Chapter 6

16. Andris

At night, the alleys of Paris are quiet.

Daniel must have brought me to the hotel last night. My luggage is all there, the clothes that have been splattered with Mars' blood are washed, dried, and stacked by the pillow, the ring is there, and Cain's left hand is on the desk.

But Daniel wasn't there.

It is now eleven o'clock noon. I should ask someone at the hotel about what happened last night.

E-mail from Robert

Dear Andris Jo:

My daughter, as you say, I use high technology, but I'm not very familiar with it.

It's amazing, even computers are touch screens these days. I can draw letters directly on it with my fingertips, but my handwriting is always unrecognizable. I have to write the letters one by one. Just like when I was a kid when I first learned to write letters.

It's more convenient than letters, but you know, like Kashmir, we're not part of this century, and our century is full of ink books. Eliza taught me to use my tablet to send emails, she's trendy, isn't she? It's been three centuries and she's still evolving, and you should learn more from this dynamic mother.

Everything was fine in Birmingham, and the São Paulo case was extended to Brasilia, where Camarilla intervened in the investigation and captured a large number of "babies" (born blood relatives not recognized by the prince), proving that the murder was not the work of my Thomas Plantation. The red race insisted on pointing the finger at us, believing that the "babies" were proliferated by servants through unauthenticated forced first embrace, and filed a lawsuit again.

I am extremely worried about your safety when I learn that you have left Listerburg. A nobleman has interceded with the prince for you, and the prince has forgiven you of your sins.

Hurry back to London, my lawyer and I are discussing a plan.

your Robert

E-mail to Robert

Dear Father:

Forgive me for not being able to go back to London on your arrangement.

The legend of the Vampire Hallows completely fascinated me, and I have found two Hallows, and the three-year adventure has not been in vain. Thanks to my father for always interceding for me, and also to the noble man - can you tell me who he is?

Please rest assured that your daily life should not be affected by worrying about my safety. I still insist on using the holy artifact in exchange for the prince's trust in me.

The bloody case was reported in the Daily Express on February 7 in Sao Paulo, and that's when I knew it was serious. If Camarilla is not stopped, at this rate, the bloodshed will spread all over Brazil in a few days.

Although I understand the incomparability, I still compare the two. The "baby" is an illegitimate child without the Prince's permission, and the discipline is to be executed, just as my father hid me in Thomas Manor three years ago. My father had warned me not to be discovered by other blood clans, but I did not listen to your warning and let my curiosity drive me to peek at the banquet. After being discovered by the Viscount, not only did you punish yourself, but also greatly damage your reputation and status. In terms of discipline, I should have been sentenced to death. Unexpectedly, my father interceded for me regardless of previous suspicions, so I was spared the death penalty and came to find the holy artifact.

My flesh and blood were given by my biological parents, and the life that lingered before death was given by you.

I'm glad you started using E-mail, which is much faster than letter mailing.

I wish my father all the best.

your joe

After lunch, the hotel staff handed me an exquisite box and said it was given to me by the gentleman who brought me last night. I asked if he was still there. As expected, the staff immediately Shook his head.

I thought the box could not be opened without the key, but when I inserted the Giovanni Doomsday sapphire into the dark slot on the box, the box opened easily, no wonder I didn't find the keyhole, Daniel is a smart guy, maybe the box Inside is another precious sacred artifact. I smiled, opened the lid, and saw a beautifully carved pistol and a few silver-gray bullets inside.

Being conservatively educated, I was naturally frightened so uselessly, that I threw it on the bed, like a terrorist without courage. God knows I have conspired with others to commit crimes and murders within these 24 hours. Thinking of this makes me shudder.

Daniel gave me the pistol probably to give me enough capital to protect myself, but at the same time, it also proved that he would not always help me, and I had to think about saving myself when I was in danger.

Was poor Milo killed? This is what she deserves. I felt annoyed at the thought of her looking at me trying to kill me after she succeeded in her scheming.

I went back to the bed and picked up the cold pistol. I suddenly thought, maybe this is what I should prepare. I don't know how many "Mars" and "Miluo" I will encounter in the future. By then, I will either deal with them or himself in the street. Daniel is right.

Over the next few hours, I became more aware of the importance of weapons.

