chapter 151 part is from past story of Layla's then a art with Lillian with them now.

Layla smiles at them both then pulls them into a hug, she smiles widely at them and then Syl pats her leg.

" I'll go get Viv and Margo so they can quit worrying about you" Syl said walking out if the room, she leans against the wall to let Cynthia spend time with Layla and she goes into a reading room to sit down to rest.

Layla smiles softly at Cynthia while they intertwined their fingers holding hands, she leans in taking Layla's lips in a passionate kiss that turned hungry and sloppy. Cynthia had Layla pinned down under her while her hands explore under Layla's nightgown, she pushes her panties to the side as she rubs her bundle of nerves while they kissed. Layla's breathing turns harder as Cynthias fingers slide down to her entrance and she pushes her fingers inside, the woman under her moans as she thrusts in and out of her.

" Ahhh haah w-wait they might walk in OHH" Layla moans out as her mouth takes a "o" shape as Cynthia hooks her fingers hitting her g spot, Layla bucks up into her hand.

" AHHH HAAH AHHNNN YES" Layla moans out as her body starts shaking as she hits her climax, they smile into their kiss and pull away while Layla stares into Cynthias eyes as if she's searching for something. Layla smiles widely when she feels Cynthia kiss on her neck, when Layla pushes her over then straddles her.

" behave the others are coming and I have to speak to you and Syl alone later about some things, I'm also letting Viv go so she and Margo can be together" Layla said as she stands up then walks to the bathroom to clean up, Cynthia walks out of the bedroom when she sees Syl standing in the reading room next to the bedroom.

" Syl " Cynthia said surprised looking at the brunette with guilty eyes, Syl smiles at her and walks by her and Cynthia grabs her hand.

" Layla wants to speak to you...go on inside and when your done speaking go get Viv and Margo" Cynthia said walking outside to the hallway as Syl takes a deep breath entering Layla's bedroom. She sees the bathroom door open and hears the shower running as Syl stands against the doorframe, Layla smiles softly looking through the glass to see Syl standing there with her eyes on the floor.

" well I'm guessing you haven't went to get them yet, take off your clothes and join me in the shower " Layla said waiting on Syl to either refuse her or to get in.

(' I can't help to have feelings for both, I also can't help to feel their keeping something from me') Layla thought when the glass door opens and Syl gets in behind her, she notices how red Syls face is when she looked over her shoulder at the beautiful woman. Syl pulls Layla's back to her front then starts kissing on her neck and even bites her pulse point while she kneads her breast. Syl has never been this brave with Layla before but doesn't want to let Cynthia win her either. Layla leans her head back on Syls shoulder as her body shudders when Syls fingers brush her bottom lips, Syl was nervous and Layla grabs her hand dragging her fingers through her folds where Syl didn't waste any time.

" mmmm ahhhh haah " Layla moans out then gasps when she feels Syl turn her around pushing her against the wall she slides her fingers inside of Layla who stares into Syls eyes with lust. Syls fingers were longer than Cynthia and she had a couple more inches in height on all of them, she picks Layla up with one arm while still thrusting inside of her. Layla wraps her legs and arms around Syl as she feels Syl giving her clit attention with every thrust in to her.

" AHHH HAAH OHHH FUCK HAAH AHHNNN" Layla moans out while girating her hips with Syls motions, they kiss deeply while she lets Layla ride out her orgasm. They both are breathing hard while leaning their foreheads against each other, they both laugh nervously then she turns Layla around and starts washing her back.

Cynthia heard their labored breaths and moans when they were done she gave em ten more minutes before going to retrieve Viv. Cynthia knocks on the door with Viv behind her since Margo went with May to run an errand, she knows that May had a meeting with both of them and she's been curious since she seen them come out of the queens office.

Viv was smiling brightly when she heard that Layla has waken, a part of her got nervous thinking that they were wrong about Viv wanting Margo instead and she feels like when Layla heard them speaking that she manipulated Laylas feelings in some way.

Layla was getting dressed while Syl was already dressed with a sweet smile on her face that no one has seen before and it caught Cynthia off guard. Layla looks at her girlfriend and Cynthia when they enter, she felt guilt enter her heart for a few seconds then Syl hand rests on her lower back and she whispers in Laylas ear.

(' I love you') Syl whispered.

" ok I'll see you two later...i love you, be careful "Layla said as Syl pulls Cynthia out behind her, Layla sits over on a sofa then pats the spot beside her. Viv stares at her for a second then moves closer to her, she straddles Layla's lap then hugs her tightly burying her face in Layla's nape.

