Chapter 105 def. R18

Lillian wakes up and is locked inside a cell that is inside a large tent, she can see other cells with other races. A person wearing a cloak walksup to her with long metal objects on all her fingers that look like long, sharp nails and he is taking them across the metal bars.

" So, this is the great Demon Queen and I thought you would look grotesque to say the least. Though this isn't your only form, how about you turn into your real form. " A mechanical voice said, Lillian could tell from the build and how this person walked that it had to be a female. Lillian takes on her other form of her lust demon, the cloaked person tilted her head and scans her eyes up and down Lillians body.

(" well she is even more beautiful in her demon form ") the cloaked person thought as she wants to see all of Lillians body under the robes, when she sat with the other members as they watched Kalina and Lillian before. This one only gazed at the floor unable to watch the woman make love to someone that she considered hers, she class her hand behind her back.

" I must say that you are a magnificent creature, may I see all of you " the cloaked figure said as she watches Lillian smirk and slowly pull off her robes. Lillian let her tail come out, but she doesn't allow her wings to come out and wants to hope they don't know about them.

The cloaked figure watches Lillian with interest, as she sits down in a chair crossing her legs tightly and Lillian can smell her arousal.

The cloaked figure gazes down seeing that in this form Lillian possesses a male member between her legs and she chokes on her spit. A guard rushes in when he hears a coughing fit, the cloaked figure watches him stare at Lillian which set hroff the second his eyes landed on Lillian and before she knew what was happening, her hand raied up. A blood curdling scream broke out from the man holds was holding his hands over both of his eyes and blood was pouring out.

" who said for you to come inside here and you dare to look at her " the cloaked figure said as she clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth, she walks over and stands in front of Lillian to block ay prying eyes that come inside to take the man away.

" mistress shall I heal him " a female servant who is a dragon kin said as she keeps her eyes lowered to the floor. Lillian takes interest in the vulumptious female that had a midnight blue scaled tail, she felt herself grow hard by looking at the woman.

" no, he shouldn't have looked at her " the cloaked figure said as she looks over her shoulder at Lillian and then glances down at her rock hard member.

" Jasmine take him out and then return wearing nothing under your robe " The closed figure said walking back over to her chair sitting down, Lillian smiles at her and then she looks around the tent.

" I can smell your arousal, instead of your servant who is now coming back to you and I know your planning on putting her inside with me. You should b the one to come inside here with me " Lillian said while licking her lips, she walks over and leans against the bars with her back against them as she watches the person in the chair.

" take off your mask and your robe " Lillian said as she takes her hand up and down her own thigh. Lillian takes her member into her hand as she looks over to the cloaked person and slowly moves her hand back and forth.

Lillian watches the person scrape her metal claws into the arms of the chair, when the cloaked figure watches her. Jasmine enters through the tent, she keeps her eyes on the ground and waits for her masters order.

" Jasmine I want you to mate with her " the cloaked figure said as she raises up from her chair walking behind Jasmine and gently pulls off her robe.

Jasmine walks over to the cell and the cloaked figure opens up the cell, she guides Jasmine inside.

" Jasmine, you can act natural and look at her, I want you to please her " the cloaked figure said as she sits back down watching them, Jasmine slowly approaches Lillian as she looks over Lillians body.

" I'm sorry if I make you uncomfortable with my touch, I must obey my mistress and you can have me in any way that you wish." Jasmine said as she slowly approaches Lillian and slowly kisses her. Lillian pulls Jasmine in to where she is now pressed fully against her center and Jasmine can fully fill her rock hard member against her. Jasmine's face goes red as Lillians tongue dances with her own and is grinding against her. A moan escapes from Jasmine's lips, Jasmine's tail wraps around Lillians leg as jasmine's hands travel down. Jasmine wraps her hand around Lillians shaft and moves her hand back and forth, a moan comes from Lillian.

" mmmm your so hard, put it in me " Jasmine said, Lillian picks her up and she wraps her legs around Lillians waist, then Lillian puts her head in Jasmines entrance. Lillian kisses on her neck and gently slides inside her, jasmine can feel Lillians member filling her up.

" Ahhh haah " Jasmine moans out, her eyes rolls in the back of her head and Lillian pumps in and out of her. The cloaked figure watches them and clenches her thighs together, usually she never gets turned on and only gets that way with Kalina.

" Ahhhn haah ahhhhhh haah mhmm " Jasmine is a moaning mess right now, Lillian smiles as she thrusts harder and faster into her.

" hmmph haah ahhhn " Lillian moans out while Jasmine bucks her hips in rythm with her, sh feels herself squirting out her juices as sheorgasms twice and then a third time when shefeels Lillian squirt rope after rope inside of her.

A wide smile comes across Jasmine's face and Lillian pulls out of her, then gently sits her on her feet. At first glance she thought that Jasmine could stand on her own and she steps away then Jasmines legs start buckling.

" I've got you " Lillian said as she picks her up in a bridal carry then walks over to the cell door, the cloaked figure walks over to them.

" Jasmine is it ok if you stay the night with Her " the cloaked figure asked as she finally controlled her breathing, Jasmine shakes her head yes and stares at Lillian.

" here is something for you all to sleep on " The cloaked figure said as she pulls out a ring to give to Jasmine that has clothes, bedding and large curtains for privacy. Lillian didn't try to grab either the ring or the figures hand, she let Jasmine pull out the bedding then layed her down on it.