chapter 32

Thea smiles at Lillian getting closer to Lillians ear and whispers.

"we've agreed to help save his family, who are bear kins for his help and alot of the information we have is from his help." Thea said while moving Lillian toward the cell that houses the man who wore the family crest ring that they caught with Tais help.

" hellooo~human I'd like for you to meet a good friend of mine" Thea said with a wicked smile, the doctor entered the room rolling a table in. Thea stands next to Lillian while the guards hang the man by chains in the middle of the room, the doctor lifts up a pair of large trimmers and chops off the man pointer finger.

Screams echo through out the room while the doctor steps back letting Thea step forward, Thea kicks the finger away from them and goes down a large drain that has the ocean under them.

Lillian smiles at Thea and her heart beat speeds up with Theas actions, she smiles widely at Lillian then winks while motioning the doctor to continue.

(' she is so hot') Lillian thought to herself while the doctor snips off several more fingers, the man kept trying to use magic but no matter how hard he tries the room won't allow it.

" just tell them what they want to know to stop the torture" Lillian said with a fake sympathetic look while Thea scoffed at her.

" at least let me have fun I know Asandra told you if they talk I'll leave them alone and why'd you think I haven't asked yet" Thea hissed as she walks in front of the man kicking his fingers toward the drain that is large enough to drop bodies down that has sharks that are 12ft long for her smallest ones. The location of the drain let's the prisoners see their pets and usually feed the prisoners body parts or whole bodies to them.

" you'll let me go if I talk" the man cried out to Lillian, Thea motioned the doctor to continue.

" no leave the room now" Lillian said watching both of them wait outside the door, she pulls a chair close to the man and sit's down crossing her legs.

" tell me about your kingdom a Safe way in and a way to free the prisoners, I also need the number of troops they are sending" Lillian said while bouncing her foot, she'd rather torture the man and kill him. Thea is playing the bad guy and shes playing the good guy, they'll keep him alive longer until he's of no use to them.

" there is underground tunnels that flood almost all month on certain days they are clear and they travel throughout the kingdom" The man said while tears ran down his face, Lillian gets up and heals his wounds so he won't bleed to death.

" now I'll be the one going if I die I won't be able to help you anymore and the goddess only knows what they will do once I'm gone so take tonight think hard about it. I'll get the guards to get you down and also some hot food to eat" Lillian said while walking over to the door and motions to the guards to put him back to the wall in chains.

" get him a blanket and hot food and I want it here within a half hour" Lillian said while looking back to the man then closes the door behind her. The guard put back up the concealment formation to where he could not hear them but they could hear him.

Thea wraps her arms around Lillian from behind her putting her chin on her shoulder, then gently kisses Lillians neck. They then move to Yaseks cell, when they enter he is still hanging in the middle of the room where they left him yesterday.

" ahh I forgot to have them take you down" Thea said while leaning against the wall, Yasek gives Lillian a weak smile and diverts his eyes back to the floor.

" hello Lillian it's been a while since I've seen you, how have you been." Yasek said while Lillian paced back and forth trying to calm herself down, Carra told her about Yaseks behavior and shes known him for years. Lillian was dumbfounded about why he betrayed his Kingdom, she sighed while taking her fingers through her hair. Thea walks up to her placing her hand on Lillians cheek, Yasek started rattling the chains to free himsef.

" Take your filthy hands off of her" Yasek screamed while his face contorts in anger and drooling from his mouth. Thea pulls Lillian into a deep kiss and prys her mouth open with her tongue while dominating Lillian's tongue with her own.

"ahh" Lillian moans when Theas mouth leaves hers ad shes tightly gripping Theas shirt, Thea turns toward Yasek.

" I'll do whatever I want with her, actually your sister and I will take turns" Thea said while glaring at Yasek, she turns back to Lillian grabbing a handful of her ass while gently marking Lillians neck.

" ahhh T-Thea ahhn" Lillian moans out while taking deep breaths, after Thea separates from Lillian and she takes a few breaths to calm down.

" Yasek why would you betray your family, why work with humans" Lillian said while staring at him in disbelief, trying to keep Thea calm by holding her arms and Yasek kept glaring at Thea.

" go outside and let me speak with Yasek alone... please " Lillian said, Thea agreed then walked away few feet playing with knives in the table and Yasek rattled his chains.

" Leave us !" Yasek demanded making Thea laugh at him, she looked at Lillian who nodded her head yes.