chapter 29

Evelyn returned to the castle after overseeing the new wall construction being put up by the ones with high earth affinity then digging a ravine around the walls, making it 20 ft wide and 25 ft deep with thousands of piles down below. The witches brought a few thousand bugs that our 4ft long and 2ft wide with three rolls of razor sharp teeth and a pincher for a tail that is 1 1/2 foot long to take care of anyone that the spikes don't. Alana said that they can strip meat off of a person completely less than a minute, Evelyn was impressed.

" Evelyn my sister is here I'm heading to the castle are you coming back with me" Issy said while hugging Alana around her waist.

" eh I guess I will Asandra wants us all to eat dinner together" Evelyn said while they walked together back to the castle. Thea met them at the door when they were all entering, Thea went straight to Asandras office to see what she wanted earlier.

" Thea you won't believe same today..." Asandra said with excitement while feeding her new familars fruit, Thea was amazed by seeing Phoenixs.

" where did you get these they are rare and expensive" Thea said while petting the green colored female, Asandra smiled widely at Thea..

" Lillian has finally came here, she brought Phoenixs for you as well" Asandra said then walks over to stand by Thea with a confused look on her face.

" Thea when our hands touched it was like being struck by intense lightning, I have never felt this way before and it took every ounce to control to not kiss that woman" Asandra said while the women exit the office to go to the dining room.

" oh Carra came as well, she will definitely make fun of me for forgetting her for the second time because of Lillian.

Before the bath where they couldn't stop teasing each other, Lillian now has Carra pinned to the wall in the bathroom while going down on her, Carra wants to wait to go further and gave into Lillian only doing this right now.

" aaahhhnnn aaahh haah mmph" Carra moans out while grasping Lillians hair, trying to catch her breath and having one leg over Lillian's shoulder. Carra pulls her up giving her a passionate kiss, then they get in the bath to get ready for dinner.

Evelyn sighed walking up to her bedroom when she catches Lillians scent at the bedroom next to hers.

(' eh I really miss her to where I'm smelling her scent') Evelyn thought going inside her room to get in the bath then get dressed.

Issy ran toward the dining room looking everywhere for her sister, sees Asandra putting center pieces.

" I was told my sister had arrived earlier" Issy said while Thea gives her a hug and points up stairs.

" shes in the bedroom next to Evelyn's, they should be coming down here for dinner" Thea said taking a seat at the table, Issy and Alana sit down beside her. Asandra nervously plays with her silverware, Issy was about to say something and feels a smack on her head.

" eh that felt like Lillians tail" Issy said turning around seeing both Lillian and her sister Carra standing behind her.

" sis I'm so happy your here and Lillian eh!! why do I feel killing intent from you Lillian" Issy said while getting behind her sister, Evelyn entered the dining room and freezes at the sight of Lillian.

" L-Lillian" Evelyn said while running over to her hugging her tightly from behind, Lillian froze where she stood hearing sobs coming from behind her.

" I've missed you so much" Evelyn said while Asandra bent the fork she was nervously playing with while Carras smile disappeared from her face.

" Evelyn why are you here and your hugging me to tight" Lillian said while trying to remove her arms, the servants started bringing in everyone's plates. They all take seats Carra on the other side of Asandra, then Lillian and Evelyn.

They all eat in silence while Thea, Issy, and Alana keep looking at the others who are all eating without talking. Carra is glaring at Lillian and Issy knows her the best, she also knows nothing good can come from that look.

" have you all heard of a priestess named FINA" Lillian said while looking over at Thea then at Asandra, she furrowed her brows when she looked into Theas eyes making Theas eyes go wide as she looks away.

" yes, they say her abilities to see future events is unparalleled and that she is waiting on her mate to be born, she has seen her mate. Only when her mate is strong enough will she go to her and she will give up on her priestess role or could destroy us on her going completely dark." Asandra said with a small smile, while staring at Lillian.

" I'll help you set up their nests that they'll need Asandra and we'll give the rest of you your Phoenixs after dinner" Carra said while giving her sister a small smile the notices how close she is to the girl beside her.

" oh I didn't get your name earlier, my name is Carra and she is Lillian" Carra said while looking at Her sister and Alana.

" right my name is Alana I'm a witch and Issy is my girlfriend" Alana nervously said while shifting in her seat while Carra stared at her, and she watches Carra nods her head in silence.

" as long as your good to my sister I have no problems" Carra said with a reassuring smile at them both, Lillian looks at Issy then a mischievous glint crosses her face.

" so have you spent the night together" Lillian asked Issy with a smirk causing her to choke on her drink, Alana pats her back laughing. Carra reaches under the table holding Lillians hand, Carra couldn't help but smile and Issy knows her better than anyone.

(' something is going on with her') Issy thought while watching Carra, Evelyn keeps glancing at Lillian wanting to have a conversation with her.

" well everyone's done let's go do the contracts with the Phoenixes, Alana what is your best Affinity" Carra said while the women walk out into the garden.

" ahh wind and fire the same as Issy" Alana said intertwining their fingers holding hands.

Lillian pulls Thea forward and feels the same intoxicating feeling she has with the others.

(' oh come on how many more') Lillian thought to herself as they quickly pull apart from each other.

