Chapter 161

The servant innocently gives them a business like smile the speaks with no hesitation at the women.

" Mistress Zara wishes to speak to you " the girl said keeping her eyes on the floor, DeAndre kisses Mays lips gently then turns to leave when she feels May clamp her arms around her waist.

" my instincts doesn't want you to go to her, that image last night I can't get out of my head " May said kissing on DeAndres neck causing a low moan to come out, DeAndre smiles softly then turns around clasping Mays cheeks pulling her in for a passionate kiss and then pulls away walking past the servant who raises her eyes looking at May with a glare before leaving.

DeAndre goes inside Zara's office after excusing her servants, Zara gets up from her desk walking closer to DeAndre then tries to grab her where the other woman steps away.

" Zara I told you last night that I'm with your wife and if it's not related to work then stop calling me here" DeAndre said walking to the door, Zara looks at her confused and then clears her throat.

" I want you to help train May, as well as one of the Generals will and lastly I'll come to test her at the third day. Take her into the domain that will technically be six weeks inside but three days here and DeAndre train her good I won't hold back." Zara said with a smirk as DeAndre glares up at her then stomps out of her office, she looks toward the mirror room but she turns the other way going to the training room where a large black ball was floating in the air.

DeAndre chooses a replica of the city of light to train May in stealth, combat, defenses and weapons training, also shifting. DeAndre spent over two hours getting everything set up there and she looks through her storage ring pulling out another ring that matches hers and starts loading it with the best things she has even things for Alchemy the golden cauldron she has is the only one out of two that exist in all of the domains and the highest one than any of the others.

DeAndre smiles as she puts things inside the ring for May, she also needs to talk to may about marking her it's literally putting her in a pissed off mood.

Mayliana makes her way back to her room after watching Amelia for a while, she goes over to where Rena is laying down in a robe sleeping. May sneaks over then places a kiss on her lips, Rena smiles then opens her eyes seeing May and pulls her down for a deeper kiss.

" you need to eat something, I have a servant bringing you lunch and I have to go to the training room to prepare to go to the middle domain. I wanted to let you know that Zara is sending Moles to go down for the attack their planning six years from now." Mayliana said while laying on top of Rena, who now is very quiet thinking this over.

" that's a dangerous mission why would you even want to go, why would Zara even allow this" Rena said hugging Mays waist tightly, she then sighs when she notices May become quiet and sad.

" I'm sorry baby " Rena said kissing May then kissing her way down to her neck as she sucks on Mays sweet spot receiving a moan that makes her smile. Rena pulls her sash off letting her robe fall open, May starts kissing down her chest taking her nipple into her mouth and Rena moans out.

" ahh haah take your clothes off mmm" Rena moans out while May sits up quickly throwing her clothes off and laying back on top of Rena as her hands grip her breath as she kisses her, Rena licks the bottom of her lip asking for entrance that May gives her as their tongues dance together. Renas hand slide down lining Mays head up with her entrance and she slowly pushes inside of her, raising one of her legs up to her side.

" AHH haah Yes" Rena moans out clawing down Mays arms leaving scratches on them, May starts going faster and harder. Rena was biting her lip trying not to moan out loudly, but fails miserably a couple minutes later when she feels her climax coming.

" AHHH HAAH AHHNNN OHHHHH" Rena moans out as does May when she releases inside of Rena again as they start kissing each other affectionately while they both smile. A knock on the door interrupts them, May rolls off of Rena then quickly pulls her clothes on while Rena closes her robe.

" ok come in " may said as a servant rolls a cart in with two meals covered with a silver lid and drinks the girl smiles at them with a blush as she backs out of the room leaving just the two of them. Rena walks over to the tray getting her plate that has a sandwich with fries on it as she starts munching down as she feeds May as well, they both finish their food then May kisses Rena.

" wait Maylinia I have to ask you something..." Rena said as May stops at the door with her back turned to Rena, she exhales then turns back to her.

" do you love me more than just a friend " Rena asked as she stares at the floor clenching her fist, May can see how much this is bothering her and pulls her into a hug.

