
I bet you say this because you lost your ex and now I am a rebound, right?, Liz added feeling a

bit jealous. No, what my ex and I had was beautiful but she found someone new and closer to her than I am since I work here for you and Victory, Rita added still kissing Liz on the lips then since Vic still takes too long on the maids dining room, she carried Liz to the cleaning facility room. It's a small room like a closet where the cleaning tools are kept but it's a clean and tidy plus it smells good inside because of the detergents and perfume bottles that are also placed on boxes near the tools. The room is dark but I see Rita's eyes clearly and she is now touching my breasts with her hand and her other on my buttom. Rita, please, let go of me, Liz whispered while she struggled to free her from her grasp. I can't Liz, Iw ant you now, Rita still insisting to be with Liz for she can no longer contain her desire for the girl. Vic is out there and I don't want to find out that I'm here with you, stop this nonsense, I know and I understand you, but don't do this!, Liz added still struggling out of Rita's touch and tight hold. No!, Rita added and continued kissing Liz and now touching her privates thus her fingers went in deeper on Liz's soft spot. Rita pinned Liz on the cleaning room wall where the girl being taken advantage of couldn't move. Liz felt Rita pushing her inside forcefully and she couldn't stop her silent moans. Rit….Liz whispered, ahhhh!, Rita still pushed harder until Liz cummed and felt the wetness coming out of her. Liz cried and when Rita was gasping for air since she gave a moan for cumming after her, she pushed Rita forcefully away from her and opened the cleaning room door to escape out of there, not being able to take Rita's desire and disrespectful action at the moment. Liz, I am sorry!, Liz…Rita shouted and went out of the cleaning room but lost sight of the girl she made out with. Liz ran out of the dining room but bumped into Victory. Babe, what, what's wrong?

Hug me, Vic, please, Liz is crying so hard she couldn't speak. Okay, let's go what happened? Vic asked worried about Liz. Rita is seen coming out of the dining room and Vic saw her looking at them sadly, no, grieving, is the right term. Vic already knew what transpired and she will talk with Liz about it . After my girlfriend calms down, of course, Vic said to herself, kissing Liz on the head and taking her to their room. That Rita has a look on Liz that I can't really figure out. Hmm!, Vic said to herself and finally realized that look is like the same look she gives Liz every time she sees her with another guy or what. So, that's it!

Liz woke up sighing, and didn't know how many hours she slept in our cosy, warm and dimly lit room. I didn't even eat dinner. That Rita surely is a pain in the ass. She has been teasing me all this week and now this, I couldn't forgive her, not ever, again.

I saw Vic sleeping like an angel, so innocent and pretty, Liz thought and kissed her love on the lips. I got surprised when she opened her eyes and looked right through me, like she is scanning deep inside me, my heart, my soul. Did you like it?, Vic asked so sudden. What do you mean?, Liz replied confused. The kiss or whatever Rita did that made you cry when I saw you running outside the dining room? Vic asked in a serious tone.

I….loathe her and she forced me to do something I didn't want to do?, Believe me Vic, I don't' want it to happen?, Liz explained now crying. No, what I meant was, did you like what she did to you?, more than I do you?, Vic said now very insistent.

I love you Vic, it's true there's a part of me that wanted something rough, or crazy or hot, but it doesn't feel right when I am with another guy or girl for that matter. I still and will always want to do it with you. Making love to you is….!, Liz added and stopped her from talking to kiss her mouth. At first Vic was gentle, then she went deeper and now wanting, craving for Liz's response. Liz was taken aback but she wanted Vic for so long she needed this.

