Chapter 48 The druid part 2 R18

Fauna stares down at Lillians face then reaches down raising the sheet up glancing under it, then places the sheet back down.

(" well shes not lacking that is for sure, but I want a better look") She thought while jerking the sheet off, she trails her fingers down Lillians abs stopping at her v-cut. Her eyes trail back up to Lillians face, she traces her lips with her fingers and leans down gently kissing her lips.

" what is it about you that I can't stop thinking about you" Fauna said while pulling the sheet back over Lillian, she lays down beside Lillian with a big smile on her face while hugging the beautiful woman beside her.

(" ehh I don't know who these people are, but the feel and scent of the one holding me is pleasant. The smaller handset washed me was a little to touchy, I've had a boner for an hour and no way to calm myself") Lillian thought to herself while being held in a tight hug, she felt kisses on her neck and her member twitched. A light chuckle left the womans mouth that was close to her face, a hand slid down her stomach again, but this time the woman drew circles on it.

" ahhh I'm really tempted to take you here and now, but I don't want you to be uncomfortable" Fauna said while inching closer to Lillians member, Faunas breath started to get a little heavy.

" hmmph I need to get up or I might just mount you" Fauna said

When she sits up she noticed the womans member twitching, she smirks then turns to where she could watch her face for any signs of being awake, she pulls the sheet back then straddled her stomach.

Fauna never wears a top, she only where a cloth around her bottom half and when she straddled Lillian, the demon could feel how wet and hot she is at her core that is against her. Lillian's member was laying against her backside, when Fauna moved herself she rubbed her self against it and caused a moan to escape from Lillian.

(" tsk shit") Lillian thought while She heard Fauna giggle, then she felt Faunas bare breast smash against hers and lips pressed against hers. When Fauna bent down on top of Lillian her butt slid further down against her member, when Fauna kissed her the need to take her was to much for Lillian and their mouths moved in sync with each other.

Lillian wrapped hands around Faunas waist, then traveled down to her ass cheeks and she grabbed a handful.

" Ahhn" Fauna moaned out against her lips, then Lillian slipped her tongue inside her mouth intertwining their tongues together and then sucks on her tongue. Fauna started grinding against her, while caressing Lillians breast.

" haah I want you, I'm not good with um this and I guess its been a long time. Do you want me the way I want you." Fauna said while slowly grinding against her, Lillian opened her eyes and the light hurt her to much to keep open.

" Yes, I think you can tell that I do" Lillian said while kissing her, she could feel the smile that was across her lips when she answered her question.

Fauna stands up from Lillian dropping her cloth from around her waist and crawls in between her legs, she takes her shaft into her hand.

She used her tongue and licked around her head, Lillian moaned in delight feeling her warm tongue. Fauna opened her mouth taking in the head and shaft to the hilt, letting her saliva and Lillians precum lubricate the whole length. Lillian clenched her eyes and started moaning while Fauna moved her head up and down, Lillians member twitched in delight inside of Faunas mouth while hitting the back of her throat. Lillian clenched Faunas head tightly while she shot ropes of cum down her throat filling her mouth.

" ahhh haah mmph" Lillian moans

Fauna swallowed all of it and approached her, straddling her, she leaned down and they kiss passionately and caressing each other. Fauna raised her hips and after aligning up her center, she lowered herself, when Lillian felt her member entering inside it made her moan out with Fauna.

" ahhhn" ("haah") they both moan out, Fauna pressed her breast against hers and while kissing both started moving their waist in sync, when Lillian felt the tight, warm walls hug her member, she moaned.

" ahhhhhh" Lillian moans

Fauna felt pleasurable waves with each thrust of her body, moving together with Lillian.

Lillian had her member to the hilt, she hugged Fauna and thrusts up, slapping their thighs together and slapping noise echoed through out the room.

The electrical currents went through out their bodies and Lillian could feel her massaging her member inside of her.

Faunas eyes rolled in the back of her head and gave out a throaty moan.

" ahhhhhh haah ahhhn ohhh!!!" Fauna moaned

Lillian felt her member inflate inside of her and then flooded her insides with fertile semen, she had an overwhelming feeling invade her to let the semen fertilize her eggs.

" mmmph haah ahhh" Lillian moans out.

Euphoria hit Fauna as Lillian was filling her again, instantly she had another orgasm.

" ahhh f-fuck haah ahhhn" Fauna moaned squirting heavily covering them both with her fluid, Lillian kissed Fauna deeply and their kiss turned into a sloppy one. Lillian licked her neck, even her tail was wagging beside her, Fauna started moving her waist slowly, softly massaging her member that was deeply buried inside of her.

They felt waves of heat pass through them, Lillian grabbed both of Faunas ass cheeks helping her move up and down hitting the side of her walls.

" ahhh so good ahhhn Haah aaah" Fauna moaned out, while sucking and biting on Lillians neck. Fauna was loving this wanting to bring her more pleasure, she clenched her walls as tightly as she could to where Lillian made a throaty moan because of his action.

"Ahhhhhh" Lillian moans

Lillian started using forceful bites on Faunas neck, while slamming upwards trying to go even deeper, even when She was already buried to her hilt. They smashed their thighs together wanting to advance deeper, Lillian bit into Faunas neck marking her and moaning into her neck.

" ahhhhhh yes haah ohhhhh!!" (" mmmph ahhhn") they continued their thrusts without stopping or slowing down, Lillian flipped Fauna laying her back against the bed in the missionary position. Lillian thrusts her pelvis quick and hard making her splash on both of them with each thrust.

Lillian places Faunas legs beside her head, pressing against her center, slamming hard and deep inside of her. Fauna squirted again while moaning loudly, Lillian didn't stop slamming inside of her, she felt a big orgasm coming. It's only been fifteen minutes, she trusted hard against Faunas g-spot, her body shivered and tensed up.

They both moan out loud in pleasure, Lillian filled her completely and they soaked the sheets.

" ahhhhhh haah I love you" ( oomph damn ahhh I love you too") they moaned out together, while continuing their thrusts and gently kissing each other.