Victory, Queen of REVO

The virus never left, it's just controlled, tranquilized with the vaccine but never destroyed. People then learned to adapt, made cars, ships and machines that breathe on water or space. We are able to travel as far as Saturn and made an ice pool in Mars. Scientific and agricultural farming advancements are so popular that we even grew lettuce in outer space such as Mars and Saturn. Now my team at NASA with the help of REVO lab will try to grow trees there so we can inhabit these planets so humans can live there too. From now on, we learned to protect and preserve nature, climate, people and human dignity free from greed and disrespect. The pandemic made it hard to live but moulded the people to overcome the nightmare, turning it to a dream that made the impossible, possible. Miracle after miracle happened, but since nations and the world didn't give up, they fought to survive. And now we are reaping the wealth, the health, the peace, love and a beautiful, greener, nature bounty, climate friendly Earth.

Mistakes can be made right, but broken and destroyed Earth couldn't. We, the children of the future are still paying the price that YOU from the past made us to shoulder. The debts, the garbage, the pollution, the broken lands, seas, the broken promise that we are accountable, responsible to care for the world but didn't. The fate of the future could change for the better and was just at the tip of your fingers, but you were afraid to do what's right, what's essential. You took advantage of everything that came your way and lost yourself, your soul, the world, for money, beauty, fame and property. CHANGE. BE different, BE, good. BE, true and helpful. BE, confident and unafraid to do what's right and unpopular. BE, the new YOU. We are One, for, I am YOU and ME always together, for eternity.

I am Victory Wineralyn Pio Montfort, Queen and REVO Leader, dub you, Sir and Madame ___________, (state you name) keeper, defender and saviour of the PEOPLE and EARTH. Kneel and take the challenge. Are you ready to take the responsibility? ..