" yes I love you more than just a friend, I couldn't imagine not having you in my life and I won't allow you not to be with me or with are my Omega " May said pulling Rena into a tough kiss as she bites into her neck marking May on the other side of her neck to avoid the other mark, Renas legs go week as May holds her up. Rena smiles hugging May tightly she always has looked for a mate and never thought of May like that since they were good friends and yes it's crossed her mind several times but May never showed interest.

" I love you May " Rena said putting her forehead against Mays who is smiling like a idiot, she kisses Renas lips then swings her around. Rena forgot about the mark on Mays neck and she looks at it, she knows that alot of Alphas have more than one mate and she is ok with May having a couple more but more than three she won't be able to put up with any more. The one who gave May the mark and the one who May is going down to the middle domain for is her mate as well since she looks at her the way she looks at that woman.

" May who gave you that mark " Rena asked as she seen May avoid looking at her eyes and she sighs pecking her lips.

" it's fine baby we'll talk later about it " Rena said kissing her lips and walking May To the door, when May leaves Rena quickly gets dressed then leaves the room to go talk to her friend Amee who is a general.

May was walking toward the training room nervously rubbing her hands together for who is going to train her and how they are going to do it. When she walks in she can see DeAndre standing there beside a table with a blonde general standing close to where her body was pushing against DeAndres.

A low growl comes from May as she narrows her eyes at the woman, she doesn't understand why she has this overwhelming feeling to year apart someone who touches DeAndre or Rena since Rena has been marked and marked her as well she feels more at peace, but DeAndre is starting to piss her off.

(" she will be wearing my mark soon") May thought as she listens to their conversation, the blonde puts her hand on DeAndres lower back and then DeAndre takes it off.

" why won't you be my mate, Zara has her mates and is married to Jalen who hates you by the way and I make the most out of all the generals haven't been marked yet so I'll mark you" Sia said as she pulls DeAndre into her, she kept trying to get out of Sia's hold but couldn't. Sia releases her pheromones to get DeAndre to submit but she doesn't understand how this girl keeps from submitting since the other night she won't give Sia the time of day.

A loud growl makes them both turn around to see Maylinia standing there in a threatening stance, Sia looks back and forth between the two then laughs.

" you and the puppy..ha ha ha, this is to good DeAndre I know you usually hook up alot but really the weakest one out of all the Alphas.. what will Zara think when she finds out that her play thing is with her baby sister " Sia said laughing while DeAndre is looking at May.

" she's not weak jack ass, if you don't stop she'll year you apart" DeAndre said as she steps forward to walk over to May just to be pulled back against Sia's front, Sia pulls her hair to where her neck is now in Access.

May snarls at Sia then runs toward them at a fast speed to where she snaps Sia's wrist then pushes DeAndre out of the way and Sia Kicks her in the chest sending her flying into the wall.

DeAndre gets up then runs over to May who is on one knee, she kisses her cheek then helps her up while Sia pops her wrist back then moves it around and then looks over to them both laughing.

" really Dee she is not a good Alpha you'd be better off as Zara's side piece or even better to just come with me, I'll take care of you." Sia said walking closer to them, DeAndre doesn't take her eyes off of May as she leans in kissing her lips and completely ignoring Sia.

When Sia walks over jerking DeAndre up, May punches her in the face sending her flying across the room and hits the wall sliding down.

May jerks DeAndre to her then kisses her roughly as she grabs her butt squeezing causing her to moan, Sia stands up then runs toward them. May pulls DeAndre out of the way causing her to fall while May blocks several punches and kicks from Sia but failed to block her scissor kick that knocks May on her back.

DeAndre runs over getting a back hand across her face sending her to the floor, May stands up as Sia runs over to her swing her elbow to Mays face and May grapples her arms holding them then wraps her legs around Dias neck using momentum to flip Sia on the floor as May keeps her in a choke hold with her legs. Sia keeps trying to pry her legs apart as her face turns red, she then brings her other arm up through the hold then elbows May in between her legs causing her to let go after the third hit.

Sia gets up coughing trying to get her breath as May was still on her knees, Sia stumbles over kicking may with a upward kick sending her falling back hitting the back of her head on the marble floor hard.