Vic held Liz like she never held her before, touched her girl in the neck, then the breast, navel, waist and bottom. Liz couldn't take the passionate touches that Vic did so she gave a little moan. Vic still kissed Liz when she unbuttoned her girl's shirt and then stopped for a bit to take off her shirt. Both chests are now bare and Vic then took Liz's lower pajama off. Liz is laughing and Vic is now getting all fired up seeing her naked girlfriend's body, God, babe you are so beautiful. Liz's body is so shapely that her breasts is tilted up, medium sized but her skin's so white, pale like a porcelain but smooth as silk, smelling like vanilla and roses at bloom. Her cheeks are now red with shyness since I am able to see her grandeur. Vic, please don't let me wait, I need you!, Liz said her breathing is faster anticipating Vic's love and passion. Vic then touched Liz on her soft spot and put her fingers inside and played with it. Then she lowered her body pulling Liz's soft skin towards her. Liz breathing is now shallow and harsh, moaning and groaning from Vic's touch that wen t in deeper and deeper. Then Vic kissed Liz's mouth harder and her tongue played in Liz's which made the girl drool. Vic licked Liz's saliva then her tongue went to Liz's cheek, chin, neck breast, navel, tummy while her fingers are still inside the moaning girl. Vic was quick, even while Liz's eyes are shut grasping for air from her unnerving touch and licks, she took at the drawer near their bed a rubber toy and locked it on her waist then slid it in Liz's private part very gently. Liz whose legs were already apart since Vic is in between her, felt so high she shouted, Viccccc…ahhhhhhh, ha, ha, haaaa!!, I love you Liz and no one would ever want and love you as I do, Vic whispered to Liz then she started to grind and pushed the toy in and out of Liz slowly…I lov…….tooo,, Ahhhhhh, Liz said not being able to control her urge, still waiting, antici-pating for Vic to take her to heaven. Babe, bae.....Ahhhhh, aaahaahahahahaaah…..Vic now panting too. She thrust the toy and in and out of Liz's now faster and deeper. Liz is so wet Vic felt her milk gushing out and since she knows it's time, she took out the rubber toy and positioned herself on top of Liz'sprivate part. Both of them are aroused and heated that sweat and milk are gushing out along with their soaked skins. Liz's eyes are now open and Vic laid flat on top of Liz's body and kissed her mouth. Vic pumped hard again and again on her girl's privates , and held Liz so tight as she was pressing deep in between Liz's legs that are still spread out. Liz is looking at Vic steadily, moaning and calling out her name like crazy. Vic pressed Liz's bottom towards her and pumped again and again and again until Liz's grip on Vic's back almost gave her a cut because of the tight squeeze since Liz is cumming and her cums are sweet, milky and wonderful. Vic didn't stop until Liz felt the euphoria. Vic too felt it and man it is one heck of a wild ride. I love you babe, Vic said still pressed on Liz's and Liz couldn't speak anymore but just moaned and breathed hard, harsh, panting, wailing, wanting, needing Vic, she pressed her girlfriend to feel her inside her. Ahhhhh, ahhhh, haaaaaa!!!!, both moaned hard and the fireworks exploded again and again and it was magical, passionate, wild and beautiful. Liz is still breathing hard and dazed, she hugged Vic and kissed her deep and so loved what she did to her she cried with happiness. I love you Victory, so much, I would love to do this again and again, always, with you!, Liz added still caressing Vic who is on top of her and resting on her breasts.

Wow!, that's ….I am speechless, babe, your one of kind!, Vic said catching her breath and laughing. Yup and I didn't know you had this monstrous appetite for sex! Liz said smiling but kissing Vic on the lips not passionately. Babe, please don't ever change and love me always even if I am cold or dry or snobbish, Liz uttered softly. Yes and please love me too in spite of me changing to an android and all, hehe!, Vic answered with a joke. Yes I would and I can't wait for that moment when we will be together forever and marry, Liz said happily. I know babe, but even without marriage we can still be happy and be wild like today, right!, Vic explained, Yes, we can but it's still nice to be your wife and you coming home to me as your better half, I know we're still young but I love you and I want you, no matter what!, Liz said with so much love and admiration. Yes, baby, I know, I know, okay!, Vic added smiling and kissing Liz again on the lips and went in deeper until the sun rose up the sky and spread it's heat through -out the city of New York.