" I was so worried about you " Viv said with a sniffle, Guilt courses through Layla for what she has put this girl through and for her infidelity earlier.

" I love you Layla" Viv said

" Layla ! Layla" Lillian said leaning in shaking Layla's shoulder, she was sitting in the floor with her back against the wall and she looks up into a pair of red eyes.

" you were zoning out and muttering to yourself " Lillian said helping Layla up from the floor, She wipes her skirt off and fixes her glasses.

" sorry just thinking about things from my past " Layla said with a shy smile as they walk down the hallway, Cynthia was leaning against the door with tears running down her cheeks.

Cynthia wipes her tears away then pulls out a letter from Margo reporting that they'll arrive in a day or two for a conference, she takes a deep breath then sits back down to finish reports that neither she or Layla has gotten around to.

Lillian walks beside Layla with a concerned look on her face, she takes Layla's hand and changes into her demon form and spreads her wings out. Layla gasped at first but wasn't scared her hands were touching Lillians leathery wings with a smile on her face and then Lillian picks her up then flies into the air.

They go high into the sky where people in the streets look like ants, Layla waves her hand through a cloud then laughs at herself for thinking she could grab onto it.

" anything you need to talk about I'm actually a good listener, I've informed my family that I'll be gone a couple more weeks until we can get the city of light ready and work out what's going on here. Though we haven't talked about terms or who this person is giving you problems in Pyre empire, I'd like for you and Cynthia to come with me for a while." Lillian said why she flies around the kingdom, she sees a large willow tree with smaller ones around it and she flies down to the highest branch.

" this is probably the biggest willow tree I've ever seen, someone has infused several powers inside this tree kinda like a love letter or a promise to someone or something " Lillian said laying her hand down on the branch, she could feel five different auras radiating together inside the tree and something else she can't put her finger on.

Lillian watched how Layla caresses the tree leaves in her fingers with a sad smile, she then clears her throat looking away from Lillian and then she feels herself being pulled over on Lillians lap. Their lips a centimeter apart, Layla's breathing got heavier as she searched Lillians eyes and leans in giving her a deep kiss while her hands was rubbing Lillians wings where they connect to her back.

" your heart is so heavy " Lillian said kissing down Laylas jaw line then her neck making the girls breath hitch in her throat, Lillians hands squeezes Layla's butt making her moan when a ringing bell goes off from the castle.

" someone must be approaching the castle, but we have enough time" Layla said grinding against Lillian when she felt a hard bulge giving her extra friction, her hand lowers to Lillians core feeling the bulge when her eyes get bigger.

" don't be scared...I- well in my demon form where I'm a Alpha it has an extra appendage while my human form doesn't" Lillian said thinking that Layla wouldn't want to continue until she feels her hand undoing her pants then pulling out her member.

" I really want you and I must admit I have had only experience with the magic one that my lovers used, I've only been with a female—not saying your not—" Layla was talking until Lillians mouth connected with hers and their tongues are now dancing together, Lillian slides her skirt up and moves her panties to the side.

Lillian lines herself up with Layla's entrance then slides her head in while Layla let out a hiss from pain, Lillian kisses her neck while letting her get use to her and when she bites into Layla's neck the girl bucks her hips taking Lillians member all the way inside her.

" OHHHHH HAAH " Layla moans out while she moves her hips back and forth on top of Lillian, they kiss passionately while Laylas speed increases and she is now going up and down harder on top of Lillians lap taking it all the way to the hilt.

Ten minutes in and her moaning has gotten even louder, she digs her nails into Lillians shoulders and can feel Lillian twitch inside of her.

" AHH haah I MMM AHHNNN YES AHHH HAAH" Layla moans out hitting her climax as she feels a warm liquid shoot inside of her making her orgasm even longer and better. Layla is panting while leaning her forehead against Lillians looking into her eyes.

They sit like that for a few minutes then smile softly at each other, Lillian looks over to the gates of the castle seeing black carriages with a couple thousand soldiers wearing black armor lined up alongside the carriages. Layla looks over and her eyes go wide, she clamps down hard on Lillians member causing her to moan and Layla looks back at her realizing what she has done. A part of her wants to storm down to ask Cynthia what's going on but at this moment she starts moving up and down feeling Lillian inside of her as Lillian starts meeting her thrusts.