DeAndre was running over when Sia grabs her, she slaps Sia Across the face giving her three slashes on her cheek from her nails and Sia hisses then punches her straight in the face making her hit the ground. Sia was about to start kicking DeAndre when May spheres her to the ground knocking the air out of her and stayed punching her with both fist over and over until she wasn't moving anymore.

DeAndre crawls over holding Mays fist shaking her head no and pulls May into a hug, She crawls off of Sia then cups DeAndres face looking at her busted lip.

" she's out cold if you continue you'll kill her" DeAndre kissing Mays lips then hissing touching her busted lip, she smiles at May who shakes her head in disbelief. May has trained before but never got into a real fight, when she seen Sia touching her May just lost it and couldn't control herself.

DeAndre stands up then she is now standing over Sia who is starting to wake up groaning, DeAndre kicks her in the side receiving a louder groan.

" oh wake up and go somewhere to fix your face" DeAndre said while crossing her arms glaring down at the woman who can only halfway open one eye, she quickly sits up then holds her head in pain. Sia is already healing but the damage is bad, her whole face is basically broke and large gashes covering it.

" oh we are so not done " Sia said standing up then falls back on one knee, DeAndre sighs the pulls Sia up helping her to the door where her servant is waiting.

" Lea take this to a room to rest so she can heal" DeAndre said as Lea gasps when she looks at the woman's face, she could barely recognize her if she didn't know that General Sia entered the room earlier and Lea glances at May who is standing in the room glaring at the woman who is now beside her.

Lea seen them together that night and also smelled this Alphas pheromones which it's good she's a high power Omega or she would of been killed while trying to mate with her.

" yes mistress I'll take her now" Lea said glancing at Mayliana again, she kept her eyes on May until their gazes met then May softly smiles at her which made Lea smile.

She walks away helping Sia Down the hall as DeAndre glares at her then shakes it off then turns to May, she walks back over to the table she was at earlier then motions Maylinia over.

There's a case that is similar to the one Zara gave her but longer and a little wider, DeAndre turns to her then puts her hand on Mays stomach and if she had to admit having two Alphas fighting over her did turns her on.

" if we didn't have to train I'd already have you on the floor doing many things to you " DeAndre said with a smirk, she slides another case over that was 2x2 size case that May opens finding items.

" this is a storage ring, one of the highest class ones, I've already filled it with things that'll help you out as well as a book with how to make each of these potions I've already have several in there for you with other things you'll need. You will also be learning Alchemy, Runic symbols and spells, we we'll actually be in there for six days our time here but 28 Weeks in this simulation so be ready to work your ass off. There will be six teachers who will come and have you for a couple of weeks each or until you've mastered their tasks, so change into your armor that Zara gave you so we can get started. " DeAndre said opening up the long case on the table as she looks over to May, who was taking her clothes off change and DeAndre smiles about how nieve May is and takes out items to start work to start teaching May a little fundamentals of Alchemy to see what she remembers. but for right now she is enjoying the view.

May finishes getting dressed as she seen DeAndres lustful looks on her body, it actually made her smile as she walks over joining DeAndre watching her separate several different ingredients together in separate batches.

" ok tell me which batch makes what as you simmer them into a potion or pill " DeAndre said crossing her arms watching May start with the first batch. as she grinded certain items and boiled certain parts of other putting them all in the cauldron. Once May finished making four bottles leaving half the pot left as she walks over to extra incredients grabbing a few royal lightning bugs only tearing off their sacs that usually flow in the dark setting aside the rest of the body dropping the three sacs in the pot walking over to several small lava toads as she takes one out tearing it's heart out while setting the test to the side adding it to the pot then takes a few drops of vampire blood as the liquid turns a crimson red with black smoke wisping through it. Mayliana bottles those four up then writes down what it can do, then she writes a small health potion on the ones she made from just the ingredients that DeAndre set out. DeAndre walks over reading the tags on the second potion that May create, she gave a surprised look that turned to a happy one setting it down.

" Interesting...what's the name of this potion ?" DeAndre asked walking closer to May who swallows hard, there was something this woman done to her where she could not ever tell her no.

