Chapter 153 part of Layla's past

Layla was up inside her room changing into her clothes for bed, Viv was in the bathroom getting ready and Layla sat down on the bed thinking of how to talk to Viv.

Viv comes out from the bathroom wearing her robe walking over standing in front of Layla, she opens her robe letting it drop to the floor and she's wearing lingerie that has a corset top.

Viv stands in between her legs while she kisses her softly, She pushes her back then straddles her and starts grinding on top of her.

" I've missed you Layla, it seems you are to busy for me anymore" Viv said kissing on Layla's neck, she pulls on Layla's clothes and pulls her shirt off while Layla pulls the bottoms off .

Viv raises Laylas leg then puts their cores together, her lingerie opens up to where she has nothing below and she slowly grinds their wet cores together.

" Ahh you feel so good MMM" Viv said while leaning back on her arms and speeding her thrusts up, she takes one of her hand reaching down pushes inside of Layla with two fingers.

" AHHH HAAH OHHH" Layla moans out at feeling her inside of her while rubbing themselves together, Viv goes quicker and harder as they both hit their orgasm.

" AHHH HAAH AHHNNN YES" Viv moans out with Layla moaning out as well, Viv rides out their orgasm and falls over top of Layla panting while kissing Layla.

Layla squirms out from under Viv then tucks her under the blankets kissing her goodnight and Viv whines but soon you can here her soft breath.

(' the wine and her work out has knocked her out') Layla thought to herself as she walks down the hallway going to Syls room, she heard laughter inside the room and her heart started to beat out from her chest. Layla raises her hand to knock but then she quickly walks inside the room seeing Cynthia sitting in a chair and Syl on the love seat, she breathes out a sigh of relief not seeing them with each other.

(' I have no right to feel this way with them both') Layla thought to herself walking over sitting down next to Syl and Cynthia gets up then sits down on the other side of Layla.

They were both staring at Layla with lustful eyes when she feels both lay their hands on each of her legs, she smiles as she holds both of their hands. Cynthia leans over kissing on Layla's shoulder going up to her neck, Syl does the same thing but travels up to Layla's lips kissing her passionately.

" w-wait....I've just been with Viv and I don't want to hurt any of you" Layla said, Cynthia pulls her face over to her and kisses her passionately while Syls hands start kneading her breast.

Layla quickly pulls away from them both breathing heavier and smiles softly at them both who stand up facing her.

" go to the bathroom and start a bath will join you in a few minutes" Syl said with a demanding tone that makes Layla flinch, she turns around and goes to the bathroom doing what they say and strips her clothes off washing up before she gets into the large bath when she hears them both come in and wash up.

Layla sits there with a red face then flinches when the two girls get inside the tub on both sides of her, Syl done a spell that made her have something extra tonight that only last a couple of hours.

What Layla doesn't know is the two girls came to a agreement about sharing Layla, who is oblivious and very nervous right now. Cynthia scoots closer to Layla and lays her hand on her thigh, she moves her hand over and drags her fingers up through Laylas folds then starts rubbing her clit.

" Ahh" Layla gasped out when she felt Cynthias hand, Syl starts kissing and sucking on Layla's neck while Cynthia was working her fingers pleasuring Layla.

" Ahhh fuck MMMM HAAH AHHHHHN" Layla moans out as her legs start shaking, they let her calm down from her climax when Syl pulls her onto her lap while kissing her passionately.

Syl lines up with Layla's entrance then gently pushes inside of her, Cynthia starts kneading one of Laylas breast with her hand while taking the other nipple in her mouth.

Layla starts moving her hips up and down on Syl why panting, she was holding Cynthias head while bouncing up and down.

" OHHH MMMM DONT STOP HAAH" Layla moans out she starts going down harder, Syl slips her hand over between Cynthias legs playing with her bundle of nerves.

