Chapter 65

Evelyn seen Lillian drag Thea off in between two buildings for over a half hour, she could tell that Thea wasn't happy when they returned. She hasn't had time to slap Lillian yet for running off and has yet been able to talk to them about what happened at the Island. Tanka told her they lost twenty six men to death, while fifty were left to help with the people there and that includes Yasek staying. I plan on going with Lillian to see this oasis inside a cave, he said the ruler there is named Fauna.

Asandra watches the ships that are left, only thirteen of sixty remain and she plans on releasing the sea beast that she has positioned under the ships.

" Ask Lillian when she wants to release the Milzars" Asandra said to her captain that's close to her, he bows and walks away. Asandra nervously glances at Lillian and Theas closeness.

(" I want her beside me and I know all of us are her mates. I need to calm down, when she is close I can smell her scent of chocolate") Asandra thought while remembering her scent when they were intimate with each other.

Tanka goes to the spears with Lillian and a few others with strong affinities to launch the spears, Lillian casts dark magic on hers while Tanka uses an earth spell and the other soldiers use different ones as well.

" fire" Tanka shouted while eight spears fly through the air and sinks three while damaging four more.

" that's thirteen and four are heavily damaged Evelyn said walking over to me, with a satisfying smile.

" we will release your eel beasts soon Asandra" Evelyn said while watching the thirteen ships trying to pull back to safety