" well it gives a forty percent boost in health also let's you go into a kind of berserker mode so you can break away from certain threats that you feel you won't survive from and also gives you seventy percent more strength. I haven't gotten to a name yet I want to make bother the health one hundred and the strength of 200 % to get out of the hairiest situations you can come across." May said smiling at DeAndre handing her the four potions that she created since she already had plenty that she wants to go through giving both Rena and DeAndre half of all the good potions and ingredients she possessed to keep them safe.

" well I've heard of similar potioms like these but with there stats less than what these have more like ten percent health and 25 % strength increase nothing this high and well done. I'd be stupid not to take them wouldn't I, even though I watched your whole process of how and what you did" DeAndre smiled at May knowing Damn well she'd only make it for emergencies and not to Sale or give the recipe out, she would leave that up to May.

" Thank you Love " DeAndre said leaning in kissing Mays lips then sighing as she pulled away, she glances at the other batch then smiles softly at May stepping back.

" make this recipe and let's up the task for extra credit.,..make two more miracle potions " DeAndre said winking at May, May knows even if she didn't the woman said extra credit so she knows she wouldn't fail her on this.

" sure " May said stepping forward as she reaches for a bright blue spider that had black runic signs on it's abdomen, May squeezes the spider only extracting the venom into the pot without hurting the spider as she take a dried up blood Flower grinding it into dust scraping it into the pot boiling together with the venom. DeAndre looked at May with a confused expression as the girl then takes a solid black mushroom from her inventory that secreted a liquid from it's head. May throws the whole thing in as it turns a blue color, she then Sadness fruit pit than she pounded into small pieces dropping it as well boiling while she waited fifteen minutes as she pulls out a Orange and red designed snake that had three sets of fangs along with the shorter fangs.

May extracts alot of it's venom adding it until the liquid changes into a midnight blue that she puts in eight bottles, then writes on the tag of what this potion does.

" I thought I'd make you something that was four times better than this one only using five extra minutes in the time it takes to make this one that only causes a ten percent injury to your enemy. This one will cause a 70 Percent fatal hit when used keep these four"

May said as she puts the other four up for Rena, she then brings out ten small round bottles filled with a slugy green color with what it does written on it.

May smiles taking another from her inventory throwing it in part of the room as a large graph tree grew, his bark looked like some knight Amor shape to them just like a helmet with horns for it's head with large hands with sharp tree branches for fingers. Three more grew right behind that one, DeAndre was amazed by the things that May could make so they could skip to the end to see if she knows important ones.

" thank you love, I'd soon love to know the names you choose so keep your mind open" DeAndre said storing what May gave her with a shy look on her face as she works on two more harm causing potions that one ranged a forty percent while the second was 37% which she made Andrea store those as well while she pulled some from her storage to go to the storage meant for Rena.

DeAndre quirks her brow up staring at the graft trees and a willow tree folks, she looks over at May then sighs walking to her side.

" send them into the domain to wait on us we'll enter in a few minutes" DeAndre said storing the whole desk in her inventory then watching the tree folks march inside the domain she pulls May in as well. A couple dozen feet over twenty warriors ranging power from small to high was standing there staring May down.

May wastes no time using her attribute making earth golems of different sizes and strength march along with the tree folks going against the warriors as hits and attributes were flying left and right while they ran and clashing together.

May wasn't done as she created four shadow ghost whose shadows would appear under one of the warriors feet and it would wrap it's self completely wrap itself as the man fought to no avail to die at the hands of the shadow as the other three took victims as well. The tree folks took over ten warriors down losing two of four of their brethren while the golems we're down to two as they teamed up against the last six stronger ones.

All the shadows went against two men while one fell easily while another shadow had to help the other two taking down that warrior.

Two tree folk and one golem teamed up against a warrior while the remaining four shadows took on the last warrior, she lost one shadow before they could bring the man down while only a half dead tree folk stood left as all the warriors were gone. DeAndre was proud of how smart May is and how they underestimated her as well, she kissed May deeply while waiting on round two and they heard loud snarls from a few trolls with over twenty five orcs standing around their legs.

" good luck love remember try your best think of the best way to take out the ones who will do the most damage" DeAndre said backing away from her, she pulled out her bow taking head shots at the Orcs in cloaks taking down as many as she could. DeAndre smiles watching her taking out the ones who could use spells down then taking out archers she seen while the others ran toward her.

