Chapter 42 The king of the cave

Further inside the large cavern was a large hole in the ceiling, you could see the lightning flash every few seconds and the thunder cracked making a deafening sound.

Her familars started flying back toward her, she could feel their fear and a loud low growl came from up ahead. Lillian ordered her bats to go up ad out of the hole, she shadow stepped to Thea after seeing two large red eyes with slitted pupils.

When she got to Thea she pulled her half way into the shadow covering her mouth, she whispered in her ear " it's a dragon".

Thea turns to the others putting her finger over her lips, then mouths dragon, when Thea turns back to the shadow looking around for Lillian.

" everyone do not make a sound" Thea whispered to the men, when she looked at the six men, she noticed three missing and immediately knew that those dumbasses were looking in the caverns for treasures.

" did you see where she went" Thea whispered to the man closest to her, he looked around, leaned in and whispered " we only saw you, we need to regroup and let the others know of the dragon" whole the others nodded.

(" I know she was here, the shadow was blocking her and I know my mind is on the verge of breaking though. I know I wont make it, if she dies then I will join her") Thea thought to herself as the retraced their steps back through the tunnel, they see the men stuffing different things in a bag. Metal clanking against gems, the men laugh Thea grabs him by the collar, covering his mouth with her hand.

" quiet theres a dragon back there" Thea whispered, the man pushes her hand away from his mouth.

" so what we can handle a dragon" he said loudly and his voice echoed throughout th tunnels.

Thea flicked her wrist out of the hand that was holding her sword staff, blood sprayed out from his throat, he fell to his knees gurgling while falling over.

The ground under their feet began to shake, a piercing roar rang out almost deafening them, they cover their ear drums.

" we have a dragon here" Thea said into the communication jade slip to the other captains, while they ran through the tunnel to where they seperated into groups.

" Lee found the flower, he sent us out and said he'll meet us later" a soldier said

Thea pointed to the other soldiers and pushes them to go back to the mouth of the cave, but then she sees Yasek and the others running to them.

" Thea the dragon is approaching us through the front, it's to big for the tunnels" Tanka said

Thea points to the tunnel where Lee is still at and the men hurried through, Thea, Yasek and Tanka waited until they all went through.

Thea kept looking at the tunnel she came from, her mind was on Lillian and she is really here or not.

"come Thea the familiars went ahead of us, we need to put up a protective barrier" Yasek said while they watched the dragon drag its scales across the ceiling of the cave, with sparks coming from them.

Yasek and Thea enter the cave, the whole group ran as fast as they can, Thea put up several formations to try to block the fire that the dragon could possibly blow through the tunnel.