Chapter 80

Lillian wakes up with blurred vision, she looks around the large bedroom that is decorated in red and black colors.

" EHHH my head " Lillian said in a whispered tone, she tries to use her powers and nothing happened. Then she noticed the cuff on her wrist, she sighs kicking the bed post and then wines as she hops around holding her foot. She tries the door to see if its locked, when she quietly opens it and looks down both ways of the hallway. Lillian decides to go right cutting down into another hallway, she hears armor clanking coming toward her and runs to the closet door she sees. With the oor cracked she watches six men in armor patrolling the hallway, she didn't know that behind her a beautiful vixen of a woman sat at her desk watching her with a smirk. The Red Queen looked at Lillians body from head to toe, her body started to heat up with the lingerie that she had servants bathe and dress her in. She bites her bottom lip while narrowing her eyes on Lillians plump butt, she releases a shaky breath.

" I knew you'd look good in Red " the woman said while dragging out the last word, Lillian spins around to see a woman wearing a face mask that covered her upper face. She was wearing a red flowing dress that showed off her small waist and breast, she slowly walked toward Lillian.

" why have you brought me here " Lillian said watching the woman walking toward her, sheamus admit the woman with red hair and silver eyes was very pleasing to her eyes.

" I wanted to meet the Demon Queen who could solve all my problems.....In more ways than one" The Queen said licking her lips getting closer to Lillian and she smirked at the woman in the mask. She moves away from the Red Queen sliding her two fingers across the wooden desk beside her and she smiled to herself.

( " It does feel good being looked at like she was prey being hunted") Lillian thought when she felt warm hands grabbing her waist and pinning her against the wall. Their faces was centimeters apart, they could feel each others warm breath hitting each other. Lillian faked a kiss and brushed her lips over the other womans when she turned her face to the side.

" Tsk Tsk Tsk I'm an engaged woman now and I have to have myself for my soon to be wife" Lillian said with a wink, the woman glances down to her neck seeing several different marks.

" it's not uncommon for one to have several mates it's only rare, usually royal alphas do to spread their seeds...My name is Eva by the way" Eva said while rubbing her hand up and down Lillians thigh. She then takes her finger over Lilins core and then drops her hand away, she tilted her head in confusion.

" I thought that maybe you had a small one or I was paying to much attention to the rest of you and I'm slightly confused about you being an Alpha " Eva said backing away from Lillian to return to her desk, Lillian squinted her eyes at the woman and could see some disappointment written on her face. Lillian slides her butt on Eva's desk then crosses her legs.

" I'll tell you my secret if you tell me a secret I wish to know" Lillian said with a sly smile, Eva walks over to a small bar in her room and pours two glasses of wine for them both. Then sits own on a couch patting a seat beside her, Lillian joined her and flashed a wide smile when she smelled the wine.

" Ahh this wine is indeed one of the best ones and is limited to a few bottles now" Lillian said.

" ok so why frame Camille against the celestials, why bring me here and who is behind the scenes " Lillian said smugly and in a defiant way.

" it wasn't I who went against the general or the Ice Queen and yes the person who has done it, is behind the scene yes they are and I only agreed if you both were not hurt...Also another reason that is personal" Eva said when a knock on the door interrupts them when a bald, rounded and middle aged man walked in Eva's office.

" What do you want Alan " Eva said coldly looking at the man with a disgusted face and he rolled his eyes at her childish behavior. He walks closer to Lillian with his hand extended to touch her face and Eva grabs his wrist roughly.

" do not touch her " Eva said in a husky voice, the man smirks eyeing Lillian in the red lingerie and tilts his head.

" well I dought she can do what you want anyway, just let me have her " Alan said, Lillian noticed he looked in between her legs when he said that she couldnt help Eva.

Eva stands quickly looking at Alan with rage in her eyes, he backs up slowly away from Lillian.

" we do need to talk business " Alan said while looking at Lillian, she got up from the couch and went out of the door. She waited for one of them to come out or for guards to be there, there wasn't so she listened through the door.

" well trust me will find the royal alpha your looking for, but you need to engage the war helping out the cloaked ones for years to come and trust me the seerer will find the alpha.....will use a different one since this time was a fluke" Alan said.

" I'll give them one year to find the Alpha, I have no time to wait longer" Eva said, Lillian quickly goes down the hallway to try and find her room. A man around the same age as Eva with the exact same color hair and silver eyes was walking toward her. He grabbed Lillians arms pinning her to the wall, she quickly brought her knee to his groin and he falls to his knees. Lillian then knees him in the face to where a snapping nose echoed through the hallway, no less then a minute Eva was standing beside her looking down at her brother knocked unconscious on the floor.

" Take my brother to a different room on a different floor, he is prohibited from stepping on this floor and is not to be around Lillian. If I hear that he is you six will die with him. " Eva said stepping closer to Lillian, she gently takes her hands and looks at the red marks on her wrist.

" did he hurt you " Eva asked while she rubbed her thumb soothingly across her wrist, Lillian smiles weakly at the woman.

( " Damn her ! she is not one of my mates and she has me swooning.... Dammit ") Lillian thought to herself, when they hear a fighting commotion around the corner in the other hallway. Her brother storms toward Lillian with a bloodied guards sword, he raises his arm to take a swing at Lillian when a kick knocks the sword free from his hand and the other one on his jaw. Four of the guards run to them and grab the man from the floor Eva stands in front of them.

" I'm guessing the other two didnt make it, well I cant kill him since my mother would be upset...take him to the dungeon and give him sixty lashes and a week confinement." Eva said taking out a slave cuff to snap on his wrist she then walks away from them.

" oh I'll watch the show in a few minutes after no one is aloud to heal him either" Eva said as she looks over her shoulders at them, she gently holds Lillians hand and walks into a room.

" here put these on " Eva said handing a shirt and pants to her, she turns to look out the window. Lillian stares at her and bites her bottom lip while clenching her legs tightly together.

( " DAMN HER ") Lillian thought to herself.

They exit the room making their way down to the dungeon, her brother is chained up from the ceiling with his toes barely touching the stone floor.

" Bitch !!! You dare treat me this way for a slave " He hissed out with a reddened face from anger.

" she is no slave Alex, the cuff is so she doesn't kill us and dont speak of her like that again" Eva said walking back over to Lillian, she takes her hand and unfastened the slave cuff removing it. A dark energy filled the room and then soon turned back to normal leaving everyone frightened besides Eva, she stared at Lillian with lust filled eyes and licks her lips slowly looking away from Lillian. A enormous man walks into the room, he had to dunk to enter the doorway. The sounds of a whip cracking filled the room with the scent of iron evading the nose, Lillian kept stealing glances at Eva and her core was on fire when she seen Eva enjoying her brother being whipped. She stood behind Eva bringing her hands around her waist, Lillian gently kisses her neck and then roughly bites into her neck at her pulse point.

" Ahhh f-fuck " Eva moaned out while Lillian licked the blood from her lips, she drags her tongue across the wound and licks the blood away.

Lillian never gets to enjoy this side of her character, she hasn't found someone to stir that emotion besides now and she was completely out of it.

" haah Eva I want you to fuck me hard " Lillian said in Eva's ear while she brought her hands up grabbing both of Eva's butt cheeks.

Lillian lifts up Eva's dress in the back, she pulls Eva's back closer to her chest then slides her hand from behind dragging her fingers through Evas folds and runs in a circular motion over her bundle of nerves.

" Ahhh umm haah" Eva softly moans out, while Lillian sucks on her neck.