Chapter 149. this story is a part of a different story but about the past of some new characters that Lillian meets.

Syl finds Cynthia pressed against a wall beside a doorway, she sees Layla with Viv talking to May and Cynthia has her hand pressed to her mouth crying.

" I'm guessing you seen something that you shouldn't have " Syl said, handing a tissue to Cynthia and then sighs pulling her into a hug, they hear Viv and Layla walking to where their standing.

" oh ! hey guys we were um talking about the sleep over that Margo wants to do so Layla was telling May " Viv said with a blush, Syl smiles at them while blocking their view of Cynthia.

" you sure blush easy " Syl said with a smile on her face and Layla laughs at that statement, she kisses Viv's cheek.

" she blushes even with her enemies" Layla said while hugging Viv's waist, she feels Viv grinding against her and she whispers in her ear.

" we'll separate from them in a minute so I can take care of you " Layla whispered, Viv looks over her shoulder with a smile then nods her head with a blush.

Cynthia walks beside Syl and stares at Layla who was now blushing thinking about earlier, Syl grabs Viv's hand then looks at Margo.

" we need to go do something real quick, stay with Layla Cynthia and when we're ready we'll send you a sign " Syl said pulling the other two upstairs, Layla stood there awkwardly looking everywhere but at Cynthia.

" oh now you're having a problem looking me in the eyes" Cynthia said with a scoff and crosses her arms, Layla done a sheepish smile and clears her throat.

" I'm sorry about that I really don't know what came over me, I'm sorry Viv doesn't know and she would be highly embarrassed to know " Layla said while Cynthia walked closer to her where she was a few centimeters away from where their lips would touch. Layla's eyes flicker down to Cynthias lips then back to her eyes, Cynthia holds her hand then gently kisses Layla and the kiss intensifies until someone walks in.

" miss the room is ready " May said glaring at Cynthia who steps away from Layla, they both nod as Layla walks past May with Cynthia walking behind her. They get into a hallway when Cynthia grabs her hand and Layla jerks away from her, she then turns around facing her.

" look I'm sorry for what I did in the heat of the moment, but I'm with someone who I really like and I don't want to mess it up " Layla said as she turns around then walks away from Cynthia.

(' she said like not love ") Cynthia thought to herself with a small smile, at least she hasn't told someone else she loves them.

A bird flutters around them and Cynthia sighs as she grabs Layla's hand, she then pulls her out a side door to another trail and Layla tries to pull her hand from Cynthias grip.

" Syl set up a surprise for you so we'll go to see what it is" Cynthia said letting go of her they come to a small pond where lights are hanging above a bunch of pillows laying on the ground and thousands of fireflies flying around lighting up the place over the pond.

Layla smiles when she sees snacks and drinks set up, also her art pamphlet and pens.

" SURPRISE!!" three girls jump out wearing their swim wear and also holding two in their hands, Viv runs over kissing Layla.

" we're going swimming ~" Viv says happily while handing a swimsuit to Layla, she smiles at them and goes behind a bush to change. She looks to her left seeing Cynthia a few feet away taking off her dress, she couldn't take her eyes off of her. Cynthia turns her head making eye contact with Layla, she smiles softly at her dropping her panties down and watches Laylas eyes trail down her body.

Layla turns her head away then finishes getting ready while Cynthia does the same while smirking at the effects she still has on Layla. They come out seeing the others waiting for them with drinks, Syl smiles softly then raises her glass.

" to my best friend finally coming home " Syl said while the others raise their glasses up and then they all drink the hard liquor down, Margo jumps into the water followed by Viv jumping in. Layla hugs Syl then kisses her cheek, she then pushes her in the water while Cynthia pushes Layla in and as Layla falls in she grabs Cynthias hand pulling her in as well.

They all start laughing while Layla was still holding Cynthias hand, they stared in each others eyes then Syl dunks under the water pulling Layla by her foot under. Viv was glaring at Cynthia when Margo swims up to her, then splashes water at her causing them both to laugh as Laylas head comes back up.

She looks around for Syl but doesn't see her come up yet, she dunks back under swimming deeper and she sees Syl floating in the water. Syl pulls her into her and smiles then pecks Layla's lips under water then swims up to the surface, they both laugh then Viv swims over to Layla wrapping her legs and arms around Layla.

" are you having fun with your friends" Viv asked grinding against Layla who cups her butt with both hands, she nods her head then kisses Viv.

They all play around for a while when Margo does air magic putting bubbles around their heads, she then swims down in the water and the deeper they go fluorescent plants start shining.

" it's so beautiful" Viv said as a rainbow colored fish swims around her hand, they all smile while Syl takes Layla's hand pulling her deeper to where they were on the ponds floor with hundreds of different fish swimming around them. The others take their hands watching the fish circle around them when Margo points up and they all swim toward the surface, they get out and Syl shoots flames at a fire pit then hands towels to the others.