I don't know how Madame Liszt learned that I was in Paris, but she visited and invited me to live in her mansion near Versailles. She came in a burgundy dress, and a five-star hotel felt that there was no room for such an honorable guest. Her arrival ruined everything and made the hotel's splendor worthless - that's what I thought at the time. She belongs to the prosperous, not the vulgar rich.

This is the royal temperament revealed in the bones. I heard that she was a noble lady during the Elizabeth II period, and she is more or less related to the queen. In that era, hemophilia was rampant among the princes and nobles. She is the only surviving descendant of the family. , was born with a lovable face, and became even more slender as an adult. As an aristocrat, she was undoubtedly lucky. Kashmir married the person she loved, King Liszt. At the age of 30, she accidentally learned that her husband was from a blood family, and she demanded his first embrace without hesitation.

In the long years, she may only be his short-lived pastime. When his false mask was taken off, Aishmir did not dodge, but tore off his collar and demanded a painful kiss.

King Liszt had ex-wives. He watched them grow old and die, but he didn't care about them at all. For an immortal person, emotionality would ruin his life. He didn't understand love.

He met Aishmir, dated her, told her love, and proposed to her. In his opinion, it was just a short story, a short "Romeo and Juliet" style poignant history, which he wrote, directed, and acted by himself. puppet show.

Ashley didn't hesitate about immortality, which made him tempted. Liszt was completely in love with her.

For cold-blooded animals, it is difficult to have feelings. But he felt it. He felt a sonorous heartbeat when he kissed her. He couldn't forget the movement without rhythm, as if it was his long-lost heartbeat. So immersed in happiness, he even forgot when her heartbeat stopped.

Soon, Kashmir became his kind, and the two had a lot of time to splurge, just like "the prince and the princess lived happily together" at the end of the fairy tale, and forever.

Madame Liszt told me the story of her and the prince on her way to the mansion.

"You might say, I'm really like an old woman, I've been talking about it for so long. Only when you taste it will you understand. He gave me immortality, but left me alone in a vortex of loneliness..." Liszt The lady's eyes flashed with a transparent luster.

I saw that the lady who had surprised the staff in the hotel just now was so sad now, I felt very uncomfortable, and I was speechless, so I had to be silent.

They had no children, and Mrs. Lister said the sperm mortality rate for male bloodlines was 100 percent.

"I never hoped. I wanted to enjoy him forever... But we still have a child."

I didn't get what she meant.

"Joint creation, we first embraced a boy together."

17. Andris

Before Mrs. Lister could tell me anything else, the car reached its destination.

This is a set of Spanish-style single-family villas with swimming pools and gardens. It is magnificent and magnificent. The valuable sculpture stands at the entrance. It is the scene of Venus and Cupid playing. It is lifelike and is undoubtedly a symbol of love.

Mrs. Liszt couldn't get too much sun, so she quickly put on a cloak and walked into the house. I followed her into the house and found that the interior design is even more ingenious. The main color is ivory white, the large floor-to-ceiling windows are matched with gray gauze curtains, and a central spiral escalator leads straight upstairs. When I went up to look closely at the railing, I found a few obvious marks on it. I touched it with my hand and felt that the lines were deeply imprinted.

"I wish you a pleasant stay in Versailles." Madame Liszt left with slow steps, probably to rest.

The housekeeper took me to a bright and spacious room and told me to ring the bell for something, I told him to leave, and then threw himself on the bed and rested for a while. Yesterday's thrilling experience is vivid, how can I forget.

I pulled the pistol out of my suitcase, and luckily I had been obsessed with war movies and figured out its structure pretty quickly. There were no bullets in the gun, but there were ten silver bullets in the box. Mi Luo said that silver bullets have very little lethality to the vampire, but they can temporarily lose the attack power of the vampire. He deliberately gave me silver bullets, it must be to protect me from being hurt by the vampires. Daniel, who the hell is he? I clearly understand that ordinary businessmen don't know this, and I don't let myself believe the "lost businessmen" and other nonsense he said.

I slept for about two hours and was woken up by a knock on the door. The door slammed three times and I didn't answer - I was in a daze, and after ten seconds, I heard someone say, "The villain is in," and the door opened. At this time I saw the housekeeper come in with a group of people, yes, indeed a group of people.

"According to Madam's order, the villain needs to make a dress for the young lady." The housekeeper is very polite. If he is not a bald old man, he will be more welcome.



