Reprogram 2

She kissed my lips and hugged me then went down the attic to her bed. We were sleeping on one single bed and a double decker. I smiled at Dalia but still bewildered with what she did to me. My first kiss and experience was stolen from me by a girl, and it felt so good!. I went to my bed happy. When Dalia saw Francesca is already fallen back to sleep, she slid through my comforters and laid beside me. We cuddled all through-out the night and it was the best memory I had with Dalia until she and her family needed to move to the west coast and live with their relatives in New Mexico.

I was devastated. We made a promise that when we grew older we will continue the requited love we had and get married. But I heard five years ago that Dalia got married with Thompson but after a couple of years back, they wear rumored on a divorce since Thompson was caught cheating with another woman by Francesca at a mall outside of town. It's a roller coaster ride for me and my friends with all the experiences we had to endure in our lives. But we all remained friends until now. I wonder how things are with Francesca?, I heard she still taught music with the local town's school and since she loves children she was the only one who stayed at our city, mom said that she almost got married but had a son from the drunken guy she fell in love with. "We are now approaching Sun City Station....We are now approaching Sun City...." the resounding sound echoed inside the train that I flipped over from my sleep and woke up in time for my drop off.

"Thank you for riding Sunrise Rail and come back soon!", a digital monochrome repeatedly said while I got off the train towards the receiving area. I slid my card for check in and paved my way through a small metal barrier which opened in time for me to walk in and out of it. Ahh!, milk tea, I am so thirsty, I thought to myself. I held my carry-on bag with laptop and personal stuff in it, and a small luggage with a trolley so I could just move around without the hassle of feeling the over packed one that I did earlier. Carl's Milk Tea is still In business. Hmm!, many stores here near the train station are so different from when I visited the place five years ago. Wow, it's been five years and the place looked very new and I couldn't figure out where I need to go from here. I believe that that's the bridge down the highway. Yet I'm not so sure. I looked modern, I think, my long brown and blonde shades hair is tucked up in a bun with strands of hair flowing on the side, wearing dark glasses matching my dark torned shorts and light tank top on a long sleeved with vertical prints of blue and yellow. I placed my stuff on a table near the counter and ordered for drink. I loved winter melon flavor and as I about to order, a girl passed me and hit my shoulder that caused me to almost lose my balance. But the odd and surprised girl held my back and worriedly pulled me up. Ah...sorr...huh? Marnie???, girl on a baby pink tight shirt, purple hoodie and jean shorts and sneakers asked happily.

Ye...yesss? I asked back not recognizing the girl holding me now. It's Dalia, wow!, how have you been? It's been years...

Oh, my God! Dal....Dal, it's you.....I said and then shouted hugging Dalia in amazement. Hi, I'm okay you? Ah, sorry I heard about the divorce. I hope you're fine, now!, I added giving Dalia a peck on the cheek and pulling her to sit at my table. It's okay, I am okay, so are you staying for good?, Dalia asked joyfully, not being able to contain her excitement seeing me. Well, I'll see, because I still have my work and my book to finish this year. So, it's good I bumped into you, where do I need to go from here and fetch a cab?...hehe, I added shyly and Dalia smiling at me again. We ordered winter melon and salted caramel on the go and Dalia joined me on the cab back to our home ranch. Dalia gave me a tour of my own city, haha, would you believe that there were so many changes and buildings built in my hometown than I could ever count on my fingers. But the good thing about these changes were eco-friendly structures, beaches and parks. We have learned a lot from our past mistakes that the world and the people really made sure that our future is well taken cared of and responsibly dealt with properly and carefully.

Mom, Dada and a new dog named Waffles is my family currently and they were so happy to see me after a long time since I wasn't able to visit due to my dedication at work. Dalia seems to be working at the ranch as our manager for quite some time now. She is the one handling the finances and operations of the ranch which my parents could no longer attend to. My parents seems to love Dalia's company and as if she is a long lost sister whom I know my parents would really want for me, to have a sister though Dalia and I had a different relationship when we were teen agers. I wonder if she still remembers our promise with each other. Haa!, forget about it Marnie, she's a full grown woman and very beautiful, in fact her long auburn hair and sun kissed skin that gets flustered easily is so sexy that it all compliments her tall but cute nose, big round eyes with bluish in color and lashes long as the tips of my nails. Her face is small but her lips are so kissable and her body got even sexier, her muscle toned bi ceps and abs tell that she works out. Though I too have that sexy bod, my yoga seems to help me keep my body slim and toned as long as I can remember. Yet, with all these compensate how I feel for her and her feelings towards me? I mean, is she still in love with me, as I have always been with her?

I didn't know that my parents would be leaving for Europe today and to celebrate my return, we decided to eat dinner at the fancy restaurant we always ate out to when I was younger, Billy's Steak House. Wow!, I haven't ate steak for decades, since I have deliberately practiced eating vegetables, being a vegetarian has its perks and downsides too. I craved for the steak like I was drooling over a hot girl (hehe!) Ehem!, Dalia won't be joining us? I asked, when Dalia suddenly walked in front of me wearing a sexy color purple silk dress with no sleeves, her hair curled and had a little bit of make-up that complimented her suit and persona. And here I am, still wondering earlier what I should be wearing, but decided to have it simple, a red dress with a slit on the side, my hair down with my shades dangling.

Hi!, wow you look amazing!, Dalia said and kissed my cheek, which I felt her tongue sliding near my lip, which I smiled at saying, thank you and look at you, still looking hot as always, huh! We laughed at each other and my parents greeted Dalia and ate. We laughed and chatted for hours about the past and when I was little and when my friends and I were still children. Of course Dalia and I couldn't spill out our experiences when we were in our teens for it'll ruin everything that I have worked hard for for many years, making them proud and all.

I kissed mom and Dada goodbye on their trip that they'll be out for three weeks. Mom is really emotional and didn't want to leave me alone at the ranch but Dalia assured her that she'll be taking good care of me while they're away. It made my mom calm down but she really wanted to be with me since I just came home from college. But I explained to her that I'll be staying for two months to work on my research here, so we will still have lots of time to catch up and that assurance made her smile up to the ear. And their plane left at exactly nine in the evening.

While walking out of the airport, still wearing the dress that made me uncomfortable in a while since I am used to my work jumpsuits in the laboratory, I thought and turned around to comment on Dalia's words to my mom. Take good care of me, huh, why do I feel a little scared of that p