Chapter 123

Lillian was walking out in the forest by herself, she doesn't want Shunu out and about unless she has to. Being 13 weeks pregnant, she must have gotten pregnant the two weeks before she came back to her kingdom.

Mal appeared by a tree on the path that Lillian was on, a smile was on Mals face when she walked up to Lillian.

" hey I guess it'll be time soon, Shunu has gotten really big and mean as well" Mal said with a smirk on her face, Lillian rolled her eyes at her friend as they head back into the village.

" where is she now " Lillian asked as they went into the Queens house, when Lillian walks toward their bedroom door it quickly swings open then Shunu Pulls Lillian in then gives her a deep kiss.

" MMM get undressed" Shunu said then rips Off Lillian's clothes, she looked sad when Lillian grabbed her hands.

" baby calm down, I'll do whatever you want and more " Lillian said as she gently kisses Shunus lips and slowly undresses her.

" change into your demon form " Shunu said as she pushes Lillian over to the bed and pushes her to sit down after she changed into her demon form. Shunu climbs up on the bed in between Lillians legs as she kneels down and takes her shaft into her hand.

" Shunu MMMM" Lillian moans out as she feels a wet, warm mouth encircle her head. Shunu bobbed her head up and down on Lillians member taking it to the hilt as it hits the back of her throat.

Lillian gently holds Shunus hair as she releases into Shunus mouth and she drinks every drop, Shunu straddles Lillian's lap and grinds against her member.

" ahh Lillian fuck me please" Shunu said with her lips pouting, Shunu tried to reach under her but was having problems.

Lillian moves Shunu off of her then puts down two pillows and has her leaning on them on all fours, Lillian lines her head up with Shunus entrance and gently pushes in and out of her.

" ohhh fuck YES MMMM" Shunu moaned out, twenty minutes later and three orgasms later. Lillian was rubbing Shunus stomach with a smile on her face and staring into Shunus smiling eyes.

'' I love you " Shunu said with a smile, she brings one of Lillians hands up then kisses her knuckles.

" I love you, the baby will be here by next week and we'll be parents when you give birth " Lillian said as she cuddles beside Shunu.

A loud horn was sounded, a few minutes later Bea stormed in the bedroom and Mal right behind her.

" Lillian they've spotted four hundred thousand troops marching into the forest, it's a hundred thousandths more than what we thought " Mal said

Lillian mutters a spell, shadows started to block out the sun as thousands of flapping wings were heard from above.

" ok the familiars will take soldiers to carry out and then we'll launch a attack to see where they are at and get 100,000 soldiers with bow guns ready to fire at will once they are 59 ft away from the enemy" Lillian said in a communication jade with a few of her generals who is now mounting the large bat familiars with their soldiers and are being flown to a point at where an attack will be done with a bow gun.

They each have fifty arrows in their guns and extra ammo for it, they'll attack from the air then encircle the army while they unload the guns at them. The next group will be rushing in after the arrows are spent and then they'll have mages throwing deadly spells left and right at them.

Lillian hands Mal a key ring that has large iron keys on its loop, she gives a small smile and then walks over to where Shunu is standing at the window.

Lillian hugs her from behind then gently kisses her neck.

" you will stay with your family and stay where I tell you, I'll end then quickly then return to you " Lillian said, Tears ran down Shunus cheeks as she gave a sad smile.

" stay with me, let your second control the troops and just stay by my side. " Shunu said.

Lillian turns her around then wipes away her tears, she kisses Shunu passionately and then looks over at Laura.

" do not leave her side, all six of your people will watch over her from the shadows and you will remain by her side no matter what she or anyone else says, if something happens you seven will take her and her family to my dragon. Take them back home, protect them no matter the cost " Lillian said, she pulls out her armor that fits her like a second skin and a mask design that looks like an Asian Demon Oni.

The Dao sword has cherry blossoms covering the white silver blade, she walks away from Shunu then stops beside her mother Bea.

" don't trust anyone from your people or the other kingdoms, Laura is going to get you all out of here and you need to listen to everything she says. The young guard you keep by your side will stay here making it seem as if he's guarding the door and Laura will use a transportation array to move all of you and he'll have one to use for him and his family later on that will take him to one of my people's camps. Do not tell anyone about this and keep your woman close to you." Lillian said, Bea nodded in agreement and then pulled Lillian into a hug.

" please be safe and return to my daughter, she won't make it without you now " Bea said then a loud groan made both of them look back at Shunu, Lillian runs over then picks her up and lays her down on the bed.

Her whole body is covered in sweat, she orders Laura to only let Lillians doctors into the room along with her mother.

" no maid, soldier or family besides her mother is aloud in " Lillian said as she wets a cloth to wipe Shunus face, Lillian leans over then kisses Shunus lips gently.

" try to hold on baby, I'll return to you in a few hours and then we will welcome out child to this world." Lillian said with a gentle smile as she looked down at Shunus blue and green eyes that always keeps her captivated.

Shunu nods her head then slowly closes her eyes and Lillian removes her hand from her forehead.

" she'll sleep until your all home and safe, if she goes into labor she'll wake up. Mal change of plans for you and Tanka I want you to stay beside Shunu as well " Lillian said

Tanka and Mal both look at Lillians face with confusion, then kneeled down in front of her.

