Chapter 156

Layla was smiling at the stories Nini told her of where Ella lost a tooth when stealing an apples that she had to to go back and pay for it while also doing chores for the stall owner.

" I bet she loved that " Layla said laughing as she sat up, Nini sat up as well then brushes hair back from Layla's cheek, their gazes met and Nini blushed.

" let's go so the servants can pack your things then after I'll show you your new rooms" Layla said, They walk out of the room heading upstairs where they heard small foot steps running toward them. Ella had chocolate around her lips and also carried a lollipop that was the size of half of the little girl.

" Ella did you have fun with Auntie Cindy" Nini said spinning the chuckling child around, she hasn't seen Ella this happy in a long time. Nini smiles at Layla then mouths a thank you to the woman who smiles with a nod of her head, she looks over to see Cynthia glaring at her and she swallowed down the lump in her throat.

" Come let's eat then I have to catch up work with Cynthia and after we eat I'll have Hailey show you three to your new rooms beside ours" Layla said as she grabs Cynthias hand then the others followed behind them, Nini stares at the girls intertwined hands and she couldn't help but feel a certain way which even that she didn't recognize this unfamiliar feeling. Cindy gives her a knowing smile while watching them but couldn't help but worry for Nini at this deadly Aura coming from Layla, even Cynthia was confused by alot of Layla's actions that wasn't normally cold blooded or even sleeping with someone else other than the one she was with.

Margo, Syl, Viv, May, Hailey and their shadows was sitting at the large table, May smiles at them when they enter and welcomes them by pointing where to sit as Ella had kid safe cutlery with a Tiara and wand that will fit her.

Nini smiles at the thoughtfulness of Layla as Ella smiles from ear to ear then swings her legs wanting down and runs over to a booster chair where she was to sit, May hoisted the girl up into the chair receiving a giggle from the girl that would melt anyone's heart.

" here let me help you...also these are powerful gems in both your crown and wand so take good care of it" May said as the girl nodded her head smiling a wide grin where a front tooth was missing.

" honey how was your task" Layla said squeezing Vivs hand who smiled softly at her and glances toward the girl, she took another drink of wine.

" well we have got some info and also went to the slums to go to an orphanage....called um...Saint Marie's or something like that, they've had issues for the past three years." Viv said stopping from saying to much in front of the child and strangers, Cindy and Nini shared a look as if they've heard that name before.

" Cindy haven't we heard that name at a party that Alex threw " Nini said as Syl looks over at them as recognition hits her as to who these two women are and she smiles at them, they both look at her with pale faces.

" your both fine, I really don't care about my father or brothers and the only one I truly care for is Layla...I would suggest to never betray her or hurt her." Syl said taking a drink of her wine with Dala rolling her eyes, she watches the little girl play with the wand as a fireball shoots from it hitting the wall putting a hole the size of a ball in the wall. Layla claps her hands then smiles at the girl who had a guilt ridden look on her face as she puts the wand down on the Table and her bottom lip trembled looking over at her mother who was even paler in the face.

" well it seems your ready for school since you are already strong being this young and sweet hearts it was an accident" Layla said as a servant walks over and a wave of her hand fixed the burn hole like it never happened, Cindy felt uneasy with Syl here since she wasn't known to be kind or very forgiving.

She also didn't like the look in the red heads eyes when she would stare at her, she would see her in her periphial vision and when she would meet the woman's eyes. Let's just say her eyes would dialate and she would give a grin that made her skin crawl.

Ella started yawning while her head would nod, Nini was about to get up when Layla was already picking the girl up to carry.

" if your still eating I can put her down while you finish and show you the room after" Layla said, Nini looked at her plate then shakes her head and gets up from the table.

" no I still have to dress her and wake her to brush her she doesn't lose the rest" Nini said with a chuckle, the little girl groaned at the terrible joke as she rubbed her face against Layla's chest.

" ok let's go up, hey I'll stop by each of your rooms to give you your own tasks with your shadows and then go over the info that I wasn't told" Layla said with a smirk as she walks with Cindy and Nini, while they were walking behind Layla and Nini couldn't help but look at this beautiful person.

