Chapter 82

Una watches the enemies camps with her binoculars, with there'd Queen helping the unknown enemy it's proven to be problematic. She has an uneasy feeling that her brother Maximus, she still has to get the ingredients for the potion which could take years.

" Hixson is there any movement at the front lines" Una asked while pacing back and forth, she knows they are just taking their time and hes outnumbered with them having there'd Queens support, she will have her allies and friends help behind the scenes so she doesn't alert her brother.

Meanwhile Jisselle, Carra and Camille collected the snow orchids, shealo collected all the herbs from the Ice kingdom just in case she'll need them in the future. Carra just mixed a potion that will trick Tavi into spilling all of his secrets.

Mal forced the potion down Tavis mouth, a few minutes later he starts rambling and finally says te name Alan that Mal recognizes.

" the mage from he largest human kingdom Lynfia " Mal said while Phelps recorded Tavis every word, Camille shuddered hearing the things this man had done and has already decided that death is to quick for him. She stares at his severed hands,she pulls out a sword that Lillian gave to her in the ring and it was a long sword that looked as if it was made from snow and ice. The cold aura the sword emitted would take peoples breath away and they'd shiver from the coldness.

" heal him, do not heal the body parts back" Camille said as she swung he sword five times at theman cutting off his legs at his hips, his arms to his shoulders and cuts his dick clean off. The soldiers grimaced, the doctor starts healing the wounds and puts a device in to let the man pee.

" Your majesty two of the four search parties are back and they have brought the victims back that escaped" Jore said bowing and then exits the cell, Camille seemed different after hearing everything this man was doing and the fact that he helped the enemy take her fiance. Carraway starting to worry about her and so was Mal, they all head up to one of the sitting rooms where over sixteen people were sitting being served a hot meal and drinks. When Camille enters, they all bow and she waves her hands to stop them and she bows to them as se takes to her knees.

" I'm so sorry for everything, I dont deserve to be your Queen " Camille sobbed out when two women and a man rush over to help Camille from the floor.

" no my Queen he tricked everyone and had powerful people who aided him, we brought all the proof from his lab of the ones who plotted against our kingdom" Th blonde headed woman said while pulling off a spacial ring that was full of documents, treasures, items, weapons, pills, spells and also rare potions.

The other two nodded their heads in agreement also handing her their rings as well. The man smiled at his Queen then motions to another room, Camille nods in agreement.

" Jor take all of them to the largest guest house and make sure they have everything they need. give tem therest of everything and tomorrow I'll speak more with them." Camille said while she motions for the three to follow them into her office.

" Mary set up three of the rooms in my hall for them" Camille said ten closes the door, the blonde headed girl seen her cousin Jisselle and runs to her crying.

" I was so worried when you didn't return to the cell, I told you I'd take responsibility for that thing of a man " Courtney said while looking at her cousins face that she held onto, the three of them hugged Jisselle tightly. Mal sits down at the desk, she empties one of the rings and stacks the documents in a neat pile while Camille and Carradoes theother rings.

" wow he robbed you blind, it's over 23 million gold in this ring alone and some rare herbs tht we can and will need" Carra said when she stored everything but the documents in the ring, so did theother two and Camille gasped at a list of victims that he done experiments on was in the thousands. Mal found a list of people inside the kingdom and out that worked with Tavi.

" Camille you have alot of cleaning up to do, the good thing is you have four people who can be trusted to now advise you " Mal said pointing to Jisselle and theother three who all had wide eyes.

" yes I do and they will make great advisors to help me fix the kingdom " Camille said with a bright smile, Carra chuckled softly and Camille emptied the three rings into one of hers.

She leaves 2,000 gold, three cultivation pills and potions,a set of heavenly grade armor and weapon.

" they'll be more to come but for right now these are yours" Camile said three backed away waving their hands and said no need they'll help without those.

" no you will take it and I needa volunteer to oversee the other victims that escape with you all and another to go through the list for the victims who are dead to pay the family and the third person to find houses for them to live and fill jobs here." Camille said while her attention was stuck on a list of names, Mal sighed loudly and walked over to the three, she smiles at Jisselle and hands her a ring.

" Lillian will change your armor and weapons to rare ones when she returns" Mal said, Jisselle looked through the items.

: 10,000 gold

: 12 cultivation pills and one beauty pill

: sixty potions of different things

: copies of spell books

: over a dozen runes

: sixteen different formations and arrays

: a dragon egg

: Armor of transcendence grade also a word and spear

" I want you to copy the spells for those three" Mal said noticing snowflakes falling around Jisselle, Courtney gasped with a wide smile.

" your snow magic is back" Courtney said

Jisselle didn't think about it until now, a blush went across her face remembering her time with Lillian.

" will talk about it later " Jisselle said while they spent the rest of the night going through the papers and making plans.