" AHHH HAAH AHHNNN YES" Layla moans out falling against Syl shoulder, While Cynthia was panting hard Layla pulls Cynthia in for a kiss.

" AHHH HAAH AHHNNN" Cynthia moans out, Syl was bucking up in Layla who would release a moan and she pulls off of Syl then sits on the tubs edge as Cynthia climbs between Laylas legs dragging her tongue over Laylas clit while Syl grabs Cynthias hips pushing inside of her from behind following Layla's orders.

Over an hour later all three come out from the bathroom crawling into bed cuddling all together, Layla smiles while hugging them both into her chest.

" so how did you two come up with this" Layla said smiling when Syl points at the empty wine bottles on the tables, Layla giggles then kisses them both deeply.

When they fell asleep she got up from the bed going to Margos room and knocks after a couple of minutes the door opens revealing a red head in a skimpy outfit that showed off all her assets.

" well I'm really going to move my room or have it sound proofed" Margo said with a dead pan face then smiles at her and pulls Layla into a hug, she kisses her on the cheek.

" why don't you lay here with me for a few minutes and relax " Margo said pulling Layla down spooning behind her, Margo wants to kiss and touch her to but is scared of rejection or upsetting Layla.

Margo pushes her leg in between Laylas legs and hears her hiss in pain, she raises up turning Layla back to look at her.

" was she rough " Margo asked as her eyes flicker from Layla's eyes to her lips, Layla leans up kissing Margo gently on her lips.

" I'm fine I just don't want to heal and I want to feel this ache" Layla said with a shy smile, Margo nods her head then lays back down spooning behind her.

They fell asleep holding each other when early in the morning someone knocked on the door and entered the room.

Hailey's laughter woke them both up, Margo was sleeping with her head on Layla's stomach with her legs wrapped around Margos back.

Margo moaned in pain as Layla stretches then she looks down smiling at their position, she unwraps her legs while Margo stiffly got up and Hailey heals her.

Layla woke up with a smile on her face, she also noticed her underwear was ripped on one side.

(' huh how'd this happen I put them on when I left Syls room') Layla thought to herself not noticing that Margo slept naked until she done a double take looking at her. Hailey pulls Layla out of Margos room toward her bedroom and goes straight to the closet pulling out a dress shirt and skirt.

" you need to get dressed the council will be here soon, wake Viv up while I go wake the others" Hailey said walking out of the room, Layla walks over to the bed then pecks Vivs lips.

" honey you need to wake up and get ready " Layla said as Viv stretches smiling up at her, she throws the blanket off still naked and pulls Layla down then straddles her lap.

" can't we stay in bed " Viv said with a whine as Layla spanked her butt, she kisses Viv then stands up carrying Viv to the bathroom sitting her down on her feet then she turns on the water in the shower.

" take a shower then meet me for breakfast" Layla said kissing Viv again who then gets in the shower, Layla walks down to the dining hall and sees everyone but Viv at the table.

" how was everyone's night " Layla said with a smile as Syl winks at her and Cynthia looks at her with love, she sits down and starts eating when Viv walks in.

" hey after your done with the meetings can we go sit somewhere to work on our art" Viv said with a smile as she leans in Kissing Layla as she turns smirking at Cynthia as she glares back at Viv.

" it's time Layla " May said getting up from the table, Hailey was about to get up and follow her but May stops her.

" take Nine to show her the castle and stay away from where the council or Dylan will be here when they come....Nine don't leave her side for a second no matter who says for you to do so" May said as she leaves the dining hall with Layla, Margo smiles at Syl then clears her throat. They watch Viv leave the room with her shadow following behind her and she leans on her elbow, she looks back at Cynthia then back at Syl.

" I heard that you had a good time last night" Margo said looking at Syl who smirks at her, she winks then finishes her juice.

" yes we did didn't we Cynthia" Syl said then Margo looks at both of them confused, she looks down at the table then a thought hits her.

" you two are together" Margo said and Syl shrugs her shoulders as Cynthia, they all three get up and go outside.