This group of people quickly became busy, tailor-made, cloth-cutting, and people sorting cosmetic bags at the table.

"Excuse me, what are these...why?" I asked the housekeeper while raising my head to allow them to measure my waist.

"Ah, it's like this, there is a social event tonight, and Madam wants you to attend as well."

I have no reason to refuse.

Three hours after the measurement, they tossed out a dress. It was a silk Victorian dress. Large and gorgeous roses spread from the waist to the shoulders and bloomed on the back. The golden-orange was the base color, and the naked The style on the shoulders is somewhat charming. The long sleeves are surrounded by layers of cumbersome ruffles. It is a bit heavy to wear on the body, and the Japanese-style knot behind the waist is dragged to the ground. The shoes are paired with white fish head shoes. At my request, the housekeeper replaced them with flat heels from high heels - I have always been confident in my height.

When I was going downstairs, I tripped and almost fell downstairs. I grabbed onto the railing in a panic, and suddenly there was a slight noise behind me. I was about to turn back, but was blocked by the housekeeper: "Miss, Madam is still waiting. ."

My vision was blocked by him, and I realized that he was covering up something, so I obediently went downstairs, after all, the saying "don't eat a toast, eat a fine drink" makes sense.

After arriving in the living room, Mrs. Liszt became impatient: "Bwin, time is not to be wasted."

"It's the villain's fault. It took a while to tie the waist." The butler bowed respectfully.

The did take a while, and now my waist is so stiff that I have to straighten my back, this popular way of thinning the waist is torturous, as unreasonable as footbinding!

"Alice Jo, I have to tell you something. I want you to help me and it's good for you. Let's get in the car first!" As soon as I picked up my bag, Mrs. Lister pulled me out.

After getting in the car, she told me that her child, the young man she and the prince embraced together for the first time, was called Jim Lister, and he had a magic soul ring.

"I just found it a few days ago, and that's why I called you here since you've found two holy artifacts... don't ask me why I know." She ignored the surprised me and continued, "You Do you know the Demon Soul Ring?"

Of course, I know that I am already familiar with the information on the Vampire Hallows by heart.

The Demon Soul Ring, a gemstone ring found in the abyss cracked by the earth, exudes a gentle purple light. It can control people's thoughts, and it is also effective for members of the blood family, but the soul of the ring itself is evil, so the person wearing the ring is easily aroused by evil desires.

"What evil desire does he have?" I guessed Mrs. Lister's purpose. She wanted me to help her take Jim's ring.

Mrs. Liszt nodded approvingly: "You are very smart. Jim accidentally got the Demon Soul Ring. He used it to get everything, power, status, and title, but he was not satisfied with it. Like you, he is also looking for the blood saint. but it seems to be different, Jim is looking for the holy artifact for the throne, you are for survival."

"The throne?" I couldn't help but be surprised. "What does this have to do with the Holy Artifact?"

"Find twenty-seven holy artifacts, and you will be the worthy king of the entire blood race." Mrs. Liszt added, "You are no exception!"

I was speechless in shock and couldn't believe my ears. king? I can't even dream of this position.

"There is no doubt that the prince who sent you to find the sacred artifact has the intention to embarrass you. He never believes that human beings can find all the sacred artifacts, but I believe in you, all roads lead to Rome, and if you have the will to do one thing, how can you fail? The determination in Mrs. Liszt's eyes made me believe her, and she continued, "I just want you to help me take away the two holy artifacts he found so that he will no longer be confused by the Demon Soul Ring."

"Two Sacred Artifacts?" I was shocked again.

"Yes, seduced by the Demon Soul Ring, Jim personally killed his father and stole the war coat. I think you know this holy artifact too?"

really. War coat, from one battlefield to the next, from one throne to the next, the Vatican is a symbol of conquest and war in the blood tribe, this is a command coat specially created for war, mainly made of Mithril wire. Woven with linen, the outer layer is thin rhino leather, and the mithril bracers on both hands are extremely heavy, so it will be very difficult for ordinary vampires to wear them. Due to the scarcity of clothes in the world, they were designated as holy objects by the Fanzhuo people.

Mrs. Liszt's face filled with sadness: "Our child, it shouldn't be like this, he must find his reason, the day the king died, he didn't even frown, Jim was completely mad, demon soul The ring made him crazy!"