" well whose ready for more drinks " Margo said filling up their glasses and grabbing some fruit from a plate to eat, Viv feeds a piece to Layla then eats a piece herself then yawns.

" you tired honey " Layla asked pulling Viv down on the piles of pillows and the others lay down as well, Viv was frustrated not having Layla please her earlier while they all were drunk Margo was the first to fall asleep. Cynthia pulls a blanket out to cover Margo then throws the others blankets.

Viv spreads a blanket over them both, a few minutes later soft breathing could be heard while Viv looked making sure the others was asleep and takes Layla's hand putting it between her legs then starts kissing Layla.

" don't be loud waking them" Layla said slipping her hand down under Viv's shorts, she starts kissing and sucking on Viv's neck while her fingers were doing slow circular motions on Vivs clit.

" MMM right there ahh " Viv said with a moan, her breathing got heavier as she starts moaning and Layla kisses her to keep the moans from being to loud. Layla slips her two fingers inside of Viv while her palm is stimulating her clit, she bites into Layla's shoulder when she hits her climax.

" MMM ahhh AHHNNN" Viv moans out as Layla slows down with her thrusts, she kisses Viv and then licks her juices off her fingers.

" Layla there was something I wanted to talk with you about while we're here, I've never felt this way before and I want you to come home to meet my family before we return to the academy" Viv said looking for any dought in Layla's eyes.

" I'd like that as well, we can go in a couple days" Layla said snuggling up to Viv who smiles then kisses Layla passionately.

Cynthia was laying awake with her back turned but she heard every word and every gasp, Syl was awake also with her back turned frowning and when Cynthia heard soft snores coming from the two she got up walking away crying.

" I can't do hurts so much....I deserve this I know but I can't stand her being with someone else" Cynthia says to herself leaning against a tree, holding her head when she hears someone walking over to her. Syl pulls Cynthia into a hug rubbing her back, she then kisses her neck and then starts kissing Cynthias lips who quickly pulls away glaring at Syl.

" please don't do that, I don't want to be with anyone but Layla I'm sorry " Cynthia said leaning back against the tree, Syl sighs then leans next to her, Cynthia gives her a sad smile.

" why didn't you tell me how you felt about her " Cynthia said looking back over where the three girls was sleeping, Syl sneers at Cynthia.

" would you have cared or not be with her anymore and let me be with her " Syl said shaking her head she then seen a shadow across the pond, she grabs Cynthia making her dunk down while they watch several shadows moving now.

" I guess Dylan is making his move early " Syl said pulling out her bow and watching three shadows approach the sleeping girls, Cynthia pulls out a short sword watching to see if there is more shadows. Syl takes aim at one hitting them in the head while Cynthia runs beside Layla shaking them awake, they all groggily wake up and Margo is the first to realize what's happening.

" Margo take Viv over to that tree Syl is waiting I'll bring Layla " Cynthia said swinging her sword at one of the men making him jump back while Syl hits the second in his gut with a arrow, the man screams out while Cynthia uses a lightning spell on the one in front of her while bringing the sword down on his hand that held a dagger taking it clean off.

" get up !" Cynthia screams at Layla while the man swings his axe at Layla who rolls out of the way sending a fireball hitting the man in his chest, the man without a hand tackles Cynthia pinning her to the ground.

" bitch I'll make you suffer!" he said as Layla picks the dagger up then buries it in the man's neck spraying blood on top of Cynthia, an arrow whizzes by Layla's head cutting her cheek as it hits the man behind her through his eye.

Layla pulls the body off of Cynthia then pulls her up, they run to where Syl and the others are, Syl looks over at the tree line seeing over a dozen men.

" Margo let's go to the building quickly" Syl said shooting several arrows at the men coming toward them, Margo pulls Viv while Cynthia was behind Layla cutting down a path running towards the building where they were earlier that day.

When they get there Margo was waiting at the door for Syl who ran straight in as Margo shuts the door muttering a spell the earth opens with all four girls falling in while the ground closes back.

They was underground in their secret hideout that had furniture and other things, Syl does a fire spell that light up the torches on the cavern walls.

" ok everyone be quiet, they only think the building was our clubhouse and even if they do figure it out we have over a dozen tunnels around us...they'll get lost once they enter " Syl said laying her bow down on a table walking over checking the cut on Layla's cheek, she does a healing spell then kisses her cheek.

" there all better love " Syl said with a soft smile as she pulls out several weapons laying them down on the table, she then puts her finger against her lips then points up.

They could hear the men talking loud and clear while it was hard for the men to hear them, they sit down on the sofa and Syl pulls out a small crystal ball showing eight men who was looking through trunks then overturning furniture inside the building.

" Dylan will have our asses if we fail also the other family leaders will be even more unforgiving" The skinnier man said while pacing back and forth, he then points at the burly man.