Layla walks into the throne room sitting on her throne while the men takes seats at the side tables, May and Zorean was standing beside Layla.

A man with dark brown hair with a clean mustache, he stares at Layla who stares right back at him.

" well we're here today to go over new laws I have already passed and are being implemented as we speak" Layla said as Sid steps forward handing out scrolls to each person at the table then going back to his post.

" this is outlandish to pass laws without our permission" Franklin said slapping the table, Sid had a blade at his neck as soon as his hand slapped down on the table and his eyes go wide.

Layla smiles wickedly at the man who now had blood dripping down his neck, the other men look around confused when an older man with silver hair clears his throat.

" our apologies my lady, we are used to things being done a certain way " Alex said bowing his head half-assed, Layla nods her head at Sid who withdraws his blade then bends down to the man's ear.

" disrespect my Queen again and I'll show no mercy" Sid said stepping back and sheathing his sword, the room got quiet then slowly their murmuring got louder.

" Women being in politics and even joining the army... she'll ruin our nation " Alex said in a whisper to a younger man sitting beside him, they planned on making Layla marry a man who can lead this nation and slowly take the power from her.

" Sid show in Eri and the new cabinet members please " Layla said as Eri led in women including Syl, Cynthia and Margo while Hailey and Viv are taking a stroll with Nine and Sarea in the garden with guards posted around keeping an eye out for certain people or intruders.

Alex's eyes go wide when he sees his daughter among the sixteen women, they were led to a new table that was sitting in front of their tables and was now between them and Layla. Two chairs with tables was to Laylas side that was a couple feet below her throne where Syl and Cynthia was now sitting. Margo takes the seat at the head of the table where she now towered all the men and other women.

" meet your new cabinet members and my new advisors, please introduce yourselves" Layla said as Syl stood up only bowing to Layla.

" my name is Syl and I'll be her left advisor" Syl said sitting back down as Cynthia stood up bowing to only Layla then glaring at the men below her.

" I'm the right Advisor and my name is Cynthia, I'm only here to serve my Queen and her wishes " Cynthia said taking her seat, Margo smiles then stands up.

" I'm now the cabinet head magistrate, any and all things will pass through me before it does our Queen...My name is Margo and these lovely women here are some of the most powerful, smart and talented people in our kingdom. Do not think for one second that since your men your status is higher than any of them especially when their merits are way higher than any of yours" Margo said as each woman stands introducing themselves, the men were staring daggers at the women and Layla who motions for Sid who brings forth a stack of letters while his son brings in ten people who have sacks over their heads and hands binded behind their backs.

The men seemed to be confused as they look around while all the women just looked on as if waiting for a good show, Margo smiles widely while basically bouncing in her seat.

" what's going on here Alex " Santos said he just moved up taking over for his father who was always on the queens side and he suddenly died then Alex took him under his wing.

" I guess your wondering who these people are and why they are now here" Layla said with a smirk as she stands up from her chair walking behind Cynthia, she takes her nails down her neck teasing her as she nods to Sid who takes the first man's hood off.

A young man in his twenties with dark green hair blinks in confusion as his eyes get use to the lighting, an older man with the same colored hair stands up and bangs his fist on the table.

" why do you have my son like dare you bitch" Henderson bellows as Sid's son Sam punched him in his stomach then pulls out a dagger slicing the man's face.

" be lucky that I don't cut your throat... don't ever disrespect her like that again" Sam said kneeing the guy in his stomach as he screams out falling to his knees while holding his face.

Layla smiles softly at the young man who glares at her, Cynthia walks over kicking the side of his knee making him kneel.

" now before I bring in the victims and witnesses" Layla said as the Guards bring in several young ladies who have scars going deep across their faces even some had their fingers missing.