" my Queen we must be by your side, what if it's a trap or something goes wrong " Tanka said with a Stern face, he shakes his head then lowers his forehead to the ground.

" At least take one of us--" Mal said as she was cut off by a wave of Lillians hand, she walks up to both of them.

" rise... I don't want your courtesy, I want you to protect my family and only you two and Laura are skilled enough to do that. That is what I need from all of you, make sure that you each give your dozen orders and have a few of them stay with Bea, Her sister in law and their children. Also four shadows will stay with Shunus friend who is guarding them and send three to his family's home with an array to get them out in the next half hour. The list of maids and staff are to be taken to a different Array to one of the camps, when the time is right take the soldier last. In forty minutes you all will use the array to take Shunu home to our family, when I'm done I will return and if not do not ever stray from protecting all of my mates no matter what." Lillian said as she walks by them both and stops at the door to take one last look at Shunu.

" if something goes wrong with the array, my dark dragon will take all of them back home and it'll protect them with its life if necessary" Lillian said when she leaves the room, Tanka stares at the floor then pops his neck and looks over at Mal.

" here is my twelve, go ahead and set them up for tasks. I'll make a round to check out the defences and set up the fakes that the soldier boy will be guarding. Mal reaches into her spacial ring then pulls out ten wax people then handed them to Tanka.

" they'll last twelve hours and just mutter the spell and the rest is done, make sure to have some of our people load things of Shunus family even down to the last jewel in the vault. I feel for the common people, but I won't let Shunus treasures be used by traitors. " Mal said, Tanka nodded his head then left the room and he has to get the nine thousand soldiers ready to depart with them later on as well, they are special forces the nine thousand can stand toe to toe with over 60,000 regular soldiers and come out on top.

Lillian was riding on her second dragon which was a lightning dragon that is the strongest out of the rest except for the dark dragon.

It's blueish purple color of it's skin and the dark purple feathers on the end of it's tail has sparks of lightning shooting out from the tail.

While in the air she surveyed the area and spotted an Elven army of a neighboring Elven kingdom twenty miles away from her mates Kingdom, Anger went through every fiber of her body. A large purple lightning bolt hit the soldiers one after another, killing over 30,000 of the 80,000 instantly. Lillian used her communication jade and let's Tanka and Mal know, she jumps off from her dragons back and lands with a loud boom that kills hundreds that was close to where she landed. With quick steps and sword work, blood splashes out from the men she sliced through.

The dragon above was still sending bolts down killing thousands with each strike, Lillian uses her sword and spells to go on a killing spree. A hour later there was six soldiers left alive, and the rest of them were dead.

" you see that me and my dragon has taken on and killed 80,000 soldiers with only you six left, I'll let you live if you can tell me what I wish to learn." Lillian said as she cleans blood off of her sword, she stands in front of a general who is the oldest amongst them.

The man had his brows furrowed and hatred in his eyes when he finally looked up at Lillian, air quickly hit all the men and then the man's bottom jaw lands on the ground.

Lillian's armored claws was soaked in blood, she then walks in front of another soldier.

" I don't like how he looked at me " Lillian said as she steps down on the man who is rolling on the ground, Lillian raises her foot and then stomps his head like a watermelon. Brains and blood splatters everywhere, the other five men tremble in fear and they all five started talking about who rebelled from what kingdoms and the names of all who are in on taking Shunus life.

" so.... They are actually using her beautiful eyes to sow mistrust in the ones who are loyal. This signia on your armor, did they have a princess amed Vera" Lillian said watching the man's eyes go wide, he looked up at Lillian with a confused look.

" Y-Yes her family are the ones who have started all of this, I'm actually glad Vera escaped from their hold and she would have ended up being used or die if it wasn't for her sister" he said then looked back at the ground, another soldier who wore the same armor stared at the young man.

" you filthy traitor, will see your whole family die for speaking against your Mas-" He said as her sword went straight through his mouth out from the back of his head.

" idiot" Lillian said, she throws down metal cuffs for the four men who each had one of each kingdoms signias on their armor, when she heard all of them sigh in relief except for the one who told her the most.

(" well now I'm gonna feel bad when I kill them later, oh well they should have chose their masters better. This young man seemed as if he was forced, I'll get to the bottom of this and find out if Vera knows of him ') Lillian thought as four of her people appeared from the shadows, she gave a small smile to them and points at the three.

" keep them prisoners, along with the two dead bodies and look through the dead to see which kingdoms are involved " Lillian said as she stares at the elven soldier, a voice brings her out of her thought.

" Master what should we do with this one" one of the women says as she stands behind the soldier, Lillian waves her off.

" go look for clues, see if they've been talking to the humans and try to find proof of each person here to see where they came from.

Another woman stepped out from a shadow carrying several items from different soldiers that has Shunus insignia on them.

" here is letter from the humans, they know of the said plan that you gave them, it's a good thing you didn't trust them then " a young girls voice said, she stores all of the items into her storage ring.

" ok you four follow me and you six go through all of these bodies and watch those four... Knock them out so they won't take their own lives and I'll deal with this soldier when I'm done. The two who is left will keep him safe, unharmed and alive, I want Vera's opinion about him." Lillian said as the four women disappeared in the shadows while the two grabbed the soldier then climbs up a wind dragon that flies up into the clouds then disappears.

When the others are done they will take the prisoners along with them and wait for their masters instructions.