Chapter 34

Carra brought out the golden moss that she collected pushing some into the wound and covers the area with it, she sends a message to Mal explaining the wound. Evelyn hasn't eaten all night and Thea made her leave to eat, shower and rest.

" Evelyn I promise that we will contact you if anything happens, but we must be strong." Asandra said while leading Evelyn to her room, Thea noticed that the gold moss has turned brown and dried out. When she removes the moss there is no sign of it getting better or worse, Thea wets a cloth cleaning the area.

" someone has to know something' Thea whispered out while tears cloudy her vision, Lillian sees Thea being vulnerable and she doesn't know how much she will be able to handle.

" do not be upset we'll figure everything out maybe someone with extensive knowledge of poisons" Lillian said

Thea kisses Lillians forehead then rises from her side, Carra quickly entered the room and sees the golden moss now black.

" it's not working, the doctor has went through Yaos things and is now looking into different deadly flowers" Carra said walking over to Lillian. All the Phoenixes were flying around liket their dancing in the air, singing a sad tune. A storm is coming with lightning strikes flashing in the sky and thunder booming right behind that shakes the island, the wind slowly picks up blowing all the cherry blossoms around the castle.

" Carra I'll be in the dungeon if anything happens send someone for me" Thea said then quickly exits the room, Lillian try's to raise up.

" oomph damn this hurts" Lillian said while Carra helps her sit up, she noticed Theas eyes were cold without any emotion and can feel her breaking. Lillian could feel her heart ripping in her chest and the pain felt like it was coming from Thea.

"Carra get me a guard to carry me to the dungeon, Thea is not thinking right" Lillian said.

" captain come in and carry Lillian after Thea quickly" Carra said while going ahead of them to the dungeon.

Thea enters Yaseks cell with two guards, a deadly aura was emitting from her as she sits in a chair the guard brought in.

" well you and your humans want to kill us, soon you'll have your wish" Thea said in a monotone voice while staring at the floor.

Yasek sits up staring at his Aunt, he has never witnessed her this broken and Asandra pops up in his head.

" is Asandra ok, what has happened" Yasek said in a low voice, trying to walk closer to his aunt but the chains stop him. Thea starts laughing while tears ran down her cheek, the guards step back away from her and Yasek has no idea what has happened.

" that man Yao stabbed Lillian with a dagger soaked in a black substance, the spot he stabbed was in the area with major organs burying the blade all the way to the hilt. We cannot heal her, also black veins are spreading throughout her body and it will rot her body from the inside" Thea said

Yasek eyes teared up while he paced back and forth having the chains pull on the floor, he takes his hand through his hair.

" we need to find a priestess, There's an island about forty minutes to an hour North of here and she's doing a tribulation" Yasek said remembering what his teacher said and he slowly nods his head while listening to the storm.

" we need to go to the island, I've heard stories of a kraken who guards the Island with heavenly divine treasures" Yasek said

Thea looks over at him then hears someone burst into the cell, Carra and a guard carrying Lillian. The black veins were now spreading up her neck, Yasek runs forward and the chain trips him making him hit his face on the stone floor.

" quickly lay her on Yaseks bed" Thea said while stepping over her nephew, he slowly gets up holding his nose that is dripping blood.

" Lillian don't worry we will find a way to make you better, I'm so sorry about all of this and you shouldn't be the one suffering in my place" Yasek said while sitting down beside Lillian.