Chapter 57

Gus sneered at Fauna, then whispers to a imp that flew off, Fauna had a bad feeling seeing that old man flying away. He was very talented with Alchemy, he use to assist some humans with ungodly experiments, using living beings and the undead making them into abominations.

They heard squeaking noises coming from the left side of where the groups stand, over a dozen tree folk were pulling large containers behind them. There was moaning, snarls and scratching coming from the large containers that were now positioned in between the two groups.

The imp flys over pulling out pins from the tops, Gus walks over signaling the the tree folks.

" I'll give you one chance Fauna, let us have the people inside, we must protect our home from invaders" Gus said while smirking at them, thegroup that was with Gus looked at the boxes with confusion as well.

" they are a race that are fighting against the humans, they are on our side and I've told you if anyone tries to touch my mate they will die." Fauna said as the ground starts to shake, over two dozen vines come up from the ground of different sizes.

Gus's face contorts with anger about the woman being Faunas mate, the group he led looked at each other and started talking amongst themselves.

" Last chance Fauna ! You will let me have those people, be my mate and stay here with me" Gus said while his grip tightened around the handles of the axes.

Trae flys in front of Fauna and snarls at Gus, he looks toward the other group.

" he just said the reason why he is using you, he only wants her to be his and the imp wants people to do his experiments on, I've actually been investigating the missing people here and I bet this imp has used them" Trae said while staring daggers at him.

" they were useless anyway, at least now they have purpose" the old imp hissed

Gus nervously glanced back to Saul, who wouldn't look at him bow while the people behind him started to back away from him.

" Lane why'd you say that" Gus whispered to the Imp, that waved him off, the tree folk backed away from the containers.

" where are you all going we have to do this, or others will take our home again" Gus shouted at the others, they shook their heads at him and looked to Fauna.

" you all will be punished with work, go home to your families. Their hearts are as black as humans hearts and I dought they can be saved" Fauna said looking at Gus.

Gus laughed hysterically as he grabbed the two ropes of the containers close to him pulling the doors down, the imp flew to the others dropping the doors. No noise came from he darkened containers, Saul slowly walked around the container to see what he has helped them do.

A loud screech was heard coming from the container Saul was near, a humanoid figure bolts out on all fours running toward Saul. He had pointed ears, all hair was void from his head and face, his skin was translucent snow white and black veins was seen through out his skin. The clothes he wore was now just a pair of tattered cloth covering his privates, he lunged at Saul with a opened mouth and a appendage shot out from under his tongue.

It broke through Saul's bark, pumping something through the appendage and into the wound. Fauna vine wrapped around the creature, pulling it away from Saul with black fluid spewing out from its mouth and Saul's wound. The creature struggles to break the vine, Fauna looked closer at the thing and her lover the elf popped up in her head. The creature staed at her while snarling, it was worse than a wild beast and a vine penetrated through its chest.

Then dozens of beasts, elves, and other races emerged from the containers. All of them with the same features of the elf, they fanned out running and flying toward anyone they layed eyes on.

Screams filled the area as these creatures plunged their appendages into the people, a young Sprite tripped trying to run away. What use to be an imp, was close to her latched onto her leg and stuck the appendage into her thigh, a vine pierced through its head. Fauna runs to the girl picking her up and handing her to someone to carry, fauna watched her people being attacked and finally got the number of creatures that were around.

She raised her arms, hundreds of vines raised from the ground piercing the creatures through the head and chest cavities.

Trae and the others rush to help the wounded, Faustus goes over to Saul to help him over to some healthy trees to use for grafting.

" what the hell, what did he make them to be, they just attack like wild animals" Trae said while looking at all the casualties around them, Gus and the imp got away when these things occupied them.