Chapter 52 R18

Lillian and Faunas kiss turned needy and possessive, Vines grew across the door to keep anyone from distributing them. Fauna lines Lillians head up to her entrance, Lillian pushes inside of her slowly thrusting in and out while they kiss passionately. Lillian raises one of Faunas legs up above her hip, holding her leg up, her thrusts turn faster and harder.

" ahhhn mmmm" Fauna moans out while Lillian buries her member to the hilt, Fauna bites into her neck above another mark.

" ahhhhhh haah mhmm" (" ohhhh ahhh") They both moan out while she fills Fauna up with her cum, Fauna isnt quite done yet, but Lillian pulls out and bends Fauna over her desk.

With a hard thrust she entered Fauna again, slapping her thighs against Faunas ass with hurried thrusts In and out.

" Ahhh f-fuck harder haaah" Fauna moans out and Lillian grabs both of her hands pulling her into the hard thrusts. Lillian could feel herself twitch and her member inflate inside of Fauna, she clenched herself around Lillians member.

" Ahhhhhh haah ahhhn OHHHHH" Fauna moans loudly, Lillian doesn't stop hammering in and out of her.

" Ahhh f-fuck haah" Lillian moans out while filling Fauna again, she lays across Faunas back still slowly thrusting and kisses her back gently.

Lillian pulls out of her and helps her with putting her robe back on while gently kissing her, Fauna bends down on her knees. Lillian thought she just wanted to help her with her shorts, she was so wrong, she felt Faunas warm mouth envelope her member. Faunas head started bobbing back and forth while her hands was squeezing each of her ass cheeks, Fauna kept trying to take all of it inside her mouth. A gagging noise echoed, but she continued doing it and Lillian cupped her head with her hands. She started thrusting I and out of her mouth, burying herself to the hilt and kept thrusting. Fauna felt her twitching inside of her mouth, she knew she was about to cum and pulls her head back. She sucks on her head and pumps her hand over the shaft, Lillian wrapped her hand in Faunas hair, looking down at the beautiful woman. Fauna has forest green hair and caramel eyes, tattoos of vines wrapping around her legs and arms. Seeing this woman in this position does something to Lillian, a warm fuzzy feeling erupts in her chest and she moans out.

" ahhh mmmph ahhhn" Lillian moans out while her legs shake, Fauna pulls the tip to her bottom lip while opening her mouth wide. Lillian watches as she cums in Faunas mouth, she licks her clean and swallows every bit of it. Lillian helps her to her feet and kisses her passionately, then Fauna was about to bend down to help her with the shorts.

" I've got it baby, you might get distracted again" Lillian said getting a laugh from Fauna, that look on her face, got Lillian distracted and she stares at Fauna with a loving look.

She pulls Fauna into a tight hug, she looks at her mark on the druids neck and a smile went across her lips.

" I love you, I'm glad I've came and we met" Lillian said

A noise outside the window caught both of their attention, vines come out from everywhere around the window, but whoever's it was got away.

(" they dare look at her and covet her with their eyes") Fauna thought, the ground and tree started to shake uncontrollably, Lillian grabs Fauna by her shoulders and turns her to look at her.

" hey it's ok we'll find out who that was" Lillian said as the vines, unraveled from the door and they went out.