"Mrs. Liszt, there is one thing I don't understand. The war coat is something owned by the Prince of the Fanzhuo family. Why..." I asked politely.

"It's ashamed to say that the king was also focused on finding the holy artifact. He stole the war coat from the prince's palace. Few people know that the war coat has long since disappeared from the throne of the Vatican blood family. The king hid it in a very hidden place. but Jim found it easily, thanks to that ring."

"In terms of age and seniority, you are more capable of obtaining the Holy Artifact than me, and..." I stopped talking.

"You want to say that not only can I get back the Jim I used to be, but I can also get two holy artifacts without much effort, right?" Mrs. Liszt looked at me with a smile, "I have no interest in the turbulent days, and I have a blood clan. The holy artifact is a mistake. Once someone is staring at it, it will be a bloody storm. I am no longer a person who loves adventure. I have lived for centuries, and I am already an old man, even if my face is still the same. Liz Jo, when your heart grows old, you will also realize that everything you once wanted is not important in the end. What you worked so hard to grab when you were young is worthless in your future heart. of."

"This is the path I chose," I replied lightly.

"Yes, it's the way you should go." Mrs. Liszt's eyes flashed with wisdom, "Tonight's dance banquet, you will meet Jim and take down two holy artifacts of the blood race in one go. With your character, Don't miss this opportunity, right?"

I laughed without saying a word, but my hand was stroking the cold pistol through the bag.

When I got out of the car, there was light rain in the sky, I wrapped my shawl tightly, and walked quickly into the venue with my bag in hand. The waiter at the door opened the door for Mrs. Liszt and me, and I saw that the place was bright, and the lights shone with golden light, like daylight.

I've never been to a dance party like this and am curious about all kinds of events, including the food. I forgot how long it's been since I ate, I try to make myself serve the cake a little, a little more gracefully, it's not a concern, I'm just worried that if I eat too much, the waist will stretch - I always do feel.

Mrs. Liszt disappeared as soon as she entered the venue. It stands to reason that her burgundy dress was particularly conspicuous. I turned around to look for her, but I bumped into someone and dumped the cake. "I'm sorry..." I hurriedly looked for a tissue.

"It's okay." The man took out a tissue and wiped the cream off the suit by himself.

I looked up at the man who was a head taller than me. What caught my eye was a charming face with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth: "Beautiful lady, are you interested in dancing together?"

"Ah..." I was at a loss for a moment, looking for Mrs. Lister out of the corner of my eye, "I'm sorry, sir, I'm looking for someone." I tried my best to keep my French language less rude and less rude.

"It's such a pity." The man frowned in disappointment and took a glass of brandy from the waiter's plate. "Which lady is the lady from?"

"I'm not a lady, my name is Andris Jo Thomas."

"Is your honor Robert Thomas?" The man was slightly surprised, probably wondering why Robert had a human daughter. Yes, the person in front of me was undoubtedly from a blood race, and there were humans at the dance party, but I was able to tell them apart very quickly. This man, with a good appearance, pale skin, slender fingers holding the wine glass, and nails as transparent as crystal. He was holding the brandy, but he didn't drink a single sip.

"Yes." I think, there is no need to hide this fact in front of a vampire.

"Can I call Miss 'Joe' below?" he asked with a smile, shaking his glass gracefully. Joe, that's what that guy called me too.

Although somewhat reluctant, I nodded.

"my pleasure!"

"Jim, so you're here!" I searched for a long time and disappeared, but now a burgundy figure that appeared out of nowhere suddenly flashed in front of me and spoke to the person across from me.

Turns out he's Jim Lister!

"Mother, I have to change my clothes. This lady accidentally poured cream on my clothes. I don't like the smell." Jim kissed Mrs. Lister's hand, "I hope you have a good night tonight. Happy." After saying that, he walked away like a ghost.

Jim disappeared around the corner, and Mrs. Lister grabbed me and asked, "Did you see his ring?"

"No... I didn't pay attention." I answered truthfully.

"Invite him to dance and make him feel good about you. You have to show your interest in the ring. Find a way to get him to take it off and show it to you, and then replace it with a fake one and return it to him!" Mrs. Liszt Throwing something into my hand, it's a ring, tactilely.

"What if he doesn't agree? Or does he ignore my request?" I spread out my hand and saw this simulated ring, which was the same as the demon soul ring on the picture of the holy artifact. It was made of pure gold and set with purple diamonds. The gentle purple light is missing.

