Chapter 125

Rin stood beside Lillian, taking in everyone's Aura and expressions. Rin felt a hand on her lower back and her breath hitched, she looked at Lillian with a sideway glance.

(" the man is guilty, but his family are innocent") Rin thought to herself as she stared at the silver haired Elf who looked at her with disdainfully.

" a water sprite, what a disgrace" he said and spat on the floor, Lillian stepped towards him and was held back by Rin grabbing her hand.

" Let's continue with this, I'll deal with him after " Rin said, his wife was more scared of her husband than of them and Rin could sense her fear. Rin walked behind all of them, she layed her hand on each persons head then throughout the majority a smile appears on her face.

( " this sick bastard ") Rin thought to herself as the blue color in her green was swimming around. Lillian smirks at Rin knowing that she has found the ones who betrayed their own and is going to let her start with the pig who dared to speak to one of her mates.

Rin grabbed the scarred insignia then threw it down in front of the man.

" so what I had a few soldiers leave my kingdom, anyway there is nothing you can do about it. You need to release me now, hell keep the family to know I won't leave or retaliate " he sneered as he acted like it was a waste of time to look into Runs eyes. Rin could see the beads of sweat forming on his forehead, she is pretty sure that he knows she can read memories or thoughts.

Rin continued to throw down the insignias in front of people, when she got to the end she bypassed the parents then stood in front of a young woman who was no more than 17 or 18 years old.

Her parents gasped then looked over at their daughter, the woman started to cry and the mans face was red with anger.

" Alana we swore when I took my brothers spot we would do what was only right and true, your cousin Vera would truly be disappointed in this." her father said as his voice shook with fear and anger.

" M-My lady, I don't even know of what she has done or what has happened and if it has anything to do with what Theo has done. I- I will take the punishment for my daughter " her mother said bowing her head down with tears hitting the floor.

Dana grabs her mothers hand and tries to pull her head up from the floor, her father said and done the same thing. Dana was crying at how her parents threw away any pride that they had left, they imprisoned their family that would sacrifice anyone or anything for the smallest things.

" no I'm the one who offended, they had no knowledge or any plot against our brethren and I'll except the punishment." Dana said as she bowed her forehead to the floor, she looked up making eye contact with both Lillian and Rin.

"" she was forced, they poisoned her parents and they still do not know. She done all of this for a cure, it was the fucker at the beginning of the line. I'll give them the antidote after we're done, how are you going to handle their situation "" Rin whispered to Lillian, she held her hand out for the antidotes and then walked in front of the family of three.

" all of you take this first, I'll discuss with you three about her punishmel after....Guard take the parents to one room and Dana to mine, watch them closely." Lillian said as she watched all three swallow the contents without a question or without fighting with her. Four guards took them as they were ordered, Lillian stared at the rest then pointed to the innocent ones and had guards do the same to them.

Only the ones who conspired against them was still kneeling, not by choice and that's why they were full of fear of how strong Lillian is.

" Rin take him to another room, even though you know all of what he has and even thinking of doing. The rest can wait for my return, use the side office and don't think that any of you are strong enough to harm her." Lillian said.

Lillian made her way to her bedroom, when she walked in Dana was steadily pacing back forth.

Lillian walked straight by her then started to take off her leather pants and corset top, Dana couldn't turn her head away and her eyes roamed from Lillians head to her toes.

( " I thought that Shunu was pregnant by her, I don't see the other sex ") Dana thought as her eyes stayed on Lillians core. A soft giggle left Lillian and she put on a white button up shirt, she left it open and walked to Dana.

The girls face blushed red as a tomato, she kept trying to take her eyes off of Lillians body and kept failing at it.

" I- I'm not sure of um, how is Shunu pregnant by you." Dana blurted out then nervously waved her hands in the air, she kept trying to look Lillian in her eyes and they'd drift down to her breast and below everytime.

" I didn't mean to ask, I was only curious and you don't have to answer of course eh I keep talking like a idiot." Dana sputtered out, Lillian licked her lips and was trying to keep her Lust demon in check.

Lillian wanted to throw the girl down and then lick her from head to toe, she could tell that the girl was interested and of course both forms was interested in this girl.

'' well I have another form that has an extra part to it, well a few actually and I want you to tell me the truth. I've already gave all three of you the antidote to the posion coursing through you three and I really want to help your family " Lillian said, she took a step closer to Dana to where her lips were a couple of cm away from her lips.

Dana could feel Lillians breath hitting her lips, she leaned in and kissed Lillian passionately. A moan escaped from Dana when Lillian deepened the kiss and pulls Dana closer to her, Lillians hands traveled down and cupped both of Danas butt cheeks.

Dana wasn't experienced at any intimate things, but she has kissed someone a few times. Lillian picks Dana up, with a Yelp she wraps her legs and arms around Lillian. She walked over to the bed and gently lays her down, she continues kissing her as she lays halfway on top of her. Dana was getting hotter by the moment, she wanted the damn dress that was on her to be taken off right now and she was trying her best to undo it.

