anyway and they're different varieties as well." Kae said while staring at the ground.

" Kae tell me what is wrong, I think I have a good idea and you two being twins makes it harder to except" Lillian said while pulling Kae into her arms gently pecking her lips, Kae had a wide toothy grin on her face.

" I want to spend time with you, but I'm scared Rae will find out and I don't want her mad at me." Kae said

Lillian gave her a small smile then pulls her into a deeper kiss, trailing her tongue across Kaes lips asking for permission to enter. Kae parts her mouth open for her and Lillian gently swirls her tongue around Kaes then pulling her tongue into her mouth.

They pull apart from each other with their breath heavier, Lillian looks at the gold moss inside the cave that goes further inside.

" how far does this cave go" Lillian said while moving further inside the cave where Gems was shining inside the walls giving a faint light for them to see where they are going.

" Is this where some of them keep their eggs" Lillian asked while picking up a broken eggshell then looking around around she hears chirping and slowly has Kae back out and they exit from under the waterfall where Mal joins them.

" Lillian there is wolves a few clicks that way" Mal said while pointing in the direction away from the cliff, Lillian stares at the Phoenixs and glances over to the waterfalls.

(' I'll have to make a special barrier inside these caves where only the birds and us can enter. I'll have to take Carra inside to collect parts of the varied moss inside and see if she'll be able to help grow it.') Lillian thought to herself as she takes different runes from her ring then sets formations up on every entrance to the caverns. On one of the caves she found had no moss it was just a small cave, she sets up one of the transportation arrays up.

Carra was like a kid in a candy store, collecting all the ingredients that she could even had everyone else picking things up.

Lillian decided to show her the moss tonight when she returns from getting the wolves, Mal has agreed to stay behind to keep the other women safe while Lillian and four others will fly to the next destination, having the men use their bats.

" wait wont you need one of us to make it easier for you to make contracts, the toll is to great on your body" Rae said while pecking Lillians lips.

" no I need you to stay here and all of you stay close to Mal" Lillian said opening her wings she takes to the air while the men climb onto their bats meeting her up in the air. Carra stares at Lillian with a look that tells Lillian that she better return or they'll be hell to pay the difference between Issy and Carra is crazy. Lillian winks at Carra causing the woman to blush, so she quickly looks away from Lillian.

They fly over the cliff wall toward the place that Mal told them about different beasts being located at. Lillian notices sharp stones down below and if it wasnt for movement she would not be able to spot the Rock Lizards down amongst the rock bed. The travel to get here was longer than they thought, it's been six hours since they left the Phoenixs protecting the girls.

They head down landing a little ways away from the rock bed, Lillian does a lightning spell to piss the Lizards off making them come out from hiding amongst the rock. Lillian sends ten shots striking different spots. A lizard that was 18 ft long and 14 ft wide comes out using earth spells throwing waves of earth walls toward the group, then the other beasts used spikes jumping out of the ground at them. More and more Rock lizards stormed toward them, all different sizes and she throws half a dozen large wind blades into the lizards followed by loud bang. Pebbles fly down around them with waves of rock walls slamming at them, Lillian conjures a few powerful tornadoes into the lizards weakening to the point where she can bind some of them to her.

(' it is a large number to do but these beasts would be good for the upcoming battle') The group kept wearing the beasts down to where she can bind them to her, when she was finishing up a roar made the group snap their heads to the side.

It's taking a lot of Man's along with time collecting and fighting these Lizards, she looks around for the loud growling that they can hear.