" you were suppose to keep Syl away if she gets harmed then her father will be upset with his plans of having a heir from the royal family. He thought the whore would already be with child but maybe the prince is shooting duds " the man said as the burly man back hands him sending him crashing to the ground, he then kicks the man in his gut.

" what gives you the right to bad mouth my lady, she hasn't let that scum touch her sexually and if it wasn't for me making a deal to keep Syl alive I'd kill all of you" the burly man said pointing his finger in the smaller ones face, he then sighs then walks out of the building.

Syls face was flushed red with anger when she recognized her guard captain, she started to shake with anger and Layla holds her hand.

" we have to kill Layla before she gets back to the castle so spread out and watch the trails close to the castle...that bitch May is strong we won't stand a chance with her" one man said walking out of the building with the others following close behind him.

Syl takes a deep breath then motions the girls to follow her as they take one of the twelve tunnels that leads deeper underground to another cavern that has six tunnels three which lead to three caverns that are bedrooms.

" ok we'll rest for a while then take a secret passage to the castle, we just have to get there where May is" Margo said leading Viv behind her to a nearby couch, Syl smiles when she realizes that Layla is still holding her hand and Cynthia was watching through the crystal to see where the men are located.

" I think Margo can stay with Viv down here while we get Layla to the castle " Cynthia said walking closer to Syl and Layla staring at their hands, she sighs when she seen Layla shaking her head no.

" I will not leave without her, how could you even suggest that" Layla said looking at Viv then sits down beside her and Viv gets up then sits on Laylas lap.

" I'm saying it because she'll be safer here, if your in the castle the men will give up and then we have Margo bring Viv" Cynthia said while handing the crystal over to Syl who sighs.

" it's the best way to keep her safe if we have arrows flying at us more than likely will hit any of us and if you get to the castle we can have guards ready to capture them and then Margo can bring her out " Syl said as Layla kept looking at Cynthia, who looked over at Layla with a soft smile.

" well since that's the case then all three of you are to stay and I'll go " Layla said walking toward one of the tunnels, Cynthia tries to grab her and hits a invisible barrier, Syl walks over trying to break the barrier with her own magic.

" it's pointless to try I'm stronger than all of you and I'll come back for you I promise you that I'll come back for all three of you" Layla said as Syl and Cynthia tried to get through the barrier, they were hitting, kicking and throwing spells at it .

" LAYLA I DIDN'T MARRY YOUR BROTHER FOR YOU TO LEAVE ME TO DIE" Syl screams out crying while falling to her knees, Layla stops walking away then turns back to them.

" I love you Layla" Syl said wiping her years away, Viv stands there looking back and forth at them and walks over to them.

" Layla please don't go, you might get caught by them and then what would happen to us " Viv said looking at Layla, Cynthia was staring at the ground thinking of how to get past this barrier.

Syl was kneeling on the ground finally crying full force for all the years she hasn't showed any weakness and she turns to see Cynthia walking out another tunnel.

Layla jogs down the tunnel ignoring her friends pleas and Syl stands up looking over at Margo.

" stay here with Viv keep her safe, if someone comes go straight down this tunnel then two lefts and one right and you'll come across my familiar that'll keep you safe" Syl said running after Cynthia, she follows her trail coming out in the dungeon below the castle. Cynthia grabs one of the guards knocking him out cold Syl helps catch his heavy body and they both move toward the door where they hear guards talking.

" we were paid to stay out of it, if we let a woman rule again only the divine knows what will happen to this kingdom" one guard said while the others laugh, an older man's voice scoffed.

" well your all's to young to know what happened when a male ruled, our families starved while the kingdom was broke " he said shaking his head then leaving the room, the others look at each other then sits down to continue playing their card game.

The older guard came in where the two girls was and he sighs, throwing his sword down then putting his finger over his lips.

" eight in that room don't count on help from them, I've tried to get in contact with May but she's knocked out cold. Take Layla back to where you all were hiding it's not safe inside the castle" he whispers to the two girls, Cynthia pulls out a crystal looking around the castle where the tunnel Layla went in comes out at.

" Layla Isn't with us she is on the other side of the castle, is there others who you can trust" Cynthia said pulling out a bow gun, she sheaths her sword and then a black gem armor covers her body while Syl does the same with a dark purple gem armor.

" I might have a few we can trust, do not show me where the passage ways are I'll make my way after I get my sons to help find out princess while you two stick to the shadows and wear your helmets to hide your faces" he said picking up his sword than sheathing it.

" What's your name " Syl asked pulling her helmets mask over her face and Cynthia does the same and then pulls two more bow guns out handing Syl one and the man one with a case of arrows that snaps onto the back of their armor.

" it's a new design I made " Cynthia said with a serious face as she loads the bow gun to show the other two how to do it, the man looks down the hall and let's them know it's clear as he separates from the two going in one direction while they go the other way.

Layla was sneaking between the bushes and the castle wall and climbs through a nearby window, she was in the library.