Cindy smiles then shakes her head at Nini with that same knowing smile as they slowed their steps letting Layla get a few feet further away then Cindy raises and lowers her eyebrows at Nini.

" you really like her " Cindy whispered while covering her mouth with her hand, Nini shoves Cindy's shoulder while blushing and then shyly smiles.

" I can't help it and also I don't know how to handle these emotions since I've never liked someone like this before...I'm sure she doesn't like me back and I don't think she is single either" Nini said thinking back to her holding Cynthias hand and also the looks they were giving her when she was with Layla.

" that I'm confused about as well, but it does seem to be a couple people who she is affectionate with or maybe that's her personality" Cindy said shaking her head in uncertainty, Layla takes them upstairs then stops at one room opening the door.

" Cindy ~this is your room" Layla said walking them inside the room, even though Cindy lived in a small castle only a 1/3 of this place. Her room was the smallest room in the house and only when her husband expects her to service him she'd be in the master for a half hour or so before returning to her own room, her mother in law and sons room was three times the size of hers.

" oh you also have clothing and other items fully stocked and tomorrow Hailey will take you to put your own personal style and touches to the room" Layla said watching tears fill the woman's eyes as she walks inside the closet.

" T-Thank you Layla but you don't have to give me this room or things, a servants quarters will be enough" Cindy said looking at all the fancy clothing and shoes inside her walk in closet. The dress she is wearing is the only good one she owns for when they have important guest or places they must go, Layla smiles as she sees how appreciative and happy Cindy is.

" well look over your things...oh also your desk is stocked fully and I've even had a stamp for when you have letters or work you send out, I hope you like it and if not we will make another for you" Layla said walking over pulling open a drawer, she takes out a case sitting it on top of the desk.

" it!" Layla said with excitement, Cindy walks over opening the case seeing two rings that were made from a black gem and a green gem, she looks back at Layla.

" there your storage rings the black one is fully packed with things as weapons, Armor, items, also heavenly treasures to make you stronger and also spell books for you to learn...oh the scrolls are skills that you will learn. The green one has herbs and alchemy items for you to start learning potions and a rune kit, the rest of the space is for you to use to store things...I expect great things especially with your sun bloodline that you have, so we'll talk more later so look over your things " Layla said walking out of the room with Nini as she carries Ella to a room that was couple doors down from her room and she is also next to Cindys room in case they want to visit one another.

Just like Cindy's reaction both Ella and Nini had the same reaction when they enter her room, she even had all new art supplies set up inside her room as well with a desk.

Ella Wakes Up And Gets Excited Kicking excitedly, Layla puts her down she runs to every part of the room and then smiles widely when Layla opens another door. There were large teddy bears to small ones inside the room and other totes, a real child tea set with a table and chairs. Her closet was full of clothes and a shelf that had different tiaras of different colors with matching wands.

" Eeeek " Ella excitedly squeals running around the room looking around, Layla chuckles while walking back into Minis room over to the desk pulling out a case that has four rings two that was white but when the light hit them rainbow colors could be seen flash across them, two more that was red and black that had a tigers print with the two colors on the rings.

" same as I told Cindy, you all three need to learn and to become stronger and will have a teacher just like Ella will have. Ella comes into the room then walks over picking up the ring that was to big for her fingers and she started pouting looking at them, Layla smiles sliding the rings onto Ella's fingers that shrink to fit her.

" My Elven and Dwarf friends make our rings they'll adjust themselves to only fit both your fingers, well enjoy the rooms and I'll see you both for breakfast in the morning " Layla said as Ella runs over then hugs her legs and then runs back into her room closing the door, Nini smiles softly at Layla then walks closer hugging her as well.

" Thank you so much, I'm sorry for how I behaved when we first met " Nini Said as her nose brushes Layla's neck and both women shiver from the action, Layla rubs soothing circles on her back and then kisses her temple that Nini enjoyed way to much since she started blushing as red as a tomato.

