Chapter 76

Lillian leaves the room with Phelps and others guarding Jisselle while she knocks on the Queens door, when she sees the woman answer in a white dress that hugs her curves with two slits running down from her thigh and a V neck that shows all of her cleavage. Lillian couldn't help but stare at th Queens body. A wide smile was on Camilles face when she got that reaction from Lillian, she intertwines her arm with Lillian and they make their way to the dining hall. Kalae and Carra are already seated and a few others are at the table that Lillian hasn't met yet.

" Lillian this my brother Anthony and his wife Rachelle " Camille said motioning to the two, Lillian thought that Rachelle is a beauty and shes no mate so she glanced at her, shaking both of their hands.

" these two men are my fathers friends who are also two of the council, Roberto and Martin" Camille said while Lillian shakes both of their hands and then she notices three women around Camilles age.

" My besties Trisha, Yui and Alma" Camille said while Lillian excepted both of heir hands well. she seen Tavi sitting there with another older man who had a mustache.

" you've met Tavi and this is Kai" Camille said walking her and Lillian to their seats, Lillian pulls out Camilles chair and then pushes it in after she takes her seat.

They all ate their dinner and was having a light discussion when Tavi clears his throat and stands up from his chair.

" my Queen we must talk about a marriage to one of the princes I've spoken to you about" Tavi said

Camille tighten her grip on her glass and the glass busted, she quickly calls over one other servants who cleans up the mess. Lillian takes Camille's hand and kisses her knuckles, the three women start chuckling at their friends red face.

" that's kinda rude sir when I've not had the opportunity to tell the Queen my offer" Lillian said with Camille's mouth slightly parted in surprise and a shy smile on her lips.

" I've came with a proposal, which will guarantee my Armies and more to back you an also I'll send 20,000 men here to strengthen your army with familars as well" Lillian said when Camille pulls her into a kiss.

" yes I'll marry you right now" Camille said while everyone started talking at once, Tavi clenched his fist. Martin and Alberto have smiles on their face.

" This is propostorus I wont except this !!!" Tavi shouted, Anthony stood up slapping the table and Tavi sits down.

" you are a advisor and you dont make decisions on or for my sister !!!" Anthony shouted, he straightens up his suit then motions for Lillian to continue.

" well 20,000, familars and 5 million crowns for the dowery to help the kingdom and that's not all I will also have weapons, armor and other items to contribute....Mal also has a gift from her Queen for the marriage of myself and Camille" Lillian said motioning for Mal to speak, She walks over from where she stood with several letters and scrolls.

" ok bear with me with this list... Una promises 20,000 troops, with 10,000 winter war beasts, 2,000 spell books, 12,500 different potions, 200 high level Alchemists, 500 transcendence realm black Smith's, 30,000 weapons that are a mix of swords, spears,axes, and others. She also will contribute 11,000 full sets of heavenly grade armor, 13000 mid level armor and 18,000 low level Armor also each will have shields with each set. Eleven million crowns to give as well, this is only if Queen Camille will marry Queen Lillian and a written apology for the misunderstanding with the war that almost happened and that is close to your borders with the Red Queen." Mal said then bows handing papers and scrolls over to Camille. Everyone has smiles on their face except for Tavis which all of them noticed, Rachelle grips her knife and her husband lays his hand over hers.

" Lillian even if I've been offered nothing I'd still have you as my wife..." Camile was saying when Lillian quieted her with a kiss to make sure that she doesn't tell them that she is mated with her. Everyone cheered for the both of them, Alberto and Martin pull out a official paper for both Lillian and their Queen to sign. Tavi rushes over to take the paper away from the two women, A blade was at his throat a few feet away from Lillian and she smirked at the old man.

" please do be careful coming close to either of them, I don't like you and don't trust you" Mal said drawing blood from the mans throat, she loosens her blade and he quickly backs away. The dark elf collects his blood without anyone seeing of course, she knows that he is conspiring against his Queen. That's enough for her to take this thorn out before her Queens can be hurt. Lillian and Una are the only two she serves, since Lillian wants to marry Camille she'll protect her as well. Lillian kisses Camilles lips again as they stand outside on the balcony, they hold each other tightly while watching the bright colors covering the night sky.

" I'm so happy for you wanting to marry me" Camille said with a wide smile and takes a drink from Lillians wine glass, Lillian smiles and kisses Camilles neck.