Chapter 68 Kalae R18 for the past

Lillian watches through her binoculars at the red haired woman beside the General, behind them is over twelve slaves kneeling on their knees and not moving. She sees Kalae doing a healing spell and hiding her hand from the General. The slaves knees glow for a couple seconds and the girl kept a emotionless face, a soldier walks up then whispers to the General and his face contorts in anger.

He turns to look at the ginger, then turns to the slaves, he pulls out a silver whip and the whip vibrates. Thorns appeared all over his whip, he walks over in front of he slaves and stands right in front of a dragon kin.

She had forest green and black scales on different parts of her body her tail was mostly green with black stripes on it.

The General pulled his arm all the way back, Kalae runs over in front of the dragon kin and the whip hits her back. Blood splashed out from the wound, he didn't stop and he kept slamming the whip on her several times. A creepy smile went across his face, as he throws one under handed.

The whip wraps around her waist, he slowly pulls it away and not only does the whip cut into her, the thorns pierce her. When he slowly pulls the whip away it leaves large holes in her stomach. The slaves were trying to go against their slave mark and trying to rise from their knees.

" stay on your knees !!!" General Lax said with a authoritative voice, the cabin door slings open and a beautiful woman with strawberry blonde hair runs over wrapping her arms around Kalae. He brought down the whip hitting her mom across the back a few times.

" mom move I'm fine" Kalae said while trying to get out from behind her mom.

" Shea why did you do that, get up now !!!!" General Lax said while grabbing her wrist pulling her away from her daughter. Shea pulls her wrist free, then stands in front of Kalae and lieutenant Shane Jenkins whispers at General Lax again.

" Sir, have you made a decision about my fathers offer" Lieutenant Stephen's said while glaring at Kalae with a smug grin.

General Lax looks him with a serious face, he looks down to the deck.

" captain continue forward, pick men to stand guard with the iron arrows and fire the cannons at any incoming " General Lax said while looking at a demon ahead, in front of the soldiers on bats, he sneers at them and drags Shea into the cabin slamming the door.

( " shit I have to help mom" ) Kalae thought to herself, while putting strength into a healing spell. Light envelopes her body and her injuries are severe, she is weak from blood lose.

They heal to where the wounds are closed, but not all of them, she grunted at the pain she still felt and was very much showing right now.

Lax pulls Shea to his lap, then kisses her passionately and slowly slides his hand up her dress and slides against her dry folds, she grabs his hand stopping his actions.

" Lax you said you had something to tell me about Kalea and your in a battle that you need to return to " Shea said, Lax frowned at her then when he was about to force himself on her, a loud crack of a whip was heard. Shea quickly runs out of the door of laxs cabin with Lax slowly following her, when she sees Shane holding the whip and drawing his arm back for the second time.

" what do you think you're doing " Shea said running over to her daughter hugging her tightly and pulling out a healing potion for her to take.

Lillian watched while she was slowly moving closer, Mals ships were keeping some weaker ships at bay. Some of her men have already crossed over to the ships, killing the ones in charge by using shadow jump to smoothly kill them and binding the others.

Lillians men take the four ships that were around the Generals ship, while her and the other four was making their way to the Generals ship.

The General couldn't believe his eyes when he saw all of the ships already taken and then four people flying closer to his ship.

" fire at will, if you don't kill them I'll kill you" Geneal lax shouts, Lillian and the others smoothly dance around the cannon fire and arrows. Mal with other Shadow jumpers appeared on the ship, they already have taken all the ships with the help from Asandras peoples and was now fighting against the soldiers on Laxs ship. Tanka and the other two men jumped down joining in the fight, while Lillian lands on top of the cabins roof and she kept looking over at the girl with the ginger hair. Shea pulls Kalae behind her, the slaves stand up surrounding both the women and draw out different weapons.

" kill her now" General lax said while pushing Shane closer to the cabin, few of the slaves jump up on the roof of the cabin and swinging their weapons at Lillian.

She ducks, weaves and blocks all four slaves strikes and then stabs her spear into the wood and four strong purple lightning streaks came down hitting the four slaves. They pass out onto the wood below them, Lillian tosses a binding spell on each four.

She jumps down from the roof and her eyes are still on the ginger, Shea still had her arms wrapped around her daughter. Kalae was fuming when she seen this demon attack the four slaves and couldn't see well of what she done to them when all four fell.

" mother get behind me, Lea stay beside mother" Kalae said while walking toward the demon, General Lax was standing behind all of them and Shane was standing in front of him.

Lillian looks up and down Kalae then back up to her eyes, those green eyes had her absorbed in them and they just stood there looking at one another, Kalae had a small blush on her face when she seen the womans eyes drag down her body.

Kalae looked at the beautiful demon, her heart was pounding hard and she noticed that the demon could hear her heart beat, because of the smirk on her face. Her eyes scan the demons body and the dragon armor that had dark blue scales and the tips were silver and looked like diamonds shining in the sunlight. The weapon she was carrying looks like it was made of glass, the blue color looks like its swimming through out the staff. The spear tip was the same way, except the spear tip was silver and blue swirling around in the glass like spear tip. She grins when she sees Kalaes eye sweeping over her and even her weapon.

" like what you see" Lillian said while glancing behind Kalae taking note of how many she needs to bind.

" come at me with all you have sweet heart" Lillian said while changing back into her human form. Her dark crimson red hair flew with the wind, Shane seen the woman and then walks around the slaves to stand beside Kalae and he smirks at Lillian.

" I'll wed her instead and I'll have to put alot of effort in breaking this woman, I'll make sure to empty in her all day long" Shane said while licking his lips, Kalae was now clenching her fist and sneered at Shane with a look of hatred and disdain.

( " I should be happy about that, but instead I'm wanting to bury my sword into him for looking and saying these things about her") Kalae thought to herself as she tries to fight the slave mark to attack him, Lillian notices what the woman is trying to do and a smile crosses her lips.

" oh you seem happy about what I said, come I'll make sure you will have everything that you'll ever desire" Shane said while stepping forward. Lillian smirks at the foolish man.

" what if its her I desire" Lillian said pointing at Kalae and Shane looks to Kalae, with a wide smile on his face and grabs her by the back of her neck throwing her forward.

" stay kneeled !! you can do what ever you want, she'll let you fuck her all that you want and you can beat her to the brink of death. I gotta admit though I'm not to fond of women being together, I guess as long as no one finds out" Shane said with a proud look. Lillian stabs the deck with her spear then walks closer to Kalae, she bends closer to the woman and Lillian gently kisses her lips. Kalae eyes widen at first, but then found herself kissing her back and even deepens the kiss.