Lillian finally unties the back of her dress, Dana quickly works her way out of it and was still managing making out with Lillian.

( " well even if they sentence me to death, I've met the person of my dreams and I want to go all the way now ") Dana thought to herself, then she seen Lillians form change to her Lust demon and at thought that Dana would freak out. Dana smiled softly then pulled her down into a hungry kiss and then she felt something poking her leg. A moan left her when Lillian kneaded her breast, She spread her legs and pulled Lillian to where she was now completely on top of her.

" I want you first, then you can punish me it out me to death....please I just want this right now." Dana said with tear filled eyes, Lillian nodded then trailed kisses down Danas neck and her fingers trailed up through her wet folds. Lillian took small, slow circular motions on Danas bundle of nerves.

" ahhhhn haah ahhhh MMMM" Dana moaned out, Lillian removes her hand and instantly Dana pouted about it. Lillian lined herself up with with Danas entrance and slowly pushed her head in.

" Mmph haah " Dana groaned in pain, Lillian slowly kept going until she felt her hymen and then went further until Dana hissed in pain.

" does it hurt to much, I'll let you get used to it longer " Lillian said, Dana smiled softly at her then shook her head no and Lillian continued slow, gentle thrusts.

" Ahhhhn haah ahhhh YES MMMM DONT STOOOP" Dana moaned out, she leans up biting Lillians bottom lip and then kisses her passionately.

" Mmmm Haah ahhhn haaah Ah It feels so good Ahhhh " Dana moaned again as she hit another orgasm with Lillian moaning out and then Dana felt her twitch inside of her. Danas eyes rolled in the back of her head when she felt Lillian cum inside of her, they both was panting heavily.

" Ah that was um yeah I could die happy right now " Dana said, Lillian smirked at her reply and then pulled Danas legs up onto her shoulders and started thrusting fast and hard I to her.

Slapping noise and moans filled the room, forty minutes later and when they both was having another orgasm. Lillian licked the spot that she was about to mark and sank her canines into Danas neck. The mark made their orgasm ten times better and Dana squirts when she gets off, while laying there and kissing eachother a knock was heard at the door.

Lillian sighed as she quickly kissed Danas lips before getting out of the bed, she lays a set of leather shorts under garments, and a white pull over shirt with a leather corset that matched the shorts.

" Dana those boots at the end of the bed will fit, go take a shower with me " Lillian said then conveyed a message through the door.

" I'll be down in thirty " Lillian said as she pulled Dana into the bathroom, they washed eachother and she sent Dana to the room with her parents.

" Dana, you are my mate now and no one can harm you or your family about this mess. I'm letting you know so you don't do anything stupid, in a few days you'll travel with me and I'll need one of your parents to help over see this kingdom until I get people in place " Lillian said then kisses Dana goodbye, she made her way into the room that Rin had brought the arrogant prick to.

Blood was on the walls and floor, the older male Elf was laying in the floor with no hands and legs from the knees down. Rin even used a fire spell to burn the wounds so he wouldn't bleed to death, Lillian turned her head to see his tongue was securely on the wall with a dagger keeping it in place.

" well I see that you've had fun while I was gone " Lillian said and Rin glared at her then walked over to where she was an inch away from Lillians face. Even though she was a couple inches shorter than Lillian, with how well she carries herself you would not think she is smaller.

Rin kept looking from Lillians eyes to her lips, she took her mask off then gently kisses Lillian and when she finally felt Rins lips.

" ahhh mmmm " Lillian moans out and pulls Rin into her harshly, she bites Rins neck drawing some blood and then sucks it. Rins breath turned heavier, Lillian pushed Rin backwards until her back hits the desk. Lillian spun Rin around then pushed her over the desk to where her chest was now laying on the hard wood and her legs are spread with Lillian in between them.

A bunch of voices was heard from the room next door that had the other elf's waiting in for their turn.

Rin raises up with a sigh then walks out of the room with Lillian following behind her with a pissed off expression.

When Rin opened the door then stepped through a swish sound was heard then complete silence, Lillian held the blade with her hand and blood slowly dripping from her closed hand. Four of the guards who were Queen Beas men that she even vouched for was trying to kill her, Rin and most likely Queen Beas whole family.

A powerful burst came out from Rin throwing all four men through the wall, killing two of them instantly. Rin lost it when she seen Lillian bleeding, she couldn't control herself. She stopped on the floor and black metal pooled around the four men and the other Elves they had as prisoners in that room.

Metal spikes shot through all of their wrists, shoulders and lower legs.

Screams broke the silence, Lillian hugs Rin from behind and turns her around kissing her lips. She quickly puts Rins mask on her face, she hums a song while hugging Rin close to her body.

" Baby, don't kill them yet we need to find all of the traitors who want to harm out family" Lillian said with a soft. once as if she was talking to a child, Rin grabs her hand seeing a deep cut and does healing spell to heal Lillians hand.

" Tamu come heal them, Rin chain all of them to the floor " Lillian said