Chapter 61

( Lillian pov)

I watch my men march toward me, I hear their salute when they hit their fist against their armor.

" tomorrow will be on our way to save this oasis of races, fight strong and fight bravely and know that ogres are viscous. Do not under estimate them, you all have been filled in about the plight that one has made and can easily infect you with one stick of its talon. Tanka will fill you in on more details rest up, the tents are out and dinner is being made" Lillian said while going back inside the tree, she enters a room where Fauna was watching from the window and she sighs when I walk up behind her.

" will you please talk to me" I said while snaking my arms around her waist, she moves from my embrace and sits down in a chair.

( " something is bothering her, I've explained to Thea and she will give me time to speak with Fauna. I need to know what is wrong with her.")

I watch her stare at the double axes laying on the desk, I see sadness in her eyes and I don't want to pressure her to tell me.

I walk out of the room and pass by Brand, I keep my eyes straight ad head to the door to speak with Yasek.

Two guards are by the door and Yasek is to be checked of any wounds when he leaves, he's pulled the creature out and I must see what were up against.

" Lillian your finally here, come look at this" Yasek said while standing next to a wooden table.

I walk closer and at first I thought it was lungs with a esophagus attached, I get closer to look. It has eight legs under it that reminds me of insect legs with a exoskeleton on them, what I thought were lungs were actually a living creature. It just took on the appearance of lungs by spreading it swings or skin to take the shape. The skin started folding up and I see a large Larvae looking thing, the appendage kept stabbing out into the table. The part that looks like a esophagus pulls open down the middle showing the appendage and thirty some rolls of teeth lined its mouth. Yasek takes a long blade poking near the mouth it lunges forward stretching five to six inches. It wanted his hand that was holding the blade, it wanted to eat his flesh and when that didn't work, it tried to strike him with its appendage.

" so it can take shape, it's a parasite and can tell when living flesh is near. Does this hunger have the host wanting to eat the human flesh or what" I asked while looking at the nasty thing, it was snow white with black veins going through it.

" well technically yes, but its located here at a person's esophagus so when they eat it goes straight to this thing. The sprite and several others wasnt infected, but the others I'm afraid it's to late. They were slowly dying when the black fluid entered them, the others were lucky Fauna attacked when she did" Yasek said while making sure the array was set up so the creature couldn't escape, even though he had it pinned down with several knives.

" the ones in the containers, if I use my devil flame on them it'll all be nothing but ash and theones up stairs." I said with a sigh escaping me before I finish, rubbing the nape of my neck.

I'll need a gas to put them out, I don't want them feeling fear or pain" I said while making my way to the door. I walk two floors up, entering the first room and my eyes land on the centaur that I seen after the attack. He was completely void of any hair, his body sickly white and the black veins prominent all over his body. His dead eyes lock on me, I see him struggling with his binding to free himself and he was no longer a being with thought or feeling.

" I'm so sorry I couldn't find a way to help you, I'll give your soul rest." I said while a purple flame engulfs all the bodies around me, the flames will burn everything to ash and only the bodies. Nothing else will burn, unless I will it to do so, I clear all the rooms and have my men to clean everything up.

I walk down to the next floor nervously, I walk up to the door and knock and the sprite answers.

" hey how is everything, are you or the others feeling sick" I said softly looking at the girl, my eyes lands on the other teenagers in the room with her and sadness is written on their face.

" were fine, our families were upstairs and we hate being separated from them" the sprite said o nod my head in response and swallow the lump in my throat.

" well rest this should be over with soon, I'm sorry about all of his happening and know I'll make them pay" I said and quickly exit the floor.

" No I need to end this now and not risk this spreading or others dying here because of two dumbasses" I whispered to myself, I take flight heading toward theother end of this cave. I'll burn them all up! I want Faunas smile back, I land near a large tunnel and I listen for any noise. I walk into the tunnel with my naga nati out, the stench of death fills the room and bones are littered on the ground.

" they'll be coming soon and will release them, it's the last of my work" the imp said while talking to Gus, the two sat in chairs staring at several large cages. I spot another small cage that has several centaurs, gnomes, and fauns. I fire several dark spells hitting both theimp and Gus taking them down to the ground, my eyes wonder to the large cages at the ogres holding different body parts of centaurs. There was three or four in each cage, then held one of an ogre twice the size of the others. Instead of thebright green their skin usually held it was now a pasty white, I throw lightning spells at the two on the floor so they won't move

I run to the small cage, I let them all out while quickly glancing them over and a loud piercing screech comes from the large ogre trying to break its door.

" run to Fauna let her know what has happened, tell her I'm sorry I didn't wait" i said while watching them running and flying away, i throw my hand up using my devils flame burning three of he cages that held almost sixteen of them.

I see Gus trying to crawl away, I swipe my weapon across his legs amputating both his legs. A loud scream escapes his mouth as the imp flutters his wings to try to fly away, I do a vertical slash cutting off one of his wings.

" where do you two think your going" I said as I grab the imp by his throat, I carry him to the wall taking out my dagger piercing through his shoulder into the rock wall and I do the same to his other.

" Gus you are truly going to suffer, I will now judge you for your sins" I said while I take a normal fire spell throwing it on him, enough to char his body.

(" I've used the devil flame to much back at Faunas and now, I have to finish them and wipe out these things")

I heard a loud bang as dust flies around, i see four of the infected ogres come out of the cage and then another band of the bigger ogre stepping forward. I slowly back away from where Gus is l see a look of fear on the fauns face as a large foot come down on his head. Blood and brain matter squirts from under the ogres foot, I focus on the four ogres and use my devil flame on them. The screeches noise that came from them hurt my ears.

"I'm guessing that was the thing and not the ogres" I said out loud while gripping my weapon, the giant ogre runs toward me and I roll out of the way slashing the back of its knee. It was like it wasn't fazed by this at the slightest, it turns swinging its arms and I dunk jabbing its chest with my naga nati.

" your wasting your time, just release me and I'll help you" the imp said while trying to pull the dagger out. I throw one of my throwing knives into his hand piercing it to the wall.