Chapter 128

Lillian raises up from the desk then pulls Rin up and kisses her aggressively, she slides off of the desk then has Rins back against her chest.

Rin could feel that some of the dark Aura has dissipated but she it was still there and right now she doesn't want to stop.

Lillian kisses, sucks and nibbles on Rins neck while her hands slide down in between her thighs, Rins breathing turned heavier when she felt Lillians fingers on her clit doing small circular motions.

" AHHH~" Rin moans out then bites her lips as Lillian speeds up her fingers, Rin could feel something poking her from behind.

" Ahhh haah ahhn ohh don't....mmm...don't stop haah ahhh" Rins legs started to shake when her orgasm hit and she felt electrical currents erupting from her core up her spine then to her brain.

Rin pants hard then takes her hand behind her gripping Lillians shaft and she caresses her member, she stops then removes her hand and Lillian will not let her get off easy this time. Lillian turns Rin around to face her, Rin has seen her demon form many times so it wasn't new and she has never seen her member though.

Rins eyes went down then stayed on Lillians rock hard member standing at attention, she slowly brought her eyes back up to Lillians.

Rin would easily get scared of intimacy even right now her nerves were running high, but she wants to get pass this hurdle now more than ever and earlier that was her first orgasm even though she was taken advantage of before.

Lillian started kissing and licking each and every scar on Rins neck and chest, Rins hands found their way into Lillians hair pulling her back up to Rins lips. Rin kissed her hungrily while Lillian picks her up then carries her against the wall, she had Rins legs up on her forearms while Rin lined up Lillians member with her entrance. Lillian gently pushed herself into her then stayed there for a few seconds then pushed further in while kissing Rin passionately. Lillian slowly and gently thrusted in and out of her, Rins breathing was picking up the faster that Lillian would go.

" AHH HAAH OHHH FUCK HAAH MHMM DON'T ST- AHHHN -op haah faster baby " Rin moans out, squelching, slapping noises filled the room and even outside of the room to where the workers quickly left.

" AHHHN HAAH MHMM YES " Rin moans out with Lillian, Rin instantly hit another orgasm when she felt Lillian fill her up and a high pierced moan left her.

" AHHHHHN " Rin screamed out, they kissed passionately while riding out their orgasm and when Lillian put Rins feet on the floor her legs buckled. Lillian quickly caught her then hugged her tightly with gentle kisses on her lips, Rin smiled at her then stared into her eyes and Rin cupped her cheeks then placed their foreheads together.

" Let's go take a shower, eat then cuddle " Lillian said which earned a small laugh from Rin, she nodded in agreement with her lover and they both got dressed then went to Lillians bed chamber.

Shunu was holding twins, they both had different colored eyes that was red and blue. Shunu fell asleep after holding them for a minute and Bea already had a wet nurse for her, she knew Shunu doesn't want one.

A few hours later Shunu woke up curled into a fetal position, she was sore and tired and the only person that she wants to see is Lillian.

All of the other mates has visited the newborns and everyone of them has fallen in love with them, Eva was six months pregnant and had another three to go. With Eva being pregnant and Shunu already having twins, all of them was experiencing baby fever right now.

Camille went to visit Shunu since she heard that she hasn't wanted anything to do with her children and she figured it was what alit of mothers went through. Even though some get over it and take to the children to where they are a few that doesn't, then some who want to cause harm to them.

" Shunu how have you been, I wanted to tell you that Lillian will be here in two days and I was wondering if you'd take a walk with me " Camille said when Evelyn entered the bedroom, she looked at both of the women then nodded her head yes.

They all three was walking in the giant garden that was in a giant dome, even in her home in the grove she never seen so many different Flora in one place. Shunu was spirited being out in this garden and having made two friends.

" so Lillians to return in a couple of days " Shunu asked them as she was observing all of the different plants, flowers and trees. The cherry blossom trees caught her attention, she stood there staring at the beautiful blooms that reminds her of Lillian.

The two understood of why she was reminded of their lover with those blooms, all three of them smiled at the thought of Lillian.

Lillian dealt with all of the traitors and st up a council that would run the kingdoms until they could get new rulers set up in the position, she left all of the troops and Tomu to help her oversee Beas kingdom and also protect the Elven communities.

Rin was in a better mood since getting laid, she extracted all of the knowledge and memories from everyone that was apart of the rebellion.

Over a dozen was kept alive to use to gain more info and to catch anymore traitors, Rin manipulated their memories to where they were mere puppets to Lillian and would never betray her.