" you will have two sets of wind and water Thea, Issy you and Alana will have two sets of fire and wind" Lillian said while having the three complete the binding process.

" Evelyn you will have dark and earth as yours" Lillian said while completing the ritual with her and Evelyn blushed while Lillian held her hands.

"Lillian can we please talk tonight" Evelyn said while she hooked her arms around Lillians neck.

" yes later we'll talk over by the willow tree later " Lillian said while walking over to Thea, taking her arm leading her away from the group.

" ok I know you felt what I did and it's been happening all week, I have four mates standing in this garden right now" Lillian said while crossing her arms across her chest.

" yes it seems like you are going to be wore out with our needs, I'm actually just starting to go into heat" Thea said pulling Lillian behind one of the trees kissing her passionately, they broke apart from kissing trying to catch their breath.

Thea smiles at the way Lillian would nip her neck, she also wanted it as she kept pulling her tighter against her body and then she heard her niece whose only technically a couple years younger than Thea.

She nipped Lillian's lips then rubs her body against Lillian's while she sniffed Lillian's neck making the girl heated up with Thes rubbing her scent all over her.

" come on guys... where are you " Asandra said in a needy voice that Thea recognized so she stepped away from Lillian then went to find them.

Lillian sighed shaking her head but doesn't understand, she had a visit one time from a truth soother that said she is suppose to make powerful Heirs from all the races along with a few powerful ones. Lillian watched the women who are further in the garden and can feel her heart beating from her ribcage.

Evelyn is her first live so was also her mate, people fall in love with others and also has a mate and all live happily together. There are some that doesn't where the lover would be to jealous then moves on and very rare times mates have to separate for a while or end up going crazy... sometimes they can pull through especially the ones who are headstrong or pushed the mate away for a while but still feeling them and slowly pushing each other away over time hooking up.

Lillian jogged up to the girls and Carra smiled widely at Lillian and Issy was watching both of them closely, she swore if Lillian just hooked up with her sister to Quench her thirst or used her... she'd probably end up in the dungeon for a while... What if they were mates then she can't get mad and yes Issy knows everything about Lillian, she also lost her innocent mind when Evelyn was over making the whole house hear their moans.

Issy kept staring at Carra who glanced over giving her a small smile then looking back at Lillian with soft eyes making Issy groan out in accident.

( I've told her about Lillian, she even visited for a few times throughout this half a year and she even heard how Lillian are together.... did she get interested hearing how Lillian made Evelyn beg for more... Tsk ) Issy thought to herself then her mind switched over to Alana who was holding Issy's hand the whole time with a smile on her face, when she glanced back at Carra seeing her sister smiling widely she rolled her eyes then blushed making Alana giggle while squeezing her hand lightly.

" Carra can we speak for a minute" Issy said as Carra let go of Lillian's arm, she looked at Evelyn then to her neck where Lillian marked her long ago, Carra thought about receiving her mark and couldn't help to smile thinking about it.

" you're staying in your room with me tonight so ... get it done then come to me I really need you " Carra whispered in Lillian's ear before licking the shell of her ear, Lillian smiled at her since she would always be real shy after with a red face but this time she seen urgency in Carras eyes that made her agree fast.

" Yes " a Lillian replied then kissed Carras lips, Issy gasped then pulled her sister away who was chuckling at her sister..

They stopped a dozen feet away then looked back at Lillian when Issy cast a concealment magic so they could talk in private.

" Carra... why are you with Lillian and I mean with Lillian, are you ok or does she... um well why ?" Issy said thinking back on working inside the mansion for Lillian, besides her making Evelyn melt when she's with her but the anger she'd release so often that would kill some enemies that would try their luck on trying to kill Lillian.

" Issy... she is my mate and I've already given myself wholly to my mate, I love her and I won't give her up for nothing " Carra said as her face turned serious when she seen Issy shake her head.

" no I wouldn't expect you to turn away from your mate, maybe mother will agree since she will be the demon Queen and Alana is royalty in the witch community" Issy said as Carra smiled then pokes her side making her sister laugh.

" Alana is my mate " Issy said as Carra hugged her sister then kissed her cheek, she looked back out to Lillian who would glance at each mate to make sure their safe while waiting on the fairy princesses.

Evelyn held Lillian's hand making her smile while they lean against each other to feel one another as they both relaxed, Evelyn missed Lillian so much and would freeze on these lonely nights without her.

" I guess we need to talk later before you go back to your room for the night " Evelyn said rubbing soothing circles on Lillian's hand, she shook her head yes then kissed Evelyn who turned it into a hungry kiss then owly pulled away when she felt all the dark Aura so she rolled her eyes.

" we will need to sit down after you get settled to let them know I'm your first and how this will all work out.. all of us together " Evelyn said rubbing Lillian's cheek while the others calmed down hearing Evelyn include them also the first mate rule.

Carra and Issy retired to the group smiling while taking Lillian's other arm smiling at Evelyn who smiled back, they settled where Asandra has a couple Gazebos with tables around for them to relax outside.

Lillian started explaining to them about the familiars and arming them along with soldiers familiars who will stay and also battle with their masters giving them a better chance of winning.