Montfort Line

King Maxim died after his 10 year reign for Tunisia, the bullet that was left untouched became a tumour that killed him, and not when he was ambushed a couple of years back then met Nana and became king of Montfort. Victoria left St. Paul Vill to live with Em In the states, that is in Manhattan. Gisel married Tessa. Tessa lived many years with Gisel, however, Tessa had an accident that Gisel wasn't able to repair her body and face due to car crash incident and died. Gisel laid Tessa's body at the gardens of MV Mansion and left it to be rented by her maids and joined her daughter and granddaughter in America. Leopold also left the world when on a fishing trip with Waldo he drowned. Waldo blamed himself for that and left from Tunisia to stay with his family in England. These women had tragic experiences but came together to move on and arise from the hardships and heart aches, moulding Victory as their Queen of the Montfort royal crown and Leader of REVO. Leonardo lived with Lala on her dying days that took about 20 years after. Gisel received a message from Leonardo that Laal passed last week before Victory's birthday. Victory still doesn't know Lala, her best friend died and didn't want to ruin her celebration. Maybe after her birthday, I'll tell her. Leonardo stayed in India to save the animals there and made a sanctuary for them along with several countries where the man found solace and joy after the death of her beloved Lala. Michael continued his business and became the richest man in India but left the business management to Leonardo. Michael sought Lala's affection and sweetness and found the peace by laying her body next to the summer home he bought in Calcutta and built an orphanage to commemorate the life of his kind and loving child. He lived in his old age there and Leonardo is taking care of him until now. Leonardo couldn't make it to Victory's party but sent a gift instead, a big bike where India and Egypt of their motorbikes with brands Yamaha and BMW. The bike is black and grey with a lower seat for the girl to be able to ride it. It came with matching black power helmet with advanced digital shield and sensors and of course gloves.

Victory's birthday is about to come, and it's two days from the said big day. Everyone at REVO is busy with their responsibilities helping the world and their surprise party for Queen Victory. Victory is feeling great that turning 25 is amazing. But she is also trying to ready herself on her transformation any day now maybe before or after her birth date. She can feel her body bloat, as if her muscles on her arms are getting bigger or heavier but she didn't want her family to worry so she ignored the feelings. But her hands are really strong. The other day she tried to open a soda but instead broke the bottle and then flipped a can of juice but it went flat and the liquid came right splashing out of the container. Uppph!!,, Victory's face and shirt were full of orange juice spills she tasted herself and Liz licked her face after and laughed at her terribly hard. They were both out jogging the park near their apartment. But still continue to work at the laboratory at REVO Centre at Manhattan. Gisel, Em and Victoria's home stood right next to REVO Centre and near the lovely couple's apartment. Gisel made sure they bought the couple a gift and it was the apartment they are living in now. Their marriage is next month, Gisel and Victoria are so happy to arrange for the whole event. Em is busy working at REVO and arranging for the surprise birthday party for her girl who is now a woman and soon to be Queen, too.

Haaaa!, this is a new thing for me and I couldn't move without spilling or breaking something. It's so crazy, Victory thought to herself and told Liz about it but replied that she'll get used to it. And

maybe she would, but now, she is not at all happy with her arms like a bionic woman learning to use them for the first time. I will make sure that on my birthday I am used to my new arms and can do simple things like drinking water or juice well and not spilling them all over the guests and myself, Vic said to herself and practiced every single day to master using her hands and arms, so she did yoga and push ups, did hand stands and perfected them all. She also practiced with Liz to make sure she is able to hold stuff simply and effortlessly. Vic even mastered how she caresses Liz and touches her anywhere especially on her loves soft and delicate parts of the body. She doesn't want to hurt or break her girlfriend, not before they are even married. That would be a tragedy killing her fiancée before their marriage. How sad would that be, my goodness!?, Victory added talking to herself while on the shower room.

Liz and Vic have been very busy lately and tomorrow is the much awaited birthday of the Queen. Liz wasn't able to see her beloved for a week now since she's been scouting the streets for a perfect gift for Victory. She was designated to make the proper arrangements for Victory's birthday too, so Liz had a lot in her hands. The driver drove near REVO Centre, Liz suddenly decides to visit her girlfriend ans surprise her at the moment. It's been a while since they were able to talk about things, and she misses Vic so much she couldn't help but see her now. Liz jumped out of the car and the driver was about to ask where to put the groceries and the stuff Liz bought since she went shopping. Ralf just walked passed Liz as she smiled hurrying towards the elevator and closed it punching 11th floor, to Vic's office room at REVO Centre which is at about 24 floors in total. Ralf just shook his head and told the gasping driver to take the stuff Liz bought to their condominium at the back of the REVO Centre. Ralf advised the driver to guide him to where the unit is.

Liz came to the floor and tried to open the door. There is singing in the shower when Liz arrived and she knows it's Vic. So, Liz hurried to take off her clothes and silently went in the shower. The shower room in Vic's office is bigger than the room they had at REVO Laboratory, though the lab has three floors, it's lot is wider and has huge open spaces, since used for experiments on ships, cars, etc. Liz slid herself in the glass door of the shower and held Vic gently. Lz's arms slid to hug Vic and kissed the girl on the neck. Vic was surprised but felt it was Liz all along and held Liz tight. Hi!, Victory, missed me, huh?

Yessss!, Liz said hugging Vic tightly and as if not wanting to let go. I miss you too, so much, Vic added turning around to face Liz and kissed her on the mouth passionately. The shower splashed between the girls but didn't mind it. Both are now busy kissing each other lovingly that suddenly turned into a battle like they lost control of themselves and are found making love there. Waters drip endlessly like their love for each other. The loving couple moaned and groaned finding pleasure and comfort with one another. Vic touched Liz on the face, neck and all over her precious body. She motioned to Liz that they will leave the shower room and head to the bedroom just a couple of feet from there. Vic carried Liz to the bed and thou wet she pulled the sheet and cloaked it on the girl. But she never stopped kissing her until they reached the comfort of the bed. Babe, you're so beautiful. I love you, Vic whispered to Liz's ear while she is licking and nibbling it, then ventured down to her wet breasts that are towering in front of Vic's dazed gaze of her fiancée. I love youuuuuuu…..Liz said while calling out for Vic's name over and over again until she lost control and felt mixed emotions cumming. Ahhhhh!!!,