"He will agree. At a dance banquet, as a gentleman, you can't refuse a lady's invitation. What dance will you dance?"

"Let me think - waltz and foxtrot."

Mrs. Lister told me to stay where I was and wait for Jim, while she went to Jim's place to find the war coat.

The cells in my body throbbed with excitement. The two blood saints are a big temptation for me.

As planned, when Jim came back, I invited him to dance, and he didn't refuse. He took my hand and walked onto the dance floor. The band played melodious dance tunes, and Jim led me into a waltz, my movements a little stiff but good enough for errands. I noticed that he was wearing the Demon Soul Ring on the ring finger of his right hand, and my heart trembled. It takes no effort to get it! The ring seemed to have life, and a layer of soft and ethereal light was wrapped around the diamond as if it was wrapping an important soul and treasure-like life. No one would feel the danger of it, because it is beautiful and looks harmless, and if I hadn't understood it, I would have been attracted by it, by its beautiful appearance.

"This ring is so beautiful," I said, I didn't know if it was a fake or a sincere sigh.

Jim laughed and said nothing, which made me extra nervous. Jim's smile was particularly dazzling under the bright light. He seemed to have read my heart and knew what I would say next and what my purpose was. He looked at me with that kind of eyes, with a sinister smile, as if he was examining me through an invisible magnifying glass, and the penetrating light hit me, revealing all the secrets, leaving my mind nowhere to hide.

I dare not speak anymore.

At the end of the song, we got off the dance floor and Jim brought me a glass of mulled wine. "Is the ring beautiful?" Jim asked me suddenly, reaching out to me.

"Of course." I stared at him blankly, not knowing what he was going to do.

Unexpectedly, Jim took the ring off and handed it to me: "A lot of people said they liked it."

I looked at him suspiciously, not daring to answer.

Jim shook his hand: "I wouldn't let him touch ordinary people."

I took the ring and felt warmth. However, this is unreasonable. How could Jim give the Sanguinary Artifact to others so easily? He even dared to kill his father, how could he take it so lightly? Isn't he worried that the ring will be repackaged? Could it be that he has some hidden purpose? My heart was beating wildly. In front of such a person, I didn't dare to make small moves. My intuition told me that behind his smile, there was a deep city.

I obediently returned the Demon Soul Ring, Jim put it on gracefully, and said clearly to me, "You can't take it away." Then, he took my hand and branded it on the back of his hand. With a cold kiss, "Excuse me!" Then he left as if it wasn't him who said those words just now.

"You can't take it away." These words drifted into my ears and were amplified infinitely. When he said this, Jim's smile was as enchanting as a poppy, but it bloomed just right.

I was ruthless and caught up with Jim, but he was the one who said first: "Can we talk?" Not allowing me to refuse, he took my hand and walked to the lounge.

The light in the closed room was not turned on, the scent of incense kept pouring into my nostrils, the icy temperature on my wrist receded, a chair slipped behind me, and I stumbled onto the soft cushion.

"It's a polite way of entertaining guests." I gritted my teeth and said, and was suddenly tied to the chair by the hemp rope that was stretched out secretly.

"Thank you for the compliment." Jim snapped his fingers, and the darkness was instantly replaced by faint candlelight.

"I know that you are also looking for the sacred artifact of the blood clan, and you have found two pieces. The wise lady will obediently hand over the things. Fighting and killing are not suitable for you. Look at those tender and white hands... ..." Jim's ghostly smile was revealed again.

I do not speak. One is that I have nothing to say, I can neither yield nor provoke him; the other is that I believe Madame Liszt will come to save me.

"Joe, you'll be obedient, won't you?" I saw Jim lift his hand, and a gentle purple light flickered on his fingers, blinding my eyes.

One of the abilities of the Demon Soul Ring is to control the minds of others. With that in mind, I didn't think much about it, and with my last strength, I slammed into the armrest of the chair, and before I fell unconscious, I prayed that Mrs. Liszt would come sooner.

When I woke up, I didn't know how many buckets of cold water had been poured over my body, and the terrifying temperature made me shiver very quickly.

"Are you awake?" I heard Mrs. Lister's voice.

