The Mystery behind Vicky

With whom now?, Dalia asked looking at her phone and sorting her messages. Ah that girl, look over there about to walk outside the shop pointing to Vicky. Aha!, Vicky!, she is Marnie's cousin and a very feisty one, I don't think she's in your league. There's plenty more here, forget about her, Dalia added smirking and thinking how that blonde girl is snatching Marnie away from her. I am not in her league and she is now in my heart, haha!, Derrick said holding his chest repeatedly. Haha!, yeah right!, Dalia said, C'mon, need to go back to work, I have clients to attend to, Derrick, it's no use, forget it. She won't accept you, believe me!, Dalia insisted and shrugged her shoulders, leaving Derrick and walked outside of the shop. She shouted at him to stop day dreaming and hop in the car.

\ Hey, Dalia, how have you been", a tall, handsome and shy guy greeted Dalia when she was about to enter her office. Oh hi Sam!, you're here, you're brother told me he'll be on a hiking trip a to the Alps. So how was it? I thought you'll be joining him?, Dalia asked. Oh yes, I'm sorry Dalia but there has been an accident and their ride crashed the mountains after the hike. There had been too strong winds that the pilot was unable to control the private plane. I, I'm sorry!, Sam grieving. Dalia is speechless and just sat unable to think straight now that her best friend died. The funeral was quiet and private. A small group of people including Dalia's family came to the wake and until then, Dalia was quiet and reserved. She wanted to run to Marnie for support but she hesitated because Vicky is there. Her blood seems to boil every time she sees that blonde of a whore. Haa!, Dalia, take it easy, I'm here for you, you'll get over him soon. Besides he's never really going to make you happy, I know!, Derrick explained smiling at her sister and holding her hand while seated in front of the dead friend. Derrick, you meanie, what are you talking about?, Dalia stopping Derrick from mocking her friend. Shhhh, shhh, I know he's precious, right there, alright! Derrick added jokingly comforting Dalia. You really are a jerk, you know that, Dalia, smiling back at Derrick. See, you've forgotten him already, he's never worth it, hehe!. Dalia just smiled then punched her brother's shoulder to stop teasing her. Derrick was just laughing and shhhhing around so that people on the wake wouldn't be bothered.

Okay! how are you feeling, now? Marnie asked Vicky when she was injected with the serum. I feel okay, it's a bit stingy, but for the last two days, I have been sleeping well and been calm. No more of the anxieties and all. Plus I told you even before that I have been growing a heart, and it's great. I feel great!, Vicky replied and taking off her blouse. Look!

Vicky, ahhhh!!!, oh, my God, yes!, Wait, ley me feel the heartbeat, Marnie said in surprise and listened to Vicky's heart placing her ear near the girl's chest. Wow!, now, you're becoming human and no more feeding or sucking of others blood or energies, okay!, Marnie added smiling. Yup, unless you satisfy me, my love!, Vicky said teasing Marnie and moving closer to the young scientist. Without her blouse off, her bare chest and self is beautiful, smooth and tempting, but for Marnie. Vicky, I love you and yes I can be and I will be, mwah!, I reiterated and kissed Vicky on the lips and handed her blouse for her to slip back into. But Vicky insisted and stubbornly held Marnie to pin her on the wall of the living room and kissed the girl on the lips gently. Okay, just one time and let's get back to work, alright!, Marnie explained and wrapped her arms around Vicky and made love with her right then and there.

Dalia, messaged Marnie if she can talk to her and since the scientist is busy with Vicky, there's no reply. Dalia frowned but thought of a great idea and decided to surprise Marnie at the summer house. She even bought a red velvet cake to make the visit a memorable one. Hi ba..., Dalia didn't knock since she knew where the key is hidden under the plant pot in front of the door, she was the one who will be surprised seeing Marnie and Vicky wrapped in each others arms bare naked on the living room floor, laughing and smooching together.., by???

Dalia?, why?, how?, what?, Marnie asked simultaneously and remembering at the same time that she told her where the key was at when they went here many summers like 10 years ago. Dalia was speechless and in her shock she threw the cake at Vicky, then fled out of the house. Dal!!..wait, Marnie put her shirt and pants on and ran after Dalia who was crying murmuring something while she walks towards her car. Dal..please, listen to me!, Vicky isn't really my cousin, you know!, Marnie, explained. I'm sorry, I should've have told you about her and ...

Clearly...I don't think banging a cousin is your forte..., Dalia replied angrily now seated on her car. I love you Dalia, we are best friends for life and I loved you more than a friend ever since but now I love Vicky. I'm sorry!, Marnie explained carefully then held Dalia's hand and kissed it. What happened?, your eyes are swollen? Did something happened?, Marnie asked sweetly. Yup, but it's okay, he is someone I love too but I am in love with you!, Dalia answered and then looked at Marnie straight in the eyes and drove away without saying goodbye. Marnie felt really bad and called Dalia again and again to tell her to pick up the phone. I'm worried about her, what if?,

Don't worry, she'll be fine. She's a big girl now and I'm sorry that Dalia saw us in an unpleasant situation, which was amazing for me, when I'm with you though, Vicky said comforting Marnie pressing her hand on the girl's shoulder. Yeah, but it's nobody's fault, I love you. It's just that she was my dream girl, and she loves me. But maybe we outgrew each other and just lost track of our feelings for each other. The sex was great but the communication wasn't. We seldom talk, we did sex more than talk to each other. With you, I can be who I want to be or whoever I want to be, no masks, no lies and no pretentions. Thanks, she'll come round!, Marnie added kissing Vicky on the mouth and hugging her. Vicky in turn kissed Marnie's nose and forehead.

Derrick was about to go since he has been called to report at the base tomorrow morning. His bags are packed and been waiting for Dalia a couple of hours ago since she advised she'll be visiting Marnie at the summer house. Hey!, I've been waiting for about two hours, where were you?, he added almost angry. I was just drinking something at the bar, Dalia getting out of the car intoxicated. Wait, is this about your best friend dying? Well, my little sis. There would pother friends out there like Marnie, right!, Derrick explained. You don't need to be worked up or uptight about it anymore. Yup, my best friend and love is banging another girl, the blonde and all, f..k, her and f..k them, Dalia replied mad but laughing hard. I should have known the first time that there's something going on between them. Maybe I'm that insensitive, stupid me!.

Hey, Vicky and Marnie???, No wonder you told me that she will not be in to me, Derrick said in awe. Wait!, I remember her!

Who, Marnie?, Dalia said fixing herself while walking inside her home with Derrick following her. No, Vicky, I saw her picture at the base in the air force, the Navy Seal. She was one of the decorated soldier in the history of Iraq battles. But that was like 15 years ago, I wonder how old is she now or maybe dead by now, Derrick told her sister shaking his head in amazement. Yeah, she's a walking zombie then?, crazy, you should go now or you'll be late for your train. I'll be fine, I'll just sleep on it and I'll be alright tomorrow. I'll call you!, Dalia explained kissing her brother on the cheek and walked up to her room moving from side to side due to her intoxication. I'll help you and then drink this to make you feel better. There's food on the fridge, I made some omelet. I love you!, Derrick said and kissed her sister goodbye. You're so sweet you can get married anytime. The girl would be so lucky, Dalia murmured and sleeping through it. Yep, surely, and you're drunk, so I don't believe you!, Derrick smiled and laid her sister to bed, pulling the covers to hug her to sleep. He kept wondering how Vicky made it from war, it was on the news that no one survived in the bombings there.