" you see these girls were targeted for several reasons, one was their social standing since they were from poor families. Two they have no magic cores to be able to heal themselves while this pug kept them for a year raping and hurting them, Three your father and his friends covered it up." Layla said glaring at the man, she then brings in the sheriff and deputies, who were pale and sweaty.

" sweet heart tell me who helped this man do these things and cover it up" Layla said holding the girls hand, she is going to have May heal them and also take care of them for now on.

The girl pointed at the sheriff and his deputies then to the mans father who was holding his face, she then pointed to another council member with white hair who opens and closes his mouth with nothing to say.

" they were laughing as they looked at his handy work, they even would do things to me too" the girl cried out while shaking Layla soothed the girl by rubbing her back then looks over at May.

" Auntie will you help her " Layla said with a sad look and May nodded her head as she pulls the girl by her side.

A servant takes the girl to a door that was to the right and shows her inside while waiting in front of the door, Layla nods her head at Sid who uses his magic to bind the two men and six officials who helped them.

" my dear sheriff you were seen by over half of these girls and the other half came to you all for help which was never given, you would lock their family members up if they caused to much trouble and even one boy died in your custody" Layla said and Sam hits the man in his back making him kneel.

" well since you have worked for this kingdom for years, if you tell me some juicy information I will lessen your sentence" Layla said nodding to Sam who led the officials to the door on the left and enters with them.

Alex was looking at his daughter who was smiling at him, she shakes her head no and he stays quiet not even sparing a glance at the other two men.

" you'll believe gutter rats over us, where is the evidence and where is witnesses that can prove this" the white haired man sneered at Layla, she smiles then looks over at Sid who opens the door for a woman who looked to be thirties and a teenage girl that you could tell they were upper class.

" M-Mom wh—" the young man who stood looked at his mom and sister, he then gritted his teeth when he seen a smirk on his sister's face.

" Manny is guilty he kept their fingers in a case that preserves them and he also would touch me as well" Dalia said glaring at both her brother and father who glares at her, the man stood up then stomped over to the two women. Sid steps in front of them making the man stop suddenly realizing the situation he steps back then looks at his wife.

" Lisa please tell them how delusional Dalia is and then we will get her help sending her to Dr steins again" Henderson said as Alex glares at him when he mentioned steins name, Syl was watching her father's every move and this Stein must be important for him to slip up making that face.

Layla caught on to that look as well then turns toward Henderson and takes Dalias hand then smiles softly at her.

" Aunt May already has the case and thanks to you she'll be able to reattach their fingers " Layla said as she pats Dalias back, Cynthia caught on to how the girl looked at Layla and she didn't like it one bit. Lisa came forward then whispers in Laylas ear and then Layla nodded her head and motions Sid over. "

Take them into the room I told you about earlier and Margo will take their statements " Layla said as Lisa walks by her husband and son, she glares at the two of them.

" you both disgust me and I told you if either of you touch Dalia again you'd pay" Lisa said while Margo walks out behind her.

The other men looked at the three with a look that said your on your own, Alex mind was going 90 mph of how he can clean this mess up.

" Sid take these three in with the others and bind them to where they can't move and have guards on them at all times " Layla said as Sid and the other guards drag the three men out the other door, they have already made a secret place to keep the victims and these pigs at so no one can find them.

" well we will take a hour break then get back to other agendas, by the way you men cannot leave this room not even can you speak to any servants of yours they've already been escorted out of this castle " Layla said as Sid comes back in the room and all of the women leave the room going to the dining hall while Layla had food brought in for the men.

Layla was walking down the hallway with Cynthia who drags her to the closet room and was now being passionately kissed.

" Layla I love you" Cynthia said while her hands was sliding down Laylas waist and Layla pecks Cynthias lips then stops her hands.

" we can't right now Cynthia, we have to get the ones we can today or they'll clean up any proof they left behind. Tonight we can spend time together" Layla said kissing her softly before they exit the room, even though they have hidden victims and evidence of the councils crime they don't know how far they'll go after today.