"Li..." I opened my eyes with joy, I couldn't believe what was in front of me, Mrs. Liszt was sitting with Jim, and in front of them was the Giovanni Doomsday Sapphire Ring and Cain's left hand!

"Look, I can find them if you don't tell me. Little cutie, what should I do with you?" Jim's laugh was disgusting, at least I thought.

"Being called 'Little Cutie' by a wretched person like you makes me feel very sick!" I cursed in Chinese.

"I don't understand what you're talking about, but I like the way you're saying it." Jim forced my face to be kissed, and I spat at Jim as Rose did to her fiancé.

Jim, annoyed by the action, raised his hand and slapped my face aside, while Mrs. Lister was busy wiping her son's face with a handkerchief.

"Why did you lie to me?" I asked Mrs. Lister - oh no, I should have called her by her first name, and if the surname is respect for her, then I don't need to do that now.

"You're not smart enough, Miss Thomas, how could I possibly hurt my child?" Asher kissed her son. "Jim has always been my baby boy."

"The story you told is also fake? It's so emotional! You can go to Hollywood!" I teased with raised eyebrows.

"This is my goal for next year." She continued facing the sarcasm. "Before you die, I can tell you the truth. We do have the war coat. It was Jim who used the Demon Soul Ring to get it from the Prince of the Vandross. It was obtained in good faith. There are few war coats in existence, but the Fanzhuo royal family owns three pieces, one was destroyed in the holy war, one was sealed in the basement, and the other was fought all year round. The prince gave the one from the basement to the king himself. Jim, and destroyed the basement, the ministers thought that another battle suit was destroyed, the poor prince was taken away by the ring and kept in the dark, this should have been the perfect ending..."

"But your father, Robert Thomas, he knew where the suits went, and unfortunately, he wanted the suits too..."

Jim grabbed Ashmir's words, and then said, "Your father came to the door to grab the battle suit and killed my father!" The last sentence was squeezed between his teeth.

Kashmir sneered: "So, from the time you came to my castle, I knew the opportunity for revenge was coming."

I was a little shocked. After thinking about it, I asked in a puzzled way: "When I communicated with my father, my father didn't tell me this. Since you have a deep hatred, why does your father mention you as if you were a former friend?"

"I intercepted the letter and copied it verbatim, but I made some necessary omissions, and even the handwriting was imitated very well. Your father told you the story and told you to leave without delay. . Your reply was also intercepted. I sent it to your father, and I told him not to worry about you and told him that you had arrived in Paris."

"Where's the email? You can't possibly intercept the email too, can you?"

"Are you surprised? Isn't it easy for me? It's Liszt Castle, not Thomas Manor, and the Internet is modified by me."

The smiling man in front of me made me shudder. I felt the Swiss Army Knife and another icy object that I had been keeping in my bag, and I gradually got an idea in my mind.

"It's amazing." I wanted to try my best to buy some time for my self-rescue operation, "Now I understand why you didn't heal my wounds but only rubbed medicine, why did you leave me alone in the castle with such confidence and let me A large group of servants is staring at me. It turns out that behind every huge plan there are short-term sacrifices. But before you kill me, I hope you will ask yourself, what you are doing now, is it for revenge or the blood saints weapon? If it was revenge, you could kill me from the moment I stepped into Liszt Castle, but you didn't. If it was to get the sacred artifact of the blood race, why would you kill me again? I am a weak human, and I am an absolute thief. Don't take the holy artifact."

I pulled the saber and tried to get my hand over the rope, which took me half a minute, and then I started cutting the rope, and at the same time, Jim said, "You don't need to ask, what you care about now is, how to beg me to reduce your suffering."

"Since you don't know, I'll tell you." I ignored him and continued my last sentence on my own, "It's desire. Your goal is the sacred artifact of the blood race, but you lied to yourself to avenge your father, Otherwise, why don't you go to my father..."

"Killing you is the greatest pain given to him, and I want him to experience the pain of losing a loved one too!"

"False!" I retorted, and the movements of my hands quickened, "You are just running away. If you hadn't brought disaster into your home, how could your father have died? It is a complete mistake to have the sacred artifact of the blood race. You have the sacred artifact, There will never be peace!"

This is the truth, and even I am very emotional. I went on to say, "The Ring of Demon Soul has enhanced your desire, and even your mother has been infected..."

The rope started to loosen.