" AHHH HAAH MMMMMPH I'm AHHNNN" they both groan out while riding out their second orgasm, Lillian lifts Layla then pulls out of her and corrects herself while holding Layla up with her tail. Lillian stands up helping Layla stand as well with shaky legs, she pulls her into another kiss wrapping her arms around her waist jumping down while slowly taking them to the ground. Layla clamps her thighs together feeling both of their juices sliding down her leg, Lillian chuckles at her and receives a hit on her shoulder.

Layla quickly enters a side door while pulling Lillian behind her entering a bathroom, she turns on the shower then strips her clothes off while looking at Lillian to do the same so she does. They start washing their bodies and help each other as well when Lillian gets out she changes back into her human form pulling out two set of clothing that has leather pants, shirt and a corset to go over the shirt.

Lillian helps Layla with the corset and they both exit the bathroom quickly with a maid jogging over to them, she bows then looks at Layla.

" Miss your needed in the office and she said come alone" the maid said bowing again, Layla smiles at Lillian then walks past the maid who is standing in front of Lillian.

" your guests have been looking for you, I told them that you went for a stroll with my mistress " the maid said bowing then excusing herself, Lillian walks to the grand staircase and starts up the steps. At the top of the stairs was a red headed woman wearing a black dress and a black fan she was waving in front of her face, she frowns at Lillian then gives her a fake smile.

" My name is Margo and who are you " Margo said with a rude tone as the same maid quickly comes to Lillians side, Margo glares at the maid who returns the same glare taking Lillians hand and leading her back to her room.

" just ignore Margo she didn't use to be so domineering until a couple of years ago but some drastic things happened" The maid said bowing then leaving Lillian at her door.

(' I don't have a good feeling about this something feels wrong with this place') Lillian thought to herself going inside her bedroom to meet the others.

Layla quickly walks to her office where Cynthia was sitting at the desk, Layla slams the door and walks up to Cynthia turning the chair around where she's facing her.

Cynthia raises her hand caressing Laylas cheek, she leans forward to kiss her and Layla stands straight avoiding that kiss.

" it's her " Cynthia said barely a whisper with a saddened look, Layla looks down at the floor and turns away from her.

" no it has nothing to do with her, why is Margo here all the sudden" Layla said keeping her eyes from meeting with Cynthias who sighs rubbing her temple, she hands a letter to Layla.

" I just read it earlier after you left I thought she would be here the day after tomorrow, she should be coming here any minute" Cynthia said, Layla nodded her head laying down the letter on the desk and heads to the door on the right.

" will you handle her I need to clear my head for a while and then I'll join you both" Layla said with a sad smile before shutting the door and locking it, she walks over then lays down on the bed and when she feels the ache between her thighs she smiles softly. It didn't last long when Syl and Cynthia pop up in her head, she turns over hugging a pillow.

Margo knocks on the door then enters without waiting for a reply, she frowns at Cynthia then strolls forward taking a seat in front of the desk.

" where is she ?" Margo asked closing her fan then laying it on her lap and crosses her legs, Cynthia stares at her while tapping her finger on the chair arm.

" she'll join us how have you been " Cynthia asked while walking over to a liquor cabinet pouring them both a glass and hands a glass to Margo.

Layla falls asleep as her mind goes back to three years ago, she was sitting there with Viv and was in shock when Viv confessed to her, she smiles a wryly smile at Viv .

" Viv you know I love you too, I'm glad we met and that you have been here for me " Layla said, Viv leans down kissing her while holding her face and the kiss turns more passionate and hungrier. Layla pulls away from the kiss panting when someone knocks on the door and enters.

May walks in as Viv moves off of laylas lap fidgeting with her fingers as May scowled at her for a second before her face goes back emotionless.

" Layla take a walk with me" May said turning and leaving the room to wait on her, Layla turns to Viv then kisses her cheek.

" I'll be back in a while, take a bath and relax here until I return, we'll talk more when I get back." Layla said kissing Viv on her cheek then leaves the room, she walks beside May going down the stairs out to the garden and to a path that leads to the giant willow tree where Layla spent all of her time at.

" this tree is a magical tree that can keep a person alive that's on the verge of death, sometimes a person doesn't realize that their time is nearly up " May said staring at the tree as silver runes appear on the trunk that was glowing as the whole tree had runes covering all of it the branches and leaves turn a silver color. The ground starts to shake as the roots raise up from the ground that drops away and a path appears going under the willow tree, May walks down the path turning around looking at Layla.

" well follow me child" May said with a smile and Layla starts walking behind her, they enter a cavern made from roots and dirt as the pathway raises up and roots lower back down sealing them inside the cavern where she sees a bright silver white light is being cocooned in some vines that were pulsating.