May uses her Earth magic as a tall wall slams down on the running group killing the weaker ones by a dozen as her arrows killed ten already, she has large vines with long thorns on them start slapping down on the rolls and Orcs that was left only leaving two trolls and three Orcs who were the largest. May through over a dozen wind blades at the Orcs since the trolls were slower wounding one to a point where it was limping being the other two, Water started pouring down as a small tornado started spinning the water that is slowly freezing to ice getting larger per second as she throws them at all five creatures as several bit all of them but only killing two Orcs while giving the other three wounds as they slowly made their way to May who throws several sizes of fireballs the first one being the size of half a troll it burns the Orc up instantly while all three balls hit the two trolls heavily injuring them as she then does three black balls that had purple lightning coursing through them knocking a clean hole though ones chest and the other stomach killing them both.

DeAndre looks on with happiness as she skips over to May kissing her more passionately more heated than the last kiss as she smiled mischievously at Mayliana who knows this smile very well.

" let's skip some levels and call it a early night, Yes " DeAndre said while snapping her fingers when they were inside a castle throne room with hundreds of humans around with Also the king and queen and their daughter was hunkering down behind the throne as the soldiers edged toward her.

May uses her lightning magic spreading out arcs of blue lightning from her hands taking out two lines of the soldiers that was closer to her, she put up six waves of lava that hit the soldiers as painful screams filled the room. May made over six marble golems from using the castle floors and walls. The golems swing their large arms swiping men who were now sent flying across the room hitting the other wall, wind blades and fireballs we're being shot at soldiers all around of her while she threw two round green balls that grew some of her tree folks that sprouted then ran toward the groups of soldiers.

DeAndre smirked as amay stared the Royal family down as she glances at DeAndre, who gives her a knowing look.

" you must kill the family" DeAndre said glaring at May, to survive this trial while more men flooded inside the room pushing toward Mayliana as she sends out several large spheres of Ice shooting straight through the soldiers piercing them through.

May let out over 15 long spheres of Ice earning a large kill count for twenty seconds as she makes thousands of smaller ones that is spinning in two tornadoes that's bouncing from wall to wall taking soldiers in piercing them into chunks when their pulled inside as they ran around the room killing over four hundred soldiers as more flooded in.

" what if they are innocent and only he deserves death " May said earning an angry look from DeAndre, who looks away from May with a hurt expression.

(" she's thinking of her again") DeAndre thought as she sighs, she looks back into Mays eyes with a loving look in her eyes as she spoke very soft.

" when we cross that scenario we'll do what's right but to stop this level is to kill the royal family " DeAndre said as May smiles at her as she uses four large tornados with ice spears inside twirling at a very fast speed like a blender.

They all four started to roam the whole room even each taking a corner where it only left a small square where May stood untouched by the ice blades as every soldier and royal was basically chopped into pieces. DeAndre made a eww look at May who shrugged her shoulders a little embarrassed showing DeAndre how gruesome she could be and only felt the ones she comes to like or learns to live as living beings instead of items. If she does get to know and like the person she'll do what she can for them and doesn't like anyone to touch them or give or receive attention except her.

DeAndre always understood May they just didn't ever do anything across the line except for maybe a fall or a hand accidentally going somewhere and neither let their minds run that way, well maybe for her since DeAndre was dating Zara well her mistress and DeAndre liked when they accidentally got to close or all the time they've talked together. DeAndre always wondered if May would ever be interested in her, but always would change her mind and this time something was different with Mays Pheromones and Aura that made DeAndres knees buckle. When she saw May watching her with Zara she got very aroused, when she glanced down seeing May get turned on an even wider smile and a climax when seeing May that way hit her. One thing flashed across her mind not wanting Zara to nut inside of her, it broke her heart when that flashed in her mind and stopped Zara while taking her inside her mouth. When DeAndre went to clean up before she went to see Mayliana she made herself throw up what she swallowed of Zara's as she overkills her mouth brushing and using mouthwash. She stared in the mirror as not knowing why she felt this strongly, one other thing kept Crossing her mind was to have May right now and makes her way to the mirror room where they had there first night.