Layla then clears her throat then leaves the room to make her way to her own where all four women were waiting inside her room and seems to be on a heated conversation. Cynthias eyes were red like she has been crying while Viv has a pissed off look on her face, Syl and Margo Had smirks plastered on theirs with a touch of crazy could be seen on Margos eyes. Cynthia pushes by Layla going next door to her room, Layla scrunches her brows looking at the other three women.

" what happened and what is wrong with Cynthia" Layla said as she watches the women look away from her then Syl sighs.

" well it's about the person she is in love with and engaged to, she needs to except that they've changed is all we were saying. It's actually her fault to why the woman is no longer the way she is and not only that she is a desympathetic Sociopath like her mother" Margo said receiving a slap across her arm, she hissed I. pain while glaring at Syl.

" that would be you Margo" Syl said then rolls her eyes as she thought of something else, she holds the engagement ring in her hand and then opens it looking at the ring. Layla walks over grabbing the ring out of Syls hand who was surprised when she didn't see Layla even come close to her, when Layla held onto the ring she could feel how the magic symbol was identical to her own.

" I'm very disappointed in all of you, I need the four people I love to work together for my sake and I can't even trust you all to do that....go back to your rooms and sleep in them, hurting Cynthia knowing how hard this is on her is unexceptable and I want you all to apologize to her tomorrow morning." Layla said walking over to her desk looking inside her drawers coming across a ring case that's been inside the drawer for a while now and she puts the ring inside since touching it makes her feel Quezy for some reason.

The girls shake their heads kissing Layla goodnight while leaving the room, Viv walks over sliding under their blankets.

(' well shit Viv is sharing my room so I can't punish her') Layla thought walking out of their room, she sees a servant standing in the hallway.

" tomorrow I'll need another room prepared for Viv " Layla said walking to Cynthias door, her hand hovers at the door for a few seconds but then grabs the handle and she enters to see Cynthia bawling her eyes out on the bed sobbing loudly. Layla undoes her dress letting it slide to the floor as she walks over undoing the back of Cynthias dress then pulls it off, she crawls in the bed with her then pulls the blanket over them both while holding Cynthia.

Layla wipes her tears away and a sick part of her enjoys and gets turned on seeing Cynthia this way and she gently kisses her lips while pulling her closer to her with her hands on the woman's hips. A gentle smile is now on Cynthias lips and she lays her hand on Layla's stomach gently rubbing up and down.

" make love to me Layla...please" Cynthia said while kissing on Layla's neck, as she starts gently biting and sucking leaving marks on Layla's neck.

(' I would love to use that spell that Syl used on me that time all three of us was together') Layla thought while enjoying the attention that Cynthia is giving her, she starts saying the spell with quickened breaths as she now can feel the sensation of the appendage between her legs as her hand slides down feeling it.

(' well you can still physically feel a difference between the real one, maybe it's the shape hmm I'll ask Syl about this tomorrow ') Layla thought as she feels Cynthias hand now on the shaft stroking it, Layla moans out at the pleasure she is now feeling.

" f-fuck mmmm " Layla moans out as Cynthia slides under the blanket as her mouth circles around the head of Layla's lower member, she twirls her tongue around it and slowly bobbing her head taking it into her mouth more with every movement, Layla puts her hand in Cynthias hair pulling her down to where it was now hitting the back of her throat.

" AHHH HAAH" Layla moans out as she bucks her hips, she then feels Cynthia slide two fingers inside of Layla as she thrusts her fingers in and out of her hooking her fingers hitting her g spot.

" OHHHHH AHHNNN YES I didn't mmm know about that HAAH" Layla moans out as she feels her stomach tightening up and a great feeling pressure she was needing to release.

Cynthia knew she was close when she felt the walls tightening around her fingers and the member twitching inside her mouth and Laylas bucking her hips even faster now.

" AHHHH HAAH MHMM OHHH FUCK" Layla moans out releasing again but this time alot more is coming out of her from both of her areas, Cynthia swallows every bit of it and then licks both of the areas clean also her fingers. She then climbs up straddling Layla while kissing her passionately.