I was afraid that Jim would notice something, so I hurriedly looked at his face. At this time, his expression was a little distorted. Then, I raised his ring-wearing hand and said my final goodbye to me as he thought: "After getting the ring At that moment, I am no longer weak! There will be no future, Andris Jo Thomas."

At the moment when the purple beam burst, I jumped up from the chair, dodged the attack, quickly took out the pistol from my bag, and fired a bullet at Jim. He probably never expected me to do this. Unable to dodge, he was hit in the left chest impartially. The deterrent force of sterling silver made him lose his strength in an instant, his body also lost his balance, and he fell heavily to the ground.

Kashmir saw that his son was defeated, and before he could be surprised, he was knocked to the ground by my second bullet.

Although I have a gun, my psychological quality is not as good as that of other gun bearers. When I watched their mother and son fall, I had no idea in my heart, which made me feel a little more fearful. Fortunately, they are blood races, otherwise, I would have an uneasy conscience.

With trembling hands, I put the gun back into the bag, then went to their side and stuffed the three holy artifacts into the bag one by one. When I took off the Demon Soul Ring, Jim tried to resist, but his strength was pitiful, and he closed it in despair. Eyes closed, I thought, taking away his sacred artifact must have made him feel that life was worse than death.

I have to find the war coats before they recover and evade their pursuit. I have to admit that the Holy Artifact of the Blood Race has made my life more and more turbulent and exciting.

As I was about to go out, I heard a knock on the door.

who is it?

Enemy or friend?

I pulled out my gun again, hid it behind me, and walked gently to the door.

Before the dance party, I put three bullets in the gun, because it was too troublesome, so I didn't bring any extra. Now, there is one bullet in the gun, which is enough to defeat a vampire. If it is a human, let him leave quickly.

After thinking of a plan, I turned the doorknob, and when I looked up, I was shocked by the face that appeared outside the door.

18. Andris

"Father?!" I exclaimed.

He was wearing a black trench coat and a top hat, which made his temperament more gentlemanly, and his curly hair was exposed from under the hat, casual and loose. Robert didn't take care of himself, and I seemed to see his stubble by candlelight.

Robert walked in, glanced at the gun in my hand, looked at the fallen Liszt mother and son, and nodded with satisfaction: "I thought you would be in danger, but now it seems that you handled it very skillfully. trouble."

"Did you know they intercepted my letter?" I asked hastily.

Robert sneered: "As a father, how could I not recognize your handwriting? Even if he covered it up with your favorite Dior perfume, I still smelled disgusting." He walked over to Jim and took a sheet from his pocket. paper threw it on him, and said, "Disgusting!"


"Yes, Father, I am here," I responded hastily.

"Where's the war coat?" Robert came over and asked me, "You know what?"

"The stairs in their house are a little weird!" With Robert here, I felt the security that I haven't seen for a long time, and my thoughts poured out. After I saw Aishmir's big eyes, I was more certain of my guess, and Robert noticed it too, and he gave me a look: "Let's go!"

When we went out, the dance party was still going on. No one noticed what was going on in this small lounge. We hurriedly got in the car and went straight to the villa in Kashmir.

I knocked the butler down with the last bullet.

The magic soul ring has helped me a lot, and the butler can easily tell the secret about the stairs under its control.

"I stumbled when I went downstairs before the dance and heard a noise behind me, but the housekeeper blocked my view, which I always remember," I said to Robert.

Robert smiled: "You have learned to be smart over the years!" He lifted the floor on the second floor, and in addition to the dust, there were also steps extending to the secret room.

"Pediatrics." Robert looked contemptuous.

Ten minutes later, we got our war coats, which were a lot smoother than we thought. That night, we flew to Birmingham on Robert's private jet.

We arrived at the hotel in Birmingham at about two in the morning, and Robert gave me a room to me, then he told me he had to deal with something and left quickly.

I took out the four sacred artifacts of the blood race and looked at them for a long time, without any sleepiness.

The sun is about to rise and I'm starting to fear a new day. I'm really worried that the Holy Artifact will attract plunder and hunt again and again, but I understand that since I got the Giovanni Doomsday Ring, I've crossed into this place. abyss. I thought of what I said to Jim: Owning the Vampire Hallows means never resting!

Too bad there are too many desires in this world. As long as you can have great power, what is the